My mother died on 21st She was hospitalized for 2months,She could not eat and drink for 2 months.She becamestroke 37 yeas ago. She could"t walk and speak for 37years, But she lived for me and for my family.She was so nice ,/She always smile to us, She always wave hand and play for us. I like my mother very much. She lived for me for more than 37yeaes, I wish her to sleep pea ecullu.
My daughter got married on 26th in Mmay. I nevernspoke about my mother after her wedding ceremony fainished, I wish her to have a happy wedding, I never talk about my mother to my relatives too.It"s very hard zfor me not to speak about my mother.She had a nice ceremony. She was very beautiful,Her husband is very nice too,
after her weddin I had to speak about her grandmother's death.She was so pity, But many pele came to my mother's funeral, Thank you very much to attend my mother's funeral.
My daughter got married on 26th in Mmay. I nevernspoke about my mother after her wedding ceremony fainished, I wish her to have a happy wedding, I never talk about my mother to my relatives too.It"s very hard zfor me not to speak about my mother.She had a nice ceremony. She was very beautiful,Her husband is very nice too,
after her weddin I had to speak about her grandmother's death.She was so pity, But many pele came to my mother's funeral, Thank you very much to attend my mother's funeral.
2018年 5月14日(月) 新世界
2018年 3月30日(金) ノアの大洪水
2014年 9月17日(水) 荒らすべき憎むべきものが
2014年 9月10日(水) メシア断たれる
2013年 7月3日(水)メシヤなるひとりの君(天皇陛下)
2013年 5月15日(水) エルサレムを建て直せという命令が・・・
So, I heard my friend for you. I didn't know your mother.
I'm sorry. I couldn't say anything that time. But, you did do best for your mother and another people.
You need some time and please you must be vigour.
Next time, you will be his or her grandmother!
take care
by KC