
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。

小学校で働くことを決意 娘区役所に合格、友達から料理教わる

2013年02月13日 | 日記
I went to Tomioka elementary school yesterday.
I decided to work there.
Elementary school looks very nice for me.
I had a very hard time in Junior high school.
To teach onece more is my revenge.
I want to think my work was very nice in future.

I met an old friend in Curves.
We started to comunicate again.
She is very nice . She was a music teacher and for handicapped stutent's teacher.
She retired more than 20 years ago. She started to be a baker.She got a licence of baker.
She wanted to start baker by using hndicapped.But...
Now she is a nice cook. I started to learn cooking from her.

My daughter could pass Ichikawa city hall and Katsusika ward.
I am very glad for her to continue her work.
I have been couscious about her work for a long time.
She can continue her same work from April.
