the answer might be changeable
gradually each of you will get experiences
and know new things
I know you have something in mind.
if you have no idea, please try to reflect more.
thinking of tempo . . . Read more
sometimes perhaps you think other job might be better for you.
you know,,,it depends.
I want to repeat Mam gives the opportunity for the youth to grow and improve themselves.
I mean, generally . . . Read more
Let's imagine,
how much do you know about your job?
what does the name stand for?
how different is this restaurant fromthe others of the same business?
this restaurant main customer is, so far, Jap . . . Read more
I want to ask you second question.
what is the mission of thin restaurant?
what does this want?
Please think of yourselves as a professional businesspeople
-now what's your thought?
what is the `m . . . Read more
In general,
what do you think does the employer expect for you?
How about the customers and co-workers?
as you know, in the world of business achieving a good result is necessary.
Being part of a . . . Read more
By the way, do you know "SLUM DUNK"
Japanese animation about basketball
in this story, teacher ANZAI, a white haired, fat old man,
told a student, Mitch
this phrais is very famous in Japan
"if you . . . Read more
In japan, when we talk about"the basic of business" we often hear this story
we think there are three advantages
for customers, sellers and community.
if we start a good business
our services or pr . . . Read more
I gave a presentation yesterday.
at first I make my draht in Japanese.
then I translate in English
and I asked my teachers to check my sentences.
...and after presantation, some member approched me . . . Read more
インターンとして働かせてもらってるレストランにて土曜、マジックショー開催。アジア開発銀行にてマニラ勤務してた前川さんって方もマジシャン。開発援助の仕方や、汚職対策をどうしていたのか、前職ではロイターの経済担当記者だったらしく、世界の要人に会っての印象を聞いた。ほんの10分くらいだけど、かなり興味深かった。ほか2人magicianいて、イベント自体も面白かった。日曜日はインターン最後の日。ビジネス思 . . . Read more