Although completion of the classic civilization in Islam was made by the Abbaid Caliphate, it was said that completed classic Islamic civilization was made religious, it was un-hierarchical and commerce developed. Although the Abbaid Caliphate declined by a budget deficit and the military man's separation-ization, for a large merchant, it might be having been in the desirable situation rather. It was because the cosmopolitan large merchant could acquire the power of moving things so that he might like if religious authority and common authority became weak.
While migration of a large merchant went to Damascus and Cairo from Baghdad and from disorder of the peace in the Abbaid Caliphate , Thurman continued supplying a slave. Islamic civilization repeated division and integration, invited the golden age to the time of the Ottoman Empire, Safavid dynasty, and the Mogul Empire soon, and was entwined by the net of the world system of the Europe civilization after that.
However, the vigor of Islamic civilization affected the turning of India civilization, and the absorption of the Mongolia Empire by Islamic civilization also had it, and it also affected local classic China civilization.
Ming chosen shutting a country, after carrying out temporary demonstration activities (cruising of Cheng Ho). Probably, Ming thought that it was impossible in national power. There was such a realistic point in the China civilization apart from an idea. National isolation of Japan was called phenomenon which was on the extension. It seems that national isolation of Japan might be materialized when China continued existing not as state which had intention to a sea but as state which have intention to an inland (the China civilization spread to Tibet, Xinjiang, and Mongolian in the time of Qing in the meantime). Anyway, although the Islamika time . And possibly a kind of world system by this Islamic civilization was before the present cosmopolitan's time. Possibly it was the time which was moving by large merchants' (an Armenian, a Jew, the people from Greece, the people from Persia (Sogdians), an Egyptian, the south Indian) trade, and possibly was the time when the world sovereign (sultan) and the sovereign (caliph) of divine right were led by it. However, in the world system of Islamic civilization, it seems that it remained in the stage of commodity production related to agricultural output. As a reason for having stopped there, it might be that there was an Islamic merchant's parasitism .
3 The easy sketch by five principles.
Before the British Industrial Revolution " social structure power:3rd principle (principle of community development)" -- " it seems that there was any innovative power rather than efficiency power:2nd principle (principle of the improvement in life)."
About Islamic civilization, it turns out that it was like the flow of a big river to which many civilizations joined, and the base of civilization has been formed of that. And probably, it was just going to differ from the China civilization or the India civilization. that commerce, information, and the network of circulation were the important points of civilization beyond farming. It seems that there was the special feature of the civilization materialized by connecting widely the agricultural zone here and there with Islamic civilization unlike the civilization materialized against the background of a vast agricultural area like China or India.
And Islamic civilization established not from systematization by blood relatives like the China civilization but from the umma (systematization by a religion community), and was systematization by Arab (rule race) at the beginning. However, the domination and relation was loose and priority was rather given to the direction of systematization by religion. The religion which justifies it developed comparatively gently. That may have suggested that the society in Islamic civilization was comparatively simple. Probably caste and religion developed intricately in India, a ceremony became complicated conversely .
Islam formed the Koran and Hadith in the time of Umayyad Caliphate, and religion was systematized. Then, when it became the Abbaid Caliphate , rule of Arab was denied and the Abbaid Caliphate approached the world of the idea of the Koran rather. The state still carried out the method of development that did not decide the indicator of faith but each sect determined the contents of faith. Although Islam generalized and carried out order of a life at large, a state did not necessarily determine the contents. Although the Islamic civilization of the time of generating was also political, it seems that there was the special feature of the civilization which had placed religion above politics. Although a life at large was generalized in such meaning, it differed from the Gupta dynasty of India where the state determined the contents. Although soul and the world had similarly separated, it differed also from the Europe civilization the contents of faith were decided by the unified church organization (Catholic)in Europe.