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Civilizations and Impressions

Islamic Civilization 6 (combination of a large landowner and a large merchant's network )

2024-12-29 04:50:23 | 論文

The Islam civilization has gotten completion of classic civilization around the 9th century. Efficiency power in the history of Islam: It seems that development of the 2nd principle (principle of the improvement in a life) probably developed into the unequal time of the Umayyad Caliphate greatly. As a result of the power, non-Arab influence gained power, Arab influence was driven out, and the Abbas dynasty was formed. Social-structure power of Abbaid Caliphate : Although it was constituted by the large merchant, the bureaucrat, and the large landowner and caliph existed as these intermediaries, the 3rd principle (principle of community development) oppressed the large merchant and the bureaucrat at the time of Haloun al Rashid, and accomplished the change. However, al Rashid's governing  finished in several years after that.


Even if we compares Islamic civilization with the China civilization and the India civilization, it might be vast, probably completion might not come, either, but it is said that it broke up outside ignited by confusion of the center of Iraq. The way of being scattered is considered that the network was used. The form also resembled India. In India, Mahayanist Buddhism spread from the southern part (Nagarjuna) to Southeast Asia (this time was not the spread of only Theravada), and spread from the northern part to China.


It was because the southern part and the northern part were the frontier areas in India, and the center of Hindustan was in another situation. In the case of India, religious (Hinduism) power was borrowed for re-unification, but in Islamic civilization, it became what was depended on the power of Mumluk (Turk slave soldier) instead of religious power in Islamic civilization.


Probably the agricultural productivity increased by the area, or decreased, and there was no telling whether commerce developed as the whole civilization area before and after the Abbaid Caliphate. As compared with China, development of agriculture and commerce collapsed Equal-field system(the So-Yo-Cho tax system) in the middle of Tang, it shifted to Liang-shui-fa, and the triangle of the large landowner, the bureaucrat, and the large merchant was soon formed in Song dynasty.


Although tax law became complicated focusing on the simple tax law from the former, Jizya, and Kharaj in Islam to it, there was no tax law in particular about commerce. For this reason, although the commercial route was extended to Russia, Central Asia, India, and Africa centering on Baghdad, it seems that the center moved from Baghdad to Cairo and Fustat, and trade area expanded it. Therefore, the social structure power of the Islamic civilization was considered the social structure power of combination of a large landowner and a large merchant's network (not being a triangle of a landowner, a merchant, and a bureaucrat like China) or caliph and a bureaucrat was relatively weak  and army was separated.


Although this phenomenon was a conclusion after Barmaki family suppression, when  saw as Islam civilization, and seeing from external civilization, the Islam civilization (from the 9th century to the 11th century) became weak on military. The India civilization was getting weak from the inside and China was also violated by the nomadic people then (Five Dynasties and Ten kingdoms period). Islamic civilization reacted to the crusade from Europe. Although the crusade was opposed harnessing a network although it was separated (Seljuq dynasty, Fatimid Caliphate), finally the Abbaid Caliphate was ruined in the Mongolia Empire extended by the same method (horse riding and merchant) as Islamic civilization.



value (caliph): being weak in Islamic civilization --  based on the 1st principle (principle of value), and commerce -- efficiency power: the 2nd principle (principle of the improvement in a life), and social structure power: the 3rd principle (principle of community development) was determined. There were two phenomena considered from that. A fast change of a production system was not produced in this organization. With commerce, concentration of capital was not rather produced. Although it had trouble in private, since the Islam civilization did not have being attacked by the powerful foreign enemy for a while, it did not need to be unified. Islamic civilization differed at the point based on commerce to civilization of China or India based on agriculture.


the weak accepted value (Islam Sunni Muslims) is kept long .  commerce has been long  efficiency power.  Europe civilization had a difference in that the 2nd principle (principle of the improvement in a life) and social structure power:3rd principle (principle of community development)" were regulated. Moreover, unlike India or China, trade was not decayed in order to maintain social structure power.

All rights reserved to M Ariake


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