
神に感謝します。私はユングであり、ユング人(派)ではありません 。「カール・ユング、ユング:伝記(ハンナ)、78ページ。


Thank God I'm Jung and not a

Jungian. “Carl Jung, Jung: A Biography (Hannah), Page 78.


ユングが「自分が "ユング派 "でなくてよかった」と言ったのは、多くの人が「独立」のプロセスを生きて体現していなかったからではないでしょうか。彼の弟子たちはそれを研究しましたが、自我は群れの中であまりにも強力に確立されています。
"神に感謝、私はユングであって、ユング派ではない。" ~カール・ユング『ユング。A Biography [Hannah], Page 78.



"考えることは難しい、だから群れに判断を委ねるのだ!" ~CGユング、CW10、パラ652。

I would suggest that the reason Jung remarked that he was glad he was not a “Jungian” is because so many were not living and embodying the process of Individuation. His students studied it but the ego is too powerfully established in the Herd.
“Thank God, I’m Jung, and not a Jungian.” ~Carl Jung, Jung: A Biography [Hannah], Page 78.
In an interview MLvF spoke of how exasperated Jung was about his pupils who didn’t ‘get it’. Jung would say; “of all those pupils I’ve trained and they are still just kindergarten…” (in other words, they still held Mass-man worldview.)
"I am not very popular with theologians or my own guild [psychologists]. It is astonishing & not astonishing." ~C.G. Jung, Letter to Fr. David, 11 Feb 1961
But at bottom he understood and accepted his "outsiderness", because he knew that his ideas expected too much of his contemporaries. ~Aniela Jaffe, Jung’s Last Years, Page 124.
“Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” ~CG Jung, CW 10, Para 652.



“I asked myself time and again why there are no men in our epoch who could see at least what I was wrestling with. I think it is not mere vanity and desire for recognition on my part, but a genuine concern for my fellow-beings. It is presumably the ancient functional relationship of the medicine-man to his tribe, the participation mystique and the essence of the physician’s ethos.
As the problem is subtle, its solution demands subtlety of mind and real experience of the mind’s functioning. After 60 solid years of field-work I may be supposed to know at least something about my job. But even the most incompetent ass knew better and I received no encouragement. On the contrary I was misunderstood or completely ignored. Under those circumstances I even grew afraid to increase the chaos of opinion by adding considerations which could not be understood.”
~CG Jung, Letters, Vol. 2, p. 589.


"著者は一人で、自分の魂の力だけで強くなっている。現代において、このようなケースはすでに並外れたものであり、特別な尊敬を必要とします。彼はいかなる宗教、教義、組織のスポークスマンでもありません。そのような人の信用を失墜させることを目的とした裏切りのある小さな表現があります。"そのような人は自分自身だけを代表している" それに対して、この場合の意味は、まさにすべての壮大さ、すべての力、すべての信憑性を伝えるものです。集団的な規範や公式のドグマ、既成の意見を代表しているだけなのに、自分自身の「代表」であると主張できる人が、今日どれだけいるでしょうか。この男一人の存在があるからこそ、私は、もし本当に一人であるならば、一人で(彼の著作を)熟考し、このメッセージに耳を傾けるよう、すべての一人の人を招待したいのです。本物の全体性は、孤独から、そして孤独の中でなければ、ここでは生まれません。ここにある「神学」は、マニュアルやテキストの歴史的な批判を通して学ぶものではなく、魂の夜と苦しみの中で、妥協することなく、臆病になることなく、放棄することなく、内的に従事する聖なる闘争の中で学ぶものなのです。

"ユングの人生を歩めば歩むほど、彼についていくのは難しくなります。大多数の人は1912年までは追いかけることができますが、タイプが出てきた1920年まで追いかけることができる人はもっと少なく、それ以降は非常に難しくなり、1950年以降はほとんどの人が忘れてしまいます...しかし、私はそれを紹介しようとしているのです" 。~エドワード・エジンガー「個人化」。エドワード・エディンガー、"Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man" you-tube video、レクチャー。


"私は神学者や自分のギルド(心理学者)にはあまり人気がありません。それは驚くべきことであり、驚くべきことではない。" ~C.G.ユング、ダヴィッド神父への手紙、1961年2月11日


"もし私が批判に耐えられなかったら、とっくに死んでいたでしょう。~ カール・G・ユング「書簡集第二巻、583・584ページ」"

"ユングの質問は、私たち全員につきまとっています--この人はどんな仕事を避けているのか?ほとんどの場合、私たちは自分の人生に対する責任を回避しているのです。" ~ジェームス・ホリス



内的体験のリスク、つまり精神の冒険は、いずれにしてもほとんどの人間にとっては異質なものです。そのような経験が心霊的なリアリティを持つかもしれないという可能性は、彼らにとって悩みの種なのです。" ~ カール・ユング『141、記憶、夢、反省』より




Henry Corbin’s description of Jung :
“The author is alone, strong with the force of his soul alone. In our times, such a case is already extraordinary and calls for a singular respect. He is not the spokesman of any religious faith, any dogma, or any institution. There is a treacherous little expression that is intended to ruin the credibility of the person at whom it is targeted: “Such a person represents only himself.” In contrast, the meaning here in this case would be precisely what conveys all the grandeur, all the force, and all the authenticity. For how many men today could claim really to be “representatives” of themselves, when they represent only collective norms, official dogmas, and ready-made opinions? It is because we are in the presence here of this man alone that I would like to invite all those alone to contemplate [his writings], to listen to this message, if really they are alone. The authentic totality cannot be born here except from the solitudes and in solitude. The ‘theology’ we have here is not learned in manuals or through the historical critique of texts, but in the night and the suffering of the soul, in the sacred struggle that is engaged innerly without compromise, without cowardice, and without abdication.”
[by psychology, Corbin goes on, Jung really always means hierology , “the science of sacred matters”.]

“The further along in Jung’s life you go the harder it is to follow him. The vast majority of people can follow him up to 1912, a smaller number can follow him up to 1920 when types came out, after that it gets very difficult, after 1950 for most people forget it… but that’s what I’m going to try to introduce you to.” ~Edward Edinger, "Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man" you-tube video, Lecture.

I had to understand that I was unable to make the people see what I am after. I am practically alone.
There are a few who understand this and that, but almost nobody sees the whole....
I have failed in my foremost task: to open people’s eyes to the fact that man has a soul and there is a buried treasure in the field and that our religion and philosophy are in a lamentable state. ~Jung, quoted by Gerhard Adler in “Aspects of Jung’s Personality,” in Psychological Perspectives 6/1 (Spring 1975), p. 14.

"I am not very popular with theologians or my own guild [psychologists]. It is astonishing & not astonishing." ~C.G. Jung, Letter to Fr. David, 11 Feb 1961

But at bottom he understood and accepted his "outsiderness", because he knew that his ideas expected too much of his contemporaries. ~Aniela Jaffe, Jung’s Last Years, Page 124.

"If I could not stand criticism I would have been dead long ago, since I have had nothing but criticism for 60 years." ~ Carl G. Jung, " Letters Vol II, Pages 583 & 584."

"Jung's question haunts us all--what task is this person avoiding? In most cases, we are avoiding responsibility for our lives." ~James Hollis

A good many will admit that self-knowledge and reflection are needed, but very few indeed will consider such necessities binding upon themselves. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 465-466

"Whenever there is a reaching down into the innermost experience, into the nucleus of personality, most people run away...

The risk of inner experience, the adventure of the Spirit, is in any case, alien to most human beings. The possibility that such an experience might have psychic reality is troubling to them." ~ Carl Jung, 141, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99 .

There are damned few who have the guts to stand up for me. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 217.


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