


2021-04-30 23:57:14 | 心理学




ベッカ・ターナス博士は、学者、アーティストであり、Archai.The Journal of Archetypal Cosmicleの編集者でもある。The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology」の編集者。カリフォルニア統合学研究所(CIIS)で哲学と宗教の博士号を取得し、「The Back of Beyond: The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C. G. Jung and J. R. R. Tolkien』と題した論文を発表。深層心理学、文学、哲学、生態学的想像力などを研究しています。パシフィカ・グラデュエート・インスティテュートとCIISで教鞭をとり、著書に『Journey to the Imaginal Realm』がある。A Reader's Guide to J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings』を執筆。ベッカは北カリフォルニアに住み、占星術によるカウンセリングを行っている。




ユングと占星術の関係」 ベッカ・タルナス博士
プレゼンテーションと質疑応答 - Zoomによるライブ中継

In recent years, new scholarship has been emerging demonstrating the essential role the discipline of astrology played in the development and practice of C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology. In 1911, Jung wrote a letter to Freud in which he said that his nights were occupied with the study of astrology, to which Freud responded that Jung would be “accused of mysticism.” Jung kept his practice of astrology relatively concealed, but based upon evidence in his own writings, as well as statements he made late in his life, Jung was drawing on astrological wisdom regularly for both personal use and with his patients. 

This presentation will demonstrate the role astrology played in Jung’s analytic practice, as well as the significant ways in which he drew on astrological symbolism in the transformative process of creating The Red Book. By understanding how astrology influenced the development of Jungian psychology—and how depth psychology has subsequently shaped modern astrology—we can see how the astrological discipline can complement, enhance, and deepen the psychotherapy practiced today.

Becca Tarnas, PhD, is a scholar, artist, and editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology. She received her doctorate in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), with her dissertation titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C. G. Jung and J. R. R. Tolkien. Her research interests include depth psychology, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She teaches at both Pacifica Graduate Institute and CIIS, and is the author of the book Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Reader’s Guide to J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Becca lives in Northern California, where she has an astrological counseling practice.

Becca Tarnas, Ph.D. 

Scholar & Astrological Counselor


Jung’s Relationship to Astrology with Becca Tarnas, Ph. D.
Saturday, May 29
Presentation and Q&A • Live via Zoom
Noon - 2pm Pacific, 3-5pm Eastern, 8-10 pm GMT
Video recording will be available to all registered attendees.



2021-04-30 23:53:34 | 心理学

言い換えれば、He who knows (he is enlightened) does not say it. 悟りを開いた)と言う者は(悟りの本当の姿を)知らない。"

~アディアシャンティ『覚醒の衝撃-解脱とは何か?- 第9章

"語る者は知らず、知る者は語らず、最高の知識は語れないからである...." ~ヘルメス・トリスメギストス(Hermes Trismegistus

アディヤンティ - 悟りに関する神話を解明する
The trouble is, as Ch'uang-tze rightly says, that the old masters failed to enlighten the world, since there weren't minds enough that could be enlightened.
There is little use in teaching wisdom.
At all events wisdom cannot be taught by words.
It is only possible by personal contact and by immediate experience.
The great and almost insurmountable difficulty consists in the question of the ways and means to induce people to make the indispensable psychological experiences that open their eyes to the underlying truth.
The truth is one and the same everywhere and I must say that Taoism is one of the most perfect formulations of it I ever became acquainted with.
Sincerely yours,
C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 559-560

As Lao Tzu said - "He who knows does not say. He who says does not know."
In other words, He who knows (he is enlightened) does not say it. He who says (he is enlightened) does not know (what enlightenment really is)."
It’s the ego that wants to make the announcement that one is enlightened… so if someone goes around stating that they are enlightened it’s the ego talking – thus they are not enlightened.
Jiddu Krishnamurti states: "As soon as anyone mentions the fact that they are enlightened, this is a sure fact that they are not".
“The development of the ego that is able to have the experience and relate to it without identifying with it. If one succeeds in that, then one becomes an initiated one, one becomes a privileged participant in a level of the psyche that isn’t generally available. One doesn’t go around spouting out that fact, because preaching about it is just an expression of the identification with it.” ~Edward Edinger - Encounters with the Greater Personality.

“True enlightenment destroys enlightenment. As long as you can refer back to yourself and say, ‘I’m enlightened,’ you’re not. Enlightenment is authentic only when there is no one left to be enlightened. Even to say ‘I am nobody’ is one too many.”
~Adyashanti, The Impact of Awakening - What is Liberation? - Chapter 9

"He who speaks, does not know, and he who knows, does not speak, for the highest knowledge is unutterable...." ~Hermes Trismegistus

​ Adyashanti - Myths About Enlightenment Clarified
I reiterate time and time again that awakening and enlightenment are not to be confused with the various types of mystical experiences that it is usually associated with, and there is a difference between mystical experience and enlightenment. They’re about the most pleasurable experience a human being can have. Usually you get a mystical experience and you merge with the rocks, consciousness expands into infinity, you figure out the reason for all creation or your kundalini explodes and you see lights and halos and mother Marys and Jesuses and Buddhas, etc. You suddenly have a moment where you suddenly understand everything you ever wanted to and the creation of the universe becomes clear to you. You’re so blissed out that you can hardly function. Could I go on and on? You’re finally able to visualize the blue pearl in your consciousness. Your heart chakra opens, your crown chakra opens… I think that’s about enough, you get the point.
So often these are associated with enlightenment. And sometimes, in some personalities they ‘can be’ by-products of awakening but more often they’re not even that. More often they are just the awakenings of human potential. That’s what most mystical experiences are, they’re just deeper experiences of the potential of human beings to have ever deeper, ever richer, ever broader experiences.
Mystical experiences are deeper experiences of the potential of human beings to have ever deeper, ever richer, ever broader, experiences. These can often be confused with awakening or enlightenment but are actually experiences of our greater potential as human beings and that’s a fine thing and it’s an interesting thing but it’s not an enlightened thing. It’s a very different thing. We can have all of these experiences and not have awakened to the fundamental truth of being. In fact most people who have had these experiences have not awakened to the fundamental truth of being. So it’s really important not to confuse mystical experiences with the realization of truth, with the realization of the underlying reality of your own being, of all beings. This also includes being open to collective energies.
What mysticism means is simply where I’m experiencing the more subtle realms of the manifest world.
 but what is important is to realize that mystical experiences are not the same as the realization of truth. They may be by-products for some people when awakening happens. Some of our latent potentials as human beings get opened up and that’s why these by-products for some people can get opened up and enlivened. And so for a lots of people some of these potentialities get brought to life and awakened and then the potentialities are mistaken that they ‘are’ awakening, and they’re not because a lot of people have a very deep and profound awakening to truth are very much awake and very much enlightened and have very little if any mystical types of experiences. Some people have a lot. So the people who don’t have them usually want them, and the people who do have them usually want more of them… as if enlightenment was an infinitely prolonged experience, of some kind, usually of a really, really good kind… and its not. Its just not what it is. So that’s one of the myths of awakening that can be very useful to dispel because we can stop wasting time and energy trying to find experiences and sustain experiences that by their very nature are going to come and go. As pleasurable as they may be, they’re going to come and go.
another myth that an enlightened person has no sense of self and an enlightened person never has thoughts. When I’m enlightened I’ll never have thoughts. Never. Enlightened people never think. Again, dysfunctional as a rock.
the only emotion that enlightened people experience are positive emotions. There’s another myth.
here’s another myth. Awakened people have a particular type of personality. I have not found that to be true.
as a human being we literally have an unlimited capacity to embody or manifest that truth of being. This is the paradox of being awake, is when you realize the reality of your own being you realize it, that’s it. There’s not going to be more or less of reality. You either realize it or you don’t and when you realize it there’s not more to realize and not less to realize, its kind of an ‘all or nothing’ bargain… and in that sense awakening is a done deal so the seeker falls away if there’s a hallmark of awakening its that the seeker falls away. That’s a great relief, no more seeker… if there’s a hallmark that’s it, no seeker. That’s why that wonderful man I talked about at the beginning of this talk, that when he saw the truth the first thing his mind could come up with is; “what am I gonna do?” that’s the death of the seeker, its like shit, I’m out of a job! And we still have human bodies, right? There’s still a human body and there’s still a human being and there is an unlimited capacity to be a clear and clearer reflection of that truth, so in that sense and on that level there’s an unending unfolding to live it, to express it. There is no end to that.
You can’t say that there is a fully enlightened human being because there’s an unlimited capacity, a continual unfolding… with the truth we realize, its an unending and unlimited unfolding… there is no end to that, to realizing the truth…
so this is important to realize, that just because you had a very deep, very true, very profound awakening doesn’t mean that you become immediately harmonious with it. In the tradition I came from in Zen we usually say that it takes somewhere between 5 and 10 years to get a good facility with this stuff and that comes from a tradition where they’re doing spirituality 24/7, 365 days a year and in an environment that is totally supportive of it… and here we are where most people have a rough and tumble time of it where most people don’t really have the knowledge or affirmation or respect for deeper truth so it can be a bit of a bumpy ride. Even when people get out of a monastery after ten years they still have a bumpy ride… so even after awakening people are in their process, in their unfolding. It takes a good amount of time… it doesn’t come immediately. And the process isn’t always pretty, there are times when its quite bloody and not quite harmonious.


"もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは個性化のプロセスから除外されます。もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは無意識のために何の役にも立ちません。偉い人はあなたに唾を吐きかけ、あなたは泥沼の中ではるかに取り残されてしまうでしょう。" ~カール・ユング『C.G.ユング、語る。インタビューと出会い』359~364ページ



The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. ~Carl Jung; MDR; Page 193.

“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.” ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364

The opus consists of three parts; insight, endurance, and action. Psychology is needed only in the first part, but in the second and third parts moral strength plays the predominant role. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 375.

“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to the passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself.”
~Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov. Chapter 2.

本来の分析、特にユングの分析は、良心に始まり良心に終わる。それは、あなたが責任を取ることであり、これまで無意識の中にとどまっていた、言い換えれば、あなたが意識していないすべての表出を考慮に入れることであり、影の資質やその他のようなそれらの表出に責任を取り始めることであり、これはあなたの良心にとって非常に強い試練となります。精神分析の始まりを考えてみると、これらの事実に直面するには膨大な量の道徳的勇気が必要でした。つまり、人間の良心の発達というのは、非常に重要なことなのです。私は、人格の発達こそが、最終的な判断を下すことができると考えています。外部の何かに依存するのではなく、この良心を育てるのは個人の功績です。それは、ユング心理学全般について安心して言えることです。良心の発達です。そしてユングは論文の中で、良心の最後の分析は元型的なものであることを明確にしています。その良心の原型とは 言い換えれば、自分自身に対する責任と世界に対する責任です。そして、その意味で、あなたは外側と同様に、自分の内側の真実とつながっているのです。一言で言えば、そういうことなのだと思います。それこそが、私たちが練習や人生で達成しようとしていることなのです。
~C.A.マイヤー、"C.A.マイヤー、ユングを偲ぶ" スザンヌ・ワグナー博士とのインタビュー、1976年

Analysis proper, and particularly Jungian analysis, begins and ends with conscience. That is that you take responsibility, that is that you take into consideration all of manifestations that so far have remained in the unconscious, in other words, that which you are not conscious of, and you start taking responsibility for those manifestations like shadow qualities and whatnot and this is a very strong test for your conscience. And you have to think of the beginning of psychoanalysis, it took an enormous amount of moral courage to face these facts, these things that have so far not been considered, or repressed and here you have to openly admit them to come to terms with. So conscience is the development of human conscience is a thing of sizeable importance, the development of the personality which I believe is the final judgment that can be made. Not that we depend on anything external but it is your personal achievement to develop this conscience. That can be safely be said about Jungian psychology in general. The development of conscience. And Jung in his paper he makes it very clear that the last analysis of conscience is something archetypal. Its an archetype of conscience. In other words, of responsibility toward yourself as well as to the world. And in that sense you are connected to your inner truth as well as to the outer. I think that is how it could be summed up really, in a few words. That’s what we’re really trying to achieve in our practice, and in our own life of course.
~C.A. Meier, “C.A. Meier, Remembering Jung” Interview with Suzanne Wagner PhD, 1976.



悲しいのは、ほとんどの仏教徒が、「正見」が非常に難しいものであるため、それを逆さまにしてしまったり、「教えを信じる」と訳してしまったり、「正しい言葉」や「正しい行動」や「正しい行為」と格闘して、いつかは「正見」にたどり着けるだろうと考えてしまったりしていることです。残りの部分はRight Viewの結果です。正しい見解がなければ、それらを正しく理解することはできません。そして、あなたが「正しい見方」を持っていれば、それらはただ起こります。もしあなたが本当に正しい見方を持っているなら、それらは起こるのです。
~Adyashanti - leaping beyond fear - WHole Satsang", Youtube at 1:48:22 min.

~アディアシャンティ、リトリートトーク2005、オーディオ「The Most Powerful Illusion」、Youtube、29.52min.

But it cannot be denied that in the course of the last two centuries Christianity, no less than Confucianism in China and Buddhism in India, has largely forfeited its educative activity. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 326

“As the Buddha said in the eightfold path… number one – Right View (Buddha nature). And then the rest follow. Right Speech, Right Conduct, etc… I would say that all the others though are based on Right View.
From Right View comes Right Speech.
From Right View comes Right Action.
From Right View comes Right Conduct.
From Right View comes Right etc, etc, etc.
The sad part is that most Buddhists turn it upside down since Right View is very difficult or its translated as ‘believing in the teachings’ or something ridiculous like that or thinking that I’ll struggle with Right Speech and Right Conduct and Right Action and I’ll get to Right View sometime… I would say that there’s no mistake that the old wise guy put Right View first (and foremost), you can’t get the rest of them right unless you have Right View. The rest is an outcome of Right View. You can’t get them right without Right View. And if you got Right View they just happen. If you really have Right View then they happen, which is really an amazing thing actually, pretty amazing thing.”
~‘Adyashanti - leaping beyond fear- WHole Satsang’, Youtube at 1:48:22 min.

“… and so the first step on the Buddha’s eightfold path was Right View. Boy its interesting how Buddhists screw that one up, they think Right View is understanding the teachings. No, Right View is waking the hell up! That’s Step One! Wake up! Get Right View, otherwise the rest doesn’t make any sense. Right speech, right conduct, right action, da-da-da da… It doesn’t make any sense without right view. You can’t possibly know right action without Right View, you can’t know right speech without Right View, you can’t know any of the rest without Right View. It’s been watered down, I don’t think Buddhists even know what Right View is but every time I talk with them it’s always like right view is one thing among lots of things… No, it’s ‘the’ thing. With no Right View the rest is useless. Its just concepts, it’s just like this, what I’m doing, without Right View, is just more talk, its just more concepts, its just another guy spouting more crap. Without Right View, it’s just more stuff to either believe in or not believe in and all that’s totally irrelevant.
It’s seeing truth for what it is.
So you can end the violence within yourself, with others, with the world.”


2021-04-30 23:49:38 | 心理学


最後の分析では、すべての人生は全体の実現、つまり自己の実現であり、そのためにこの実現は "個性化 "とも呼ぶことができる。~カール・ユング『心理学と錬金術』222ページ。

それは、キリストが神の子であるという事実にすでに表現されている。" ~カール・ユング、CW11、パラ233












Individuation means becoming an “individual,” and, in so far as “individuality” embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could therefore translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” or “self-realization.
~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 266

In the last analysis every life is the realization of a whole, that is, of a self, for which reason this realization can also be called "individuation." ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 222.

“The goal of psychological, as of biological, development is self-realization, or individuation.
But since man knows himself only as an ego, and the self, as a totality, is indescribable and indistinguishable from a God image, self-realization—to put it in religious or metaphysical terms —amounts to God’s incarnation.
That is already expressed in the fact that Christ is the son of God.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 233

The process of individuation :
"It is not enough to have become aware of the Self’s existence, it is necessary to go on living with it, of acting from this center instead of from the ego. That is where the river of time comes in our dream and with it the realization that the Self is alive and ever-changing, as well as solid and still. And both belong to the Self: our transient everyday life and the invisible luminous point which is the “face of God,” the resting pivot in all changes."
~Marie Louise Von Franz, Psyche and Matter

Even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 758

Nobody has ever been entirely liberated from the opposites, because no living being could possibly attain to such a state, as nobody escapes pain and pleasure as long as he functions physiologically. He may have occasional ecstatic experiences when he gets the intuition of a complete liberation, f.i. in reaching the state of sat-chit-ananda. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 303.

The ego receives the light from the self. Though we know of the self, yet it is not known. The ego is contained in the self as it is contained in the universe of which we know only the tiniest section. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 194

Since we cannot imagine—unless we have lost our critical faculties altogether—that mankind today has attained the highest possible degree of consciousness, there must be some potential unconscious psyche left over whose development would result in a further extension and a higher differentiation of consciousness. No one can say how great or small this “remnant” might be, for we have no means of measuring the possible range of conscious development, let alone the extent of the unconscious. ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 387

I must call your attention to the fact that I cannot possibly tell you what a man who has enjoyed complete self-realization looks like, and what becomes of him. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 474-475

When you recognize yourself, you have not necessarily recognized the Self but perhaps only an infinitesimal Part of it, though the Self has given you the light. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 195.

“The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion, it is an endless river.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti

I’m driving, yet still dangerously read through most of that.
My answer is in there when processed as a whole.
Thank you!

I think that realizing that the path to enlightenment is a journey and not a destination is of primary importance. We should never stop changing, as our full potential is practically infinite. We cannot simply accept who we are because if we are honest with ourselves and doing the inner work necessary to actualize and realize that potential, then who we are is forever changing to a greater or lesser extent. To stop changing is to stagnate, and to stagnate is to die, or to slip back into unconsciousness.

yes, its a constant process.





カール・ユング タオの経験は、いつでも起こりうる。


There must be a long preparation to be Buddha, if we do not realise this we are taking part in a holy ceremony with dirty hands. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 13Jan1939, Page 56.

There must be a long preparation to be Buddha, if we do not realise this we are taking part in a holy ceremony with dirty hands. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 13Jan1939, Page 56.
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.
~Jelaluddin Rumi, Sufi mystic, poet and scholar, (1207-1271)

Keep silence,
be mute;
if you have not yet become the tongue of God,
be an ear.

If one could arrive at the truth by learning the words of wisdom, then the world would have been saved already in the remote times of Lao-tze. ~Carl Jung, Letters Volume 1, Pages 559-560.

Carl Jung: The experience of Tao can happen at any time.
The experience of Tao can happen at any time.
If you are in the psychology of the first part of life—it is not necessarily a matter of years—if you fulfill the personal ends of your existence and it is the right moment, you may have such an experience.
For it is quite understood that a young animal still in the process of maturation is just as much a fulfillment of the totality of nature as one that is dying, who, if dying properly, is also fulfilling life because the idea of life includes death, it is a cycle.
There is the same possibility at any moment of life.
You probably experienced Tao when you were a child, when you woke up in your little bed in the morning with the sun shining into your room.
That would be an experience of Tao inasmuch as your parents had not twisted you.
But it is quite possible that your parents put dirt on your nose, and then, even as a child, you could only experience a twisted feeling.
Or you might experience it at fifteen or twenty if you fullfil your own personal and individual expectations which are then valid.
And you can experience the same when you are fading away, dying, if you do it properly, as that fulfillment which is in accordance with the laws of nature.
Just that is demanded and nothing else.
Many people have never in their whole lives felt such a natural fulfillment because they were completely twisted.
But they would experience it in the moment when they were able to liberate themselves from the twist —in that moment they would experience Tao.
~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 761

[There is little use in teaching wisdom.
At all events wisdom cannot be taught by words.
It is only possible by personal contact and by immediate experience.]
To Chang Chung-yuan

Dear Sir, 26 June 1950
I have read your pamphlet with great interest and I can tell you that I fundamentally agree with your views.
I see Taoism in the same light as you do.
I'm a great admirer of Ch'uang-tze's philosophy.
I was again immersed in the study of his writings when your letter arrived in the midst of it.
You are aware, of course, that Taoism formulates psychological principles which are of a very universal nature.
As a matter of fact, they are so all-embracing that they are, as far as they go, applicable to any part of humanity.
But on the other hand just because Taoist views are so universal, they need a re-translation and specification when it comes to the practical application of their principles.
Of course it is undeniable that general principles are of the highest importance, but it is equally important to know in every detail the way that leads to real understanding.
The danger for the Western mind consists in the mere application of words instead of facts.
What the Western mind needs is the actual experience of the facts that cannot be substituted by words.
Thus I'm chiefly concerned with the ways and methods by which one can make the Western mind aware of the psychological facts underlying the concept of Tao, if the latter can be called a concept at all.
The way you put it is in danger of remaining a mere idealism or an ideology to the Western mind.
If one could arrive at the truth by learning the words of wisdom, then the world would have been saved already in the remote times of Lao-tze.

nti, Retr


2021-04-30 23:47:15 | 心理学


We sometimes say that some people are enlightened, but do we really know what that means?



理想的な概念で意識を満たすことは、西洋神智学の特徴ですが、影や闇の世界との対決ではありません。光の姿を想像することで悟りを開くのではなく、闇を意識化することで悟りを開くのである。~カール・ユング『哲学の木』CW13「アルケミック・スタディーズ」 P.335 P.335









The inner voice is the voice of a fuller life, of a wider, more comprehensive consciousness. That is why, in mythology, the birth of the hero or the symbolic rebirth coincides with sunrise, for the growth of personality is synonymous with an increase of self-consciousness. For the same reason most heroes are characterized by solar attributes, and the moment of birth of their greater personality is known as illumination.
~CG Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of the Personality, Para 318

Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung; The Philosophical Tree; CW 13: Alchemical Studies. P.335

Paracelsus says that man has a mind in order that he may understand the truths which are made known in the Gospel, and only for this purpose. But on the other hand man has also a "lumen naturae" (a natural light), a source of knowledge hidden in nature, from which he can draw enlightenment. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture V. Page 162.

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99.

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99 .

Even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 758

One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular. ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Pages 265-266

Psychological breakdowns are actually breakthroughs to enlightenment. ~R.D. Laing

Equally, psychological enlightenment after a psychotic attack can be extraordinarily helpful in some circumstances. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 371.

You should not mix up your own enlightenment with the self-revelation of the self. When you recognize yourself, you have not necessarily recognized the self but perhaps only and infinitesimal part of it, though the self has given you the light. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 194-196



[758] 象徴的な実体の発展について私が説明したことが、人間の意識の分化のプロセスに対応していることは、おそらく読者には明らかになったでしょう。しかし、序論で示したように、問題の元型は単なる心の対象ではなく、自律的な要因、すなわち生きた主体でもあるので、意識の分化は超越的に条件付けられたダイナミズムの介入の効果として理解することができます。この場合、一次変換を行うのは原型であろう。しかし、私たちの経験では、人間の外で内観して観察できるような精神状態はないので、観察する意識の相互作用なしには、元型の行動はまったく調査できない。したがって、プロセスが意識によって開始されるのか、それとも原型によって開始されるのかという疑問には、決して答えることができない。経験に反して、原型から自律性を奪うか、意識を単なる機械にまで劣化させない限りは。私たちは、原型に一定の独立性を認め、意識にはその範囲に比例した創造的自由度を認めるならば、心理学的な経験と最もよく一致することがわかる。そうすると、相対的に自律的な2つの要素の間に相互作用が生じ、その結果、プロセスを記述・説明する際に、神が人間になったとしても、作用する主体として一方の要素を提示したり、他方の要素を提示したりせざるを得なくなる。キリスト教の解決策は、これまでキリストを唯一の神人と認めることで、この問題を回避してきました。しかし、第三の神格である聖霊が人間に宿ることにより、多くの人がキリスト化され、これらの多くの人がすべて完全な神人であるかどうかが問題となります。このような変化は、原罪から解放されていない普通の人間が即座に屈する避けられないインフレーションは言うまでもなく、彼らの間に耐え難い衝突をもたらすでしょう。このような状況では、聖パウロの分裂した意識を思い出すのがよいでしょう。一方では、自分は神に直接召され、啓発された使徒であると感じ、他方では、「肉のとげ」を抜くことも、自分を悩ます悪魔の天使を取り除くこともできない罪深い人間であると感じていたのです。つまり、悟りを開いた人間であっても、自分の中に宿り、その姿には知りうる境界線がなく、地の底のように深く、空のように広大な四方を包み込んでいる方の前では、自分の限られたエゴ以上のものではないのです。



最後の分析では、すべての人生は全体の実現、つまり自己の実現であり、そのためにこの実現は "個性化 "とも呼ぶことができる。~カール・ユング『心理学と錬金術』222ページ。
それは、キリストが神の子であるという事実にすでに表現されている。" ~カール・ユング、CW11、パラ233

[In these circumstances it is well to remind ourselves of St. Paul and his split consciousness: on one side he felt he was the apostle directly called and enlightened by God, and, on the other side, a sinful man who could not pluck out the “thorn in the flesh” and rid himself of the Satanic angel who plagued him. That is to say, even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky.]

[758] It will probably have become clear to the reader that the account I have given of the development of symbolic entities corresponds to a process of differentiation of human consciousness. But since, as I showed in the introduction, the archetypes in question are not mere objects of the mind, but are also autonomous factors, i.e., living subjects, the differentiation of consciousness can be understood as the effect of the intervention of transcendentally conditioned dynamisms. In this case it would be the archetypes that accomplish the primary transformation. But since, in our experience, there are no psychic conditions which could be observed through introspection outside the human being, the behaviour of the archetypes cannot be investigated at all without the interaction of the observing consciousness. Therefore the question as to whether the process is initiated by consciousness or by the archetype can never be answered; unless, in contradiction to experience, one either robbed the archetype of its autonomy or degraded consciousness to a mere machine. We find ourselves in best agreement with psychological experience if we concede to the archetype a definite measure of independence, and to consciousness a degree of creative freedom proportionate to its scope. There then arises that reciprocal action between two relatively autonomous factors which compels us, when describing and explaining the processes, to present sometimes the one and sometimes the other factor as the acting subject, even when God becomes man. The Christian solution has hitherto avoided this difficulty by recognizing Christ as the one and only God-man. But the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, the third Divine Person, in man, brings about a Christification of many, and the question then arises whether these many are all complete God-men. Such a transformation would lead to insufferable collisions between them, to say nothing of the unavoidable inflation to which the ordinary mortal, who is not freed from original sin, would instantly succumb. In these circumstances it is well to remind ourselves of St. Paul and his split consciousness: on one side he felt he was the apostle directly called and enlightened by God, and, on the other side, a sinful man who could not pluck out the “thorn in the flesh” and rid himself of the Satanic angel who plagued him. That is to say, even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky.
~CG Jung, CW 11, Psychology and Religion, Para 758.

There is really no definitive state or ending point of what becoming illuminated is...it is just another beginning with no real ending...at least for me...you never stop growing as far as I can tell...you may stop for a time...but due to the whole nature of the inner connected cosmos...you will find something more within yourself to keep moving on...we have an opportunity to become a creator god...

Individuation means becoming an “individual,” and, in so far as “individuality” embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could therefore translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” or “self-realization.
~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 266

In the last analysis every life is the realization of a whole, that is, of a self, for which reason this realization can also be called "individuation." ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 222.
“The goal of psychological, as of biological, development is self-realization, or individuation.
But since man knows himself only as an ego, and the self, as a totality, is indescribable and indistinguishable from a God image, self-realization—to put it in religious or metaphysical terms —amounts to God’s incarnation.
That is already expressed in the fact that Christ is the son of God.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 233











私は20代前半にユングを含むいくつかの情報源から必要なものを得て、30年ほど経ってから光を浴びるようになりました...ユングは後に実際に "訪問 "してきて、他の数人とともに私を歓迎してくれました...私は今、他の人を助けることで彼らに恩返しをしようとしています...私は今、そこにあるフロンティアを押し広げ続けています...。




The process of individuation :
"It is not enough to have become aware of the Self’s existence, it is necessary to go on living with it, of acting from this center instead of from the ego. That is where the river of time comes in our dream and with it the realization that the Self is alive and ever-changing, as well as solid and still. And both belong to the Self: our transient everyday life and the invisible luminous point which is the “face of God,” the resting pivot in all changes."
~Marie Louise Von Franz, Psyche and Matter

Even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 758

Nobody has ever been entirely liberated from the opposites, because no living being could possibly attain to such a state, as nobody escapes pain and pleasure as long as he functions physiologically. He may have occasional ecstatic experiences when he gets the intuition of a complete liberation, f.i. in reaching the state of sat-chit-ananda. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 303.

The ego receives the light from the self. Though we know of the self, yet it is not known. The ego is contained in the self as it is contained in the universe of which we know only the tiniest section. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 194

Since we cannot imagine—unless we have lost our critical faculties altogether—that mankind today has attained the highest possible degree of consciousness, there must be some potential unconscious psyche left over whose development would result in a further extension and a higher differentiation of consciousness. No one can say how great or small this “remnant” might be, for we have no means of measuring the possible range of conscious development, let alone the extent of the unconscious. ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 387

I must call your attention to the fact that I cannot possibly tell you what a man who has enjoyed complete self-realization looks like, and what becomes of him. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 474-475

When you recognize yourself, you have not necessarily recognized the Self but perhaps only an infinitesimal Part of it, though the Self has given you the light. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 195.

“The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion, it is an endless river.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti

can you describe it in your own words Andrew...I look towards the more personal viewpoints for myself now...am more interested in the stories that go along with the more personal growth..

Yes, of course I can and have done so many times here. My point is to include Jung’s language on this topic seeing as we’re participating in a Jung group and hopefully learning his work in relation to our discussions here.
Consider this, if I did not hold the experience myself how would I know which quotes are appropriate from those which are not?

I am not one would really consider as an intellectual...I took what I needed from several sources including Jung in my early twenties and after 30 years or so later became illuminated...Jung actually came in a “visitation” later and welcomed me along with a couple others...I am trying to pay them back by trying to help others now...I continue to push the frontiers out there now...

Most People Taking Language Too Seriously don't...

and what of those who capitalize each word? 

FYI: offering an elaborated description on a topic that cannot be ‘told’ (because it needs to be experienced) will typically appear as “taking language too seriously”. 
["One side of the phenomenon of consciousness is the act of knowing - ultimately as mysterious a mental function as the closely related term, consciousness. A whole branch of philosophy, epistemology, is devoted just to the problems and limits of knowledge. My approach, by this however is not philosophical but psychological-empirical, and by this method the experience of knowing can be at least descriptively elaborated."]
"The Creation of Consciousness" by Edward Edinger.



In this book Edinger quotes Jung from "Psychological Types":
By consciousness I understand the relation of psychic contents to the ego, in so far as this relation is perceived as such by the ego. Relations to the ego that are not perceived as such are unconscious. Consciousness is the function of activity which maintain the relation of psychic contents to the ego. Consciousness is not identical with the psyche because the psyche represents the totality of all psychic contents, and these are not necessarily all directly connected with the ego. i.e. related to it in such a way that they take on the quality of consciousness."
"One side of the phenomenon of consciousness is the act of knowing - ultimately as mysterious a mental function as the closely related term, consciousness. A whole branch of philosophy, epistemology, is devoted just to the problems and limits of knowledge. My approach, by this however is not philosophical but psychological-empirical, and by this method the experience of knowing can be at least descriptively elaborated."




"自分自身に忠実であること "について話すのは、自分がどの声に忠実であるかを確信するまでは意味がありません。



Yes, that’s an important indication.
Being honest with ourselves and with others is another indicator.
“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.” ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364

The opus consists of three parts; insight, endurance, and action. Psychology is needed only in the first part, but in the second and third parts moral strength plays the predominant role. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 375.

“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to the passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself.”
~Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov. Chapter 2.

Doing our inner work and shadow integration, etc, is not “seeking”… its called Individuation.
"...To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don’t disturb your mind with seeking."
~Nisargadatta Maharaj⠀

“There is no sense talking about "being true to yourself" until you are sure what voice you are being true to.
It takes hard work to differentiate the voices of the unconscious.”
~Marion Woodman

Most people confuse "self-knowledge" with knowledge of their conscious ego-personalities. Anyone who has any ego-consciousness at all takes it for granted that he knows himself. People measure their self-knowledge by what the average person in their social environment knows of himself, but not by the real psychic facts which are for the most part hidden from them. In this respect the psyche behaves like the body, of whose physiological and anatomical structure the average person knows very little too. Although he lives in it and with it, most of it is totally unknown to the layman, and special scientific knowledge is needed to acquaint consciousness with what is known of the body, not to speak of all that is not known, which also exists.
What is commonly called "self-knowledge" is therefore a very limited knowledge, most of it dependent on social factors, of what goes on in the human psyche. Hence one is always coming up against the prejudice that such and such a thing does not happen "with us" or "in our family" or among our friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, one meets with equally illusory assumptions about the alleged presence of qualities which merely serve to cover up the true facts of the case.
~CG Jung, CW 10, Paras 491, 492

“We always start with the naive assumption that we are masters in our own house.
Hence we must first accustom ourselves to the thought that, in our most intimate psychic life as well, we live in a kind of house which has doors and windows to the world, but that, although the objects or contents of this world act upon us, they do not belong to us.
For many people this hypothesis is by no means easy to conceive, just as they do not find it at all easy to understand and to accept the fact that their neighbour’s psychology is not necessarily identical with their own.” ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 329

eat Talk 2005 audio The Most Powerful Illusion, Youtube at 29.52 min.

イルミネーションの道 魂の秘密の言語を発見する

2021-04-30 19:39:39 | 心理学

イルミネーションの道 魂の秘密の言語を発見する

Discover the secret language of the soul



The state of imperfect transformation, merely hoped for and waited for, does not seem to be one of torment only, but of positive, if hidden, happiness. It is the state of someone who, in his wanderings among the mazes of his psychic transformation, comes upon a secret happiness which reconciles him to his apparent loneliness. In communing with himself he finds not deadly boredom and melancholy but an inner partner; more than that, a relationship that seems like the happiness of a secret love, or like a hidden spring-time, when the green seed sprouts from the barren earth, holding out the promise of future harvests."
(Carl Gustav Jung, Vol 14, par. 623)
Discover the secret language of your soul