

「あなたは女性には女性らしさを求め、男性には男性らしさを求めます。 したがって、常に男性と女性だけが存在します。 でも人はどこにいるの?」
アート: Rebis、錬金術の最終産物、神聖な雌雄同体、精神と物質の結合、単一の体の中に結合した男性と女性の両方の存在。 ドイツの錬金術写本、1570~1580年
“You seek the feminine in women and the masculine in men. And thus there are always only men and women. But where are people?”
CARL JUNG, The Red Book Liber Secundus
Art: Rebis, the end product of alchemy, the divine hermaphrodite, a union of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female united within a single body. German alchemical manuscript, 1570-1580

“The objectivity which I experienced in this dream and in the visions is part of a completed individuation. It signifies detachment from valuation and from what we call emotional ties. In general, emotional ties are very important to human beings. But they still contain projections, and it is essential to withdraw these projections in order to attain to oneself and to objectivity. Emotional relationships are relationships of desire, tainted by coercion and constraint; something is expected from the other person, and that makes him and ourselves unfree. Objective cognition lies hidden behind the attraction of the emotional relationship; it seems to be the central secret. Only through objective cognition is the real conuinctio possible.”
~Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, page 296

あなたは女性には女性らしさを求め、男性には男性らしさを求めます。 したがって、常に男性と女性だけ


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