いろいろなラジオ局があるので、“どの局が一番”ということは言えないのですが、自分が北米に住んでいたこともあり、ニュースやドキュメンタリーをよく放送する“CBC”や、気分転換に最適なポップミュージックを放送している音楽番組“Lite FM”が今のお気に入りです!!
“Lite FM”はこちら:http://www.1067litefm.com/main.html
How was your weekend?
I'd like to talk about my private English environment today.
If you want to "speak English or communicate in English", the first thing you have to do is to make an English environment around you.
This "making an English environment around you" is not difficult thing to do.
What you just need to do is to "turn on the internet English radio program."
Personally, when I work on my computer, I listen to the English radio program.
Actually, I'm listening to the radio right now.
There are several radio stations and programs, so it's hard to say which one is the best for you.
However, having lived in North America, I recommend "CBC", which broadcasts news program and documentary program, and also "Lite FM", which broadcasts pop music.
Here is CBC's web:http://www.cbc.ca/radio/
Here is Lite FM's web:http://www.1067litefm.com/main.html
After you listen, you might realize that there are a lot of English styles, a lot of topics, and a lot of different opinions on some topics.
Internet radio is one of the easiest way to make an English program, so please try!!
There is nothing to lose!!
いろいろなラジオ局があるので、“どの局が一番”ということは言えないのですが、自分が北米に住んでいたこともあり、ニュースやドキュメンタリーをよく放送する“CBC”や、気分転換に最適なポップミュージックを放送している音楽番組“Lite FM”が今のお気に入りです!!
“Lite FM”はこちら:http://www.1067litefm.com/main.html
How was your weekend?
I'd like to talk about my private English environment today.
If you want to "speak English or communicate in English", the first thing you have to do is to make an English environment around you.
This "making an English environment around you" is not difficult thing to do.
What you just need to do is to "turn on the internet English radio program."
Personally, when I work on my computer, I listen to the English radio program.
Actually, I'm listening to the radio right now.
There are several radio stations and programs, so it's hard to say which one is the best for you.
However, having lived in North America, I recommend "CBC", which broadcasts news program and documentary program, and also "Lite FM", which broadcasts pop music.
Here is CBC's web:http://www.cbc.ca/radio/
Here is Lite FM's web:http://www.1067litefm.com/main.html
After you listen, you might realize that there are a lot of English styles, a lot of topics, and a lot of different opinions on some topics.
Internet radio is one of the easiest way to make an English program, so please try!!
There is nothing to lose!!