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普段の生活に役に立つ題材でTOEIC Part 3用トレーニング - ジーンズは何回洗うべきか?

2010-10-12 07:48:35 | TOEICテスト対策

本日は“普段の生活に役に立つ題材でTOEIC Part 3用トレーニング - ジーンズは何回洗うべきか?”です。


本日は、下記の題材(動画)を見て、"How often do you wash your jeans in six months?"に対する答えを聞き取ってみましょう。



それでは今日の英語での一言:"Once every six month is enough to wash your jeans"

Good morning.
Today's topic is about "How often should you wash your jeans? - TOEIC Part 3 training"
As for TOEIC Part 3, it is a two-people conversation and after listening to it, choose the correct answer from the choice.
So, today's challenge is to try to find out "How often should you wash your jeans?" with the link below.
This is a bit harder than the real TOEIC test because the speakers speak naturally; however, the topic is very interesting and useful, so you won't regret to check it out!!

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