東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

百合ヶ丘でのおいしいランチと英語学校創業への準備 - ビジネスコンサルティング受講

2011-03-25 08:25:57 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning and I appreciate your visit!
Yesterday, after I finished teaching in Tokyo, I went to Yurigaoka, Kawasaki to have lunch.
The reason why I visited Yurigaoka is that there is a nice restaurant "Tamari" whose owner I met at a business seminar in Kawasaki last year
The food I had was "genshi-jin no niku, which means the meat which primitive people ate" was tasty and the coffee, the baked apple, and the mashed sweet potato I had after lunch for dessert were excellent too!!
The dishes and cups used at the restaurant are all made by the owner, so everything is unique.
When you have a chance to visit Yurigaoka, please try once!
Here is more information about “Tamari”:
After having lunch, I went to Kawasaki in order to take a business consultation with Mr. Koji Takeuchi, who is a small and medium enterprise management consultant.
There were several important tips for my English school to launch I learned from the consultation.
Some of the tips were hiring good staff members, making a more attractive advertisement, financial advice and so on.
Thanks to his help, I was able to get a better idea about the advertisement.
His blog is here:
The situation in Japan is still unpredictable, but I will do what I can do and hopefully, what I’m doing will contribute to Japan and the world.

Genshijin no niku / 原始人の肉

Baked apple / 焼きりんご


本日は“百合ヶ丘でのおいしいランチと英語学校創業への準備 - ビジネスコンサルティング受講”です。












それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's look up!"

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