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一生に一度だけ買うべき物は何?英文を読むTOEIC Part 7リーディング対策

2011-06-13 08:26:08 | TOEICテスト対策
Good morning and thank you for stopping by!
Today, let's practice reading in order to improve reading skill necessary to get a higher score.
*The previous episode of TOEIC Part 7 reading practice is here:
When I was browsing the web the other day, an intersting article caught my eyes.
The title of the article is "Products you should only buy once."
When you hear the title, what products can you think of?
Let's check them out!
Here is the link to the article of "Products you should only buy once":
How was the reading?
Was it easy to grasp the meaning?
Now, try some TOEIC Part7-style questions:
1. What do we need to do to keep a knife in good condition?
2. When buying a lether bag or briefcase, what style of bags should we get?
3. How often should we use a bag or briefcase if it becomes inexpensive?
Were you able to answer all the questions?
Here are the answers...
1. regular shapening
2. classic style
3. once or twice a week
Have you ever bought one of the products that article mentioned?


本日は“一生に一度だけ買うべき物は何?英文を読むTOEIC Part 7リーディング対策”です。

*前回の“TOEIC Part7対策のためのCanadianが読む記事 - 健康な脳のために何時間寝るのが理想?- でリーディング練習”はこちらをクリック:


記事のタイトルは“Products you should buy only once(一生に一度だけ買うべき物)”だったのですが、このタイトル“一生に一度だけ買うべき物”を聞いた時、皆様は何を思い浮かべるでしょうか?

それでは早速ですが、Yahoo Canadaで紹介されている“一生に一度だけ買うべき物”はこちらをクリック:


それではTOEIC Part7形式のリーディング問題です。

1. What do we need to do to keep a knife in good condition?
2. When buying a lether bag or briefcase, what style of bags should we get?
3. How often should we use a bag or briefcase if it becomes inexpensive?





それでは今日の英語での一言:"Reading English every day is the shortest way to get a higher TOEIC score!"

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クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します