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英語学習の入門に最適な映画 - The Never Ending Storyで英語学習を楽しもう

2011-06-16 08:20:48 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning.
Thank you for your visit to this blog!
Today, I'm going to introduce a good movie for beginners to learn English.
*The movie "Envy" I previously introduced in this blog is here:
The movie I'm going to introduce today is entitled "The Never Ending Story", which is a 1984 German and American epic fantasy film.
For me, this movie was the most interesting movie when I was a kid because I still clearly remember that the story was easy to understand and also the characters were very unique.
That's why I clearly remember watching this movie.
From an English learner's point of view, this movie is great especially for beginners.
The English used in the movie is relatively clear and the grammar used in the movie is easy.
So, it's a good movie for beginners to learn English!
If you have time this weekend, please check it out!!


本日は“英語学習の入門に最適な映画 - The Never Ending Storyで英語学習を楽しもう”です。

*前回おすすめした“ビジネス関連の英語も学べる面白いコメディ映画 Envy - 隣りのリッチマン”はこちらをクリック:

今日おすすめの映画は“The Never Ending Story(ネバーエンディングストーリー)”です。

The Never Ending Storyは1984年、ドイツ・アメリカで制作・公開されたファンタジー映画です。






それでは今日の英語での一言:"Have fun when learning English!"

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