Good morning and thank you for reading English Plus' blog!
Today, let's learn and practice some English phrases for telephone conversation.
The phrases I'm going to introduce from now on can be used not only in our daily lives but in business.
For instance, when you want to ask who the speaker is, you can say...
"Who's calling please?"
When you want to say who you want to talk to...
"I'd like to speak to (Mr./Ms.)..."
When you answer the phone and the phone is for you...
When you want the caller to wait...
"Please hold the line."
When you want to ask the caller to leave a message...
"Would you like to leave a message?"
When you want to know how to spell the caller's spelling...
"How do you spell your name?"
When you connect the caller to the person who he/she wants to talk to...
"I'll put you through to his/her office."
When you answer the wrong phone call...
"Excuse me, you've dialed the wrong number."
If you find them useful, please use some of them!

Today's lunch - Milk stew with scallop & Chinese cabbage
今日の日替わりランチプレート - ホタテと白菜のミルク煮
“Who's calling please?”
“I'd like to speak to (Mr./Ms.)...”
“Please hold the line.”
“Would you like to leave a message?”
“How do you spell your name?”
“I'll put you through to his/her office.”
“Excuse me, you've dialed the wrong number.”
今日の英語での一言:"Don't be nervous! You can do it!!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

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Today, let's learn and practice some English phrases for telephone conversation.
The phrases I'm going to introduce from now on can be used not only in our daily lives but in business.
For instance, when you want to ask who the speaker is, you can say...
"Who's calling please?"
When you want to say who you want to talk to...
"I'd like to speak to (Mr./Ms.)..."
When you answer the phone and the phone is for you...
When you want the caller to wait...
"Please hold the line."
When you want to ask the caller to leave a message...
"Would you like to leave a message?"
When you want to know how to spell the caller's spelling...
"How do you spell your name?"
When you connect the caller to the person who he/she wants to talk to...
"I'll put you through to his/her office."
When you answer the wrong phone call...
"Excuse me, you've dialed the wrong number."
If you find them useful, please use some of them!

Today's lunch - Milk stew with scallop & Chinese cabbage
今日の日替わりランチプレート - ホタテと白菜のミルク煮
“Who's calling please?”
“I'd like to speak to (Mr./Ms.)...”
“Please hold the line.”
“Would you like to leave a message?”
“How do you spell your name?”
“I'll put you through to his/her office.”
“Excuse me, you've dialed the wrong number.”
今日の英語での一言:"Don't be nervous! You can do it!!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

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If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!