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年末の話題を英語で言ってみよう ~ 大掃除から学ぶ掃除の動作に関する英語(英語編)

2013-12-20 07:18:07 | すぐに使える英語 - 英単語
Good morning and I really appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, let's learn some English from Japanese customs in December.
In Japan, there are a lot of events in Japan.
One of them is "Oosouji", which is a Japanese custom to clean up the house at the end of the year.
We clean up the whole house, so it usually takes some time.
Speaking of cleaning, there are some actions when we clean the house.
Today let's learn English vocabulary about actions when cleaning.
For instance, "Next weekend, I'm going to..."
・clean up the house / tidy up the house
・sweep the floor
・vacuum the carpet
・fill the bucket with water and wet a cloth
・wipe windows with a cloth
・clean the floor with a mop
When you clean up your room, think about what you are doing in English!
By the way, our Skill-Up course is currently available at our English school.
In this course, you can learn some basic English phrases, vocabulary and grammar to make sentences accurately and communicate more smoothly.
For more information, please check out English Plus official website: http://e-plusweb.com/page1.html

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's try to think in English in our daily lives!"

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