東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

English Plus英語講師として2013年を振り返って(英語編)

2013-12-30 08:11:36 | 英語講師の日記
Good morning and thank you for checking out English Plus blog!
Today is two days before the New Year's day!
I guess some of you are on winter break at this time of year.
Since today's almost the end of 2013, I'd like to look back on this year as an English instructor at English Plus.
A lot of things and events have happened here at English Plus this year, for instance...
・Our English school has adopted stricter English Only Policy
・Skill-Up lessons have become 6-month course & they contain a lot more listening and pronunciation lessons
・We started shooting a video of students to see their improvement
・Made a speech at Kawaski Kigyoka Juku (Kawasaki entrepreneur workshop) as an entrepreneur
・Cherry blossom viewing Party & Christmas Party were held
・English Plus Cafe started new lunch menu, such as fish dishes
Thanks to a lot of people's help, this year was wonderful!
We'll keep making efforts to provide better lessons and service at English Plus next year too!

それでは今日の英語での一言:“Thanks a lot!"

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