Good morning and thanks a lot to read English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about one of seven unique points to help students improve their English skills at our English school.
At English Plus, we're seriously thinking about our students' improvement in their English skills.
So, we're trying to do some things to help our students improve their English skills.
One of them is that at our English school, our English instructors give a lesson feedback at the end of lesson.
Either in our 45-min or 90-min lessons, students have a lot of time speaking English!
Students usually care about grammar and vocabulary when they speak, but they often make mistakes.
So, our English instructor's role is basically to check their mistakes and give them feedback at the end of lesson.
With this feedback, our students can notice what is wrong with their grammar and vocabulary by themselves!
Since this January, I've written down their mistakes in my notebook and been accumulating them to make a review test for each student.
Most of our students are happy to try this review test because they can review the lessons!
Like this lesson feedback, at English Plus we're doing some other things to help our students improve their English skills!
If you are serious about getting English skills, why don't you join us?
At English Plus Cafe, Hand-made Chestnut cake available
English Plusカフェでは今、自家製の栗のパウンドケーキあります
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“レッスンにおける生徒の方の英語力向上の7つの取り組み - その3. レッスン後のフィードバック”です。
English Plusではレッスンに通ってくださる生徒の方々の英語力向上のため、いろいろと真剣に取り組んでいます。
45分、90分、レッスンの長さを問わず、English Plusのレッスンではとにかく生徒の方々が話す時間が多いです。
その時、English Plusの英語講師の役割の1つとして生徒の方々の文法・語彙・表現・発音等の間違いをチェックして、レッスンの終わりにフィードバックを行っています。
English Plusでは生徒の方が“実際に使える英語力をつけていく”ために色々な取り組みをしていますので、ご興味ございましたらお気軽にご見学等どうぞ。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Expand your possibilities!!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Today, I'd like to write about one of seven unique points to help students improve their English skills at our English school.
At English Plus, we're seriously thinking about our students' improvement in their English skills.
So, we're trying to do some things to help our students improve their English skills.
One of them is that at our English school, our English instructors give a lesson feedback at the end of lesson.
Either in our 45-min or 90-min lessons, students have a lot of time speaking English!
Students usually care about grammar and vocabulary when they speak, but they often make mistakes.
So, our English instructor's role is basically to check their mistakes and give them feedback at the end of lesson.
With this feedback, our students can notice what is wrong with their grammar and vocabulary by themselves!
Since this January, I've written down their mistakes in my notebook and been accumulating them to make a review test for each student.
Most of our students are happy to try this review test because they can review the lessons!
Like this lesson feedback, at English Plus we're doing some other things to help our students improve their English skills!
If you are serious about getting English skills, why don't you join us?
At English Plus Cafe, Hand-made Chestnut cake available
English Plusカフェでは今、自家製の栗のパウンドケーキあります
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“レッスンにおける生徒の方の英語力向上の7つの取り組み - その3. レッスン後のフィードバック”です。
English Plusではレッスンに通ってくださる生徒の方々の英語力向上のため、いろいろと真剣に取り組んでいます。
45分、90分、レッスンの長さを問わず、English Plusのレッスンではとにかく生徒の方々が話す時間が多いです。
その時、English Plusの英語講師の役割の1つとして生徒の方々の文法・語彙・表現・発音等の間違いをチェックして、レッスンの終わりにフィードバックを行っています。
English Plusでは生徒の方が“実際に使える英語力をつけていく”ために色々な取り組みをしていますので、ご興味ございましたらお気軽にご見学等どうぞ。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Expand your possibilities!!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!