broken engrish is below.
metroでarto linzay and Fenneszのライヴを観ました。とてつもなくかっこよかったです。
フェネスはギターをPCにつないでいると思われる状態でウォール オヴ ギターサウンドを奏でていました。彼を観ているうちになんだかドイツのことを考えていました。フェネスの音楽は、ものをじっくり作る下地がある土地の人間が作ったものだと思います。凄かった!
明日はボディ& 呼吸 ワークショップです。
I went to Uzumoridai.
Uzumoridai is residential area in a very high place of Rokko.
I am very interested in a residential area.
That my parent's home was residential area, it would have affected me.
I arraived to the estate of Uzumoridai riding a city bus from Nagaminedai.
Eating lunch in Uzumoridai of a hill in the park, I spent some time looking at the SetoSea coast spread out below.
We watched the live of Arto Lindzey and Christian Fennesz in the Kyoto Metro.
Incredibly it was great live.
It was great in particular Arto Lindsay.
he is a bullshit guiter, such as the ridiculous unruly horse, was singing a bossa nova.
His strong music is amazing.
Fennesz has played a wall of guiter sound by connecting the guiter to the pc.
I was thinking somehow of that of Germany and around while I was wacthing him.
Music of Fennesz is, I think the music of the land with a carefully make cultural things. He is great!
Tommorw is WS.
Please come to look for your core. Let' s join our WS.