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ピアノとキーボード Piano and Keyboard

2012-09-14 20:40:44 | J-ゴスペル
Today we used piano and keyboard, or two keyboards for instruments. It was so wonderful!

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福島に児童養護施設を Building children's carecenter in Fukushima

2012-09-14 20:27:26 | J-ゴスペル
Today, I talked about charity live which we have being held for supporting for building children care center in Fukushima before the concert, right after that, one woman asked me about more information about that. I believe that many want to do something for helping in a stricken area.

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職員の方々も The staffer, too.

2012-09-14 20:24:19 | J-ゴスペル
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2012-09-14 20:23:33 | J-ゴスペル

This afternoon, Fukuoka J Gospel Club of the Crown of Life Fukuoka Church had a lobby concert at Fukuoka Children's hospoital.
They sang songs of "Yasuragi no uta" for about 30 minutes. The children who have been hospitalized and outpatients and their parents, doctors and nurses, and staff in the office listened. Some junior high student teared, also some nurses shed tears.
The director of the hospital and a head nurse said to us that we listen to the CD that we gave them. The concert was so blessed.We give glory back to the Lord.
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2012-09-14 10:59:08 | 今日のみことば
この者どもは心を一つにしており、自分たちの力と権威とをその獣に与えます。この者どもは小羊と戦いますが、小羊は彼らに打ち勝ちます。なぜならば、小羊は主の主、王の王だからです。また彼とともにいる者たちは、召された者、選ばれた者、忠実な者だからです。」 黙示録17章13~14節       写真はナルニア国物語
These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings;and whose who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful. Revelation 17:13-14

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カンボジアチーム Team to Cambodia

2012-09-14 10:52:25 | 海外宣教

From today, a team is sent to Cambodia.Let us pray that work of God will be progressed through this team and children of the Orphanage in Cambodia and staff and workers will be blessed.

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