
英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

A Street-side Cigarette Butt Receptacle(通りの吸い殻入れ)

Dali   I have an interesting story. What do you think of this photo of an empty can that I took a few weeks ago? (Dali shows me a photo of the empty can.) The purpose of the empty can is to serve as an ashtray for cigarette smokers who smoke on the road. So smokers put cigarette butts into this can, rather than in the street, to keep it clean. In addition, for fire safety, the can contained about an inch of water in the bottom. In the natural course of events, the water in the cigarette can becomes very dirty with cigarette butts and ashes floating.
ダリちゃん 面白い話があるんだけど。2-3週間前に撮った空の缶のこの写真どう思う? (ダリちゃんは空の缶の写真を私に見せる。)この空の缶の目的は、道でタバコを吸う人たちのための灰皿として使ってもらうためだ。それで、喫煙者たちは吸い殻を通りでなくこの缶に入れるので、通りがきれいに保てる。それに加えて、防火のためこの缶は底から1インチほどの水が入っていた。自然の成り行きとして、タバコの缶の中の水は吸い殻や灰が浮いてむちゃ汚くなる。

Me   Yes….

Dali   But the interesting point is this. As you saw, on the outside of the can is written “Kane mo OK yo (Money also welcome [translated into English]).” Coincidentally, the can was positioned on one road of my walking course with Tarou, my adorable dog.
ダリちゃん でも面白いのはこれなんだ。缶の外側に「金もオーケーよ」って書いてあったでしょ。たまたま、この缶はわしの愛犬のタロウの散歩コースに位置してたんだ。

Me   Oh, was it?

Dali   So, the next day, before leaving the house, I grabbed a handful of one-yen coins. Then I went out to walk Tarou. When I came to the can, I threw all the one-yen coins into the cigarette can. The coins sunk to the bottom of the dirty water.
ダリちゃん それで次の日、家を出る前にわしは一握りの1円玉をつかんだんだ。それからわしはタロウと散歩に出かけた。缶のところに来るとわしはそのタバコの缶の中に1円玉を全部放り込んだんだ。硬貨は汚い水の底に沈んだ。

Me   Oh, terrible!

Dali   The next day also, I walked Tarou with a handful of one-yen coins. When I came to the can, which was polished clean, I threw another handful of one-yen coins into the dirty water of the cigarette can.
ダリちゃん その次の日もまた、片手いっぱいの1円玉をもってタロウの散歩に出かけた。缶のところに来ると、缶はきれいに磨かれていた。わしはタバコの缶の汚い水の中に手の中の1円玉を放り込んだ。

Me   Oh, you did it again. Unbelievable!

Dali   The next day also, I walked Tarou, with a handful of one-yen coins. When I came to the can, which was washed again to regain its silvery appearance, I threw the handful of one-yen coins again into the cigarette can, which contained its dirty, brownish water, mixed with cigarette butts and ashes.
ダリちゃん その次の日もまた、わしは1円玉を手に一杯握りしめてタロウと散歩に出かけた。缶のところに来ると、缶は再度洗われていて元の銀色に輝いていた。缶の中にはタバコの吸い殻と灰とが混ざった茶色い汚い水が溜まっていたが、わしはまたその中に手の中の1円玉を放り込んだ。

Me   Oh, again. You horrible boy.

Dali   The next day, having become routine, I left the house with Tarou, having grabbed a handful of one-yen coins. When I came to the place, the can was gone!
ダリちゃん その次の日、もう日課になってしまったけど、わしは手に一杯の1円玉を握りしめて、タロウを連れて出かけたんだ。例の場所に着くと、缶は無くなっていた。

Me   Oh, there was no can!

Dali   I assume that the owner of the can was embarrassed to find dirty one-yen coins in his can, and washed the filthy coins distressfully, because, you know, Japanese look at money with reverence. If the owner were a typical American, he might have abandoned the can and the one-yen coins altogether. But this would not be the case with Japanese. While washing the can and one-yen coins every day, the can owner must have felt guilty for being disrespectful to money, regretting the consequences caused by his silly joke. As a result, he quit keeping the can on the street corner. 
ダリちゃん わしは、缶の持ち主は缶の中の汚れた1円玉を見つけて当惑して、悲しい思いで汚れた硬貨を洗ってたんだと思う。だって、あなたも知ってるように、日本人はお金に敬意を払ってるもん。もし、缶の持ち主が典型的なアメリカ人だったら、缶も1円玉も一緒に捨ててしまっていただろうね。でも日本人じゃそれはありえない。毎日缶と1円玉を洗いながら、缶の持ち主はお金を不敬に扱ったことに罪悪感を感じ、馬鹿な冗談をしてしまった結果をきっと悔やんでいたんだろうね。それで、彼は街角に缶を置くことをやめたんだ。

Me   I think I understand his feeling.

Dali   I am not really bad because I just obeyed the instructions. He was of course joking, but in return, I also decided to have a joke. That’s all.
ダリちゃん わしはたいして悪くない。ただ、指示に従っただけさ。彼はもちろん冗談だったんだろうけど、でも、わしもお返しにふざけただけさ。それだけ。

Key Words (キーワード)
cigarette butt: タバコの吸い殻
receptacle: 入れ物、容器
empty: 中身のない、空の
ashtray: (タバコの)灰皿
contain: (~を)(内に)含む、包含する
coincidentally: (偶然)一致して、同時に
adorable: 崇敬すべき、ほれぼれするような、かわいらしい
polish: 磨く、(~に)つやを出す
embarrass: 恥ずかしい思いをさせる、きまり悪がらせる、まごつかせる
filthy: 不潔な、汚れた、汚い
distressfully: 苦悩で
abandon: 捨てる、見捨てる、捨て去る
guilty: 有罪の、やましいところのある、(~に)やましい思いをして
disrespectful: 失礼な、無礼な、(~に)失礼で
regret: 後悔する、悔しがる、悲しむ
consequence: 結果、成り行き、(影響の)重大性
obey: 従う、服従する
intention: 意図、意向、目的
depict: 描く、描写する、叙述する
consume: 消費する、使い尽くす、食い尽くす
tacit: 暗黙の、言葉に表さない、無言の
implicit: 暗に示された、暗黙の
Comments (コメント)
I think that the can owner set the cigarette can with good intentions, wishing that the neighborhood be kept clean. He wrote the message, “Money also welcome,” thinking in his mind that it’s a witty joke. But Dali cannot get such a joke. Imagine a common situation in a restaurant in Japan, where there is a sign depicting free refills on rice, salad, or mentaiko, whatever. A sumo wrestler comes in and consumes all of the free food, saying that he just obeyed the instructions. There is certainly in Japan a tacit understanding of the implicit intention of signs or instructions.






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