2020年の EC0NOMlST の表紙を見れば、グ口ーバリスト勢力の今年の計画を知る事が出来る。
1週間ほど前、ブラジルの人里離れたSanta Filomenaという小さな村に、極小サイズの隕石がいくつも落ちてきた。
Back in March they closed all the major observatories and telescopes around the world with the excuse of pandemic ( Including those that are in remote areas like Canary Islands and mountaintops in Hawaii, and including the ones that work automatically without members of staff ). For many weeks the biggest telescopes around the world with the latest technology were completely shut down without gathering any data. Then 3 months later, the director of observatories in Hawaii ( where there are some of the biggest telescopes in the world) said in a public statement that after 3 months they were going to open the telescopes in Hawaii again which were taken out of operation and the director himself said it would be nice to have some real data again after a long time of inactivity. His statement and the interview was published on the official website of the observatory. But the director also pointed out that astronomers and other members of staff were going to start working only Part Time with new social distancing rules and measures and they have no idea when the full time science operations will resume. And today full time science operations of major observatories are STILL suspended. Keep in mind that these observatories and their telescopes are also used by students for research purposes other than professional astronomers and many students were not able to complete their research this year, because they were not able to use telescopes. And beside these multinational observatories, individual countries with the biggest astronomical community in Europe that are Italy and Spain also closed their observatories. When worldwide observational astronomy was shut down for an indefinite time back in March a series of articles were published by various reporters pointing out how the astronomical community was upset about this decision and how "this new normal" will have long term consequences in their field. Meanwhile the new James Webb space telescope (which is supposed to replace the Hubble telescope), its launch date was delayed once again few weeks ago "because of pandemic".. Beside all that, they are now trying to cover all the sky with thousands of satellites. Elon Musk's company alone want to launch 42.000 of them and they have already launched more than 550 satellites into orbit and then there are other companies waiting to launch their own. Since 2 years astronomers have been expressing their concerns about the thousands of satellites in the sky which are a big problem not only for optical telescopes (both professional and amateur) but also for radio telescopes. Just recently an astrophotographer in Canada who was trying to capture Comet Neowise and his view was disturbed by Starlink satellites, even though he was in a remote place away from all light pollution, yet he couldn't have a clear sky and he was so upset he wrote an article about it. There is an ongoing effort to end observational astronomy from Earth and no one is talking about it… Meanwhile the censorship on social media platforms is growing by the day and their gatekeepers are working hard to mislead people.