Russian, Belarusian NHL players facing 'discrimination and racism' amid conflict in Ukraine, agent says
NHL players from Russia and Belarus are facing an immense amount of harassment since the attacks on Ukraine began last week, and several of them have received de...
プーチン大統領の書簡は、モスクワの外務省が、ウクライナにおけるロシアの戦争犯罪を非難したヤイール・ラピド外相を非難し、イスラエルはパレスチナ人との紛争を隠すためにウクライナを利用していると述べた翌日、やっと届いたものである。ロシア外務省はまた、日曜日にイスラエルのAlexander Ben Zvi大使を叱責のために召喚した。
Vladimir Putin Sent an Angry Letter to Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Demanding He Hand Over Control of The Alexander Nevsky Church in Jerusalem
The Alexander Courtyard, also known as the Alexander Nevsky Church and the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, is in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City.
“Be aware: these agents of LUCIFER are PROFESSIONAL DECEIVERS. They will use TRUTH and PLAUSIBLE EVIDENCE (albeit old, usually) to back up their position. They u...