Asanikki200407 On Japan's State of Emergence Releasing Today
Today's drawing is 'Dried food fish are flying over sea IV'
This is Arai's comment,myself to Dr.DS,my old English friend and work colleague in old days.
~~~~~BBC news~~~~
Tsurezure Goto (Free Writing):
From Dr.DS, My old English Friend,
I am waiting to understand what this means in practice. In many countries, such as the UK, it seems to be legally enforceable, but in Japan I wonder whether it will almost be voluntary whether people decide to participate. Most Japanese follow societal rules and guidelines, but when I read stories like groups of Keio Medical students going to big dinners against guidance and then getting COVID-19, it makes me wonder?
Do you agree with the approach that has been taken in Japan so far?
Arai's comment;
I am sad the news how stupid doctor trainees they are. That's all.
1.Japanese government had the first prioriy is to keep the medical function.
2. the government had recognized the vaccine and medicin yet in available level at March.
3. they are silent but I suppose,has confidende, if number of infectee are gradual increasing slow and low peaks until May or June, the sate is to be kept under controlled level in management of system,
4. and under medicine of generic(for instance, Fuji film one) are medically and legitimately reach for put them to the field.
5. they take the way of Cluster seeking,which are under the assumption of easy finding and quickly enclosed to the potetial zone of cluster
6.the government does not intend to enforce and seekig mass of number test of PCR.
7. they thought unless PCR testing is able to connect smoothely with the medically meaning treatment,either to secific medicine or to vaccine, mass of testing itself at ths time is wrong. 8. Yes,rate of death which is compratively kept low at less than order of number as 100,means medical system,they thought ,under being in well managing level.
( Do you agree with the approach that has been taken in Japan so far?)
Arai's comment;
I am bascally support the strategy of government. The medical manegement break down is the most dangerous state. Of course,it is admitted under the condition;
a). expectation of affordance to medicine and vaccine.,sustantially already applied testing at field
b) people's cooperation and volunteering to support the government. David, I quess your question why the government enforce the lock-down state. I have no definite answer that people here dislike the strict enforcement of any law.
c) They, especilally at senior generations have hate to connect or lead to mood of days of Totalitarian way of before WWII. d) They, at younger generation, concern how to avoid having any state of law enforcement, and possibly and hopefully having take easy. Isn't it right?
Dear friend,give your comments what and how different is it,between UK and Japan.
Your family is very appropriate to address this matter. Thanks for your patient of reading.