Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記241011b [アーバン幻想]絵画 Stage2  Yassie exhibition”Urban Fantastics”

2024-10-11 14:49:44 | 自分史


朝日記241011b [アーバン幻想]絵画 Stage2  Yassie exhibition”Urban Fantastics”


朝日記241011  [アーバン幻想]絵画 Stage1  Yassie exhibition”Urban Fantastics”


Stage 2


homage to Henri Mattisse

power matches between mustle guys

Do not do it too much, dear fox!!

flower color collage

Spring sprouts

at memory day

temple and sprout leave

vegetabke fellows

left my heart there

rose 1

collar flowers

sweet shop coaster

a poor artist imagination 1

poor artist imagination 2


朝日記241011  [アーバン幻想]絵画 Stage1  Yassie exhibition”Urban Fantastics”

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