Yassie Araiのメッセージ


Asanikki 210107what Mr.Trump thought on high possibility of incident of rioting at the Capitol hill

2021-01-07 23:04:00 | 政治

Asanikki 210107  what Mr.Trump thought on high possibility of incident of rioting at the Capitol hill

It is getting invisible what Mr.Trump thought on high possibility of incident of rioting at the Capitol hill, and then killed of a young supporter from California. The worst case there.

 Supposedly if he were not contact of phonecall with Georgea officer , the election of run-off would have come in a result in different . And the election audit were successfully passed into implementation. But it was already in historical "if "now. Main media will rush to put all responsibility over to him.   But I do not take it in such way, and hope it will be getting clear, soon. This is a view at a moment from my site at Tokyo. I am reviewing what was really happened today. I have a look at NewYork Post and others.


盗まれた選挙としてきわめて強力に選挙結果の覆しを主張してきた。一連の訴訟のプロセスを踏まえつつ最終的には1月7日の議会両院での選挙人投票への監査動議へという段取りで進んでいた。たぶんここでも結果を覆すことには成功しなかったであろうが、国民世論の転換に成功させ2024への選挙に向けの出発になったであろうとかれら共和党の指導者たちもみていたとおもう。トランプ氏は、最後まで、この選挙での勝利に拘ったのではないであろうか。12月23日のfcの投稿で、支持者の盛り上がりを訴えた。それはきょうのような暴動につながる危険性を、もつものであることは瞬間に感じたであろう。デモ行進は基本的に容認されるものであるが、これに呼応する指導者の立場を危うくする危険性もある。それでも敢えて彼は支持者に呼び掛けたのであった。 これとジョージアの上院やり直し選挙のまさにその日に州の長官に大統領選挙人投票の再調査の電話をした。これがワシントンポストにリークした。事態はかれにとって最悪になり、上院やり直しで共和党は2議席すべて民主党に敗れたといえる。そして1月7日のお膳立てがこわれてしまったといえる。 この日の議会両院の監査動議は、一部デモ参加者の議会乱入によって、バイデン氏の当選確認の舞台に転じた。ペンス副大統領という最良の政治伴侶との決別の瞬間でもあった。

共和党支持者のアメリカ人の友人は、最後までトランプの当選の正当性を確信し成就のいのりをしていたが、ことば少なに 深い失望のことばを記していた。





ご参考 Trump call on Dec. 2

朝日記201229 トランプ大統領12月23日のステートメントと今日の絵

2020-12-29 17:57:16 | 政治


Nohplay;Fuji Taiko Let's no side again  能:富士太鼓 太平楽を打とう



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Ms.Gordon Beth,My dear friend of Colorado (Yasumasa Arai)
2021-01-10 16:42:31
from my friend of Colorado,Ms.Beth Gordon
As you know Yasumasa President Trump does not like violence of any kind and tried to stop all the rioters in Portland, Seattle and elsewhere that happened last year by offering the Democratic Governor’s of those states the help of the National Guard but the refused except I think one, think it was Kenosha but not sure. The Democrats don’t seem to mind violence.
I do hope you listened to the full content of the very long phone call to Georgia I sent you as it is not like what was printed (leaked) to paper. If not please listen. The phone call had nothing to do with what took place at White House. That trip had been planned way before that. I was invited. The Washington establishment Democrats and even some Republicans do not like Trump because he is for the people and doesn’t work with lobbyists as they do for big paybacks. Please let me know if u listened to full phone call I sent.
Thank you for above . There have been posts from people all over the world the last few days praising President Trump.
This has made me very depressed and upset . I can’t imagine Biden,Pelosi and Schumer as well as the others in control of our United States and I feel so badly for President Trump. He has worked so hard for everyone, not just United States.🙏🏻🙏🏻

