Yassie Araiのメッセージ


Asanikki 190712 The Asahi, as far as my image to them as pro-Korean, write ... and today's drawings

2019-07-12 21:55:02 | 政治

Asanikki 190712 The Asahi, as far as my image to them as  pro-Korean, write ... and today's drawings


Note of Tsurezure ;

The Asahi, as far as my image to them as  pro-Korean, write a comparative fair comment on this time's importer side trade claim. The Japanese government are going to enforceing  measure  as the matter to the shift to lower grade of importer privilge. Sinically, I have better to say that the Asahi be afraid of  harming their status as contra-Japanese,and so they are timidly taking of standing  on a stone just at the middle distance between two nations. They are aging pretending themselves as fair face looking to the public side.


(Quail's idea)



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