


2012-06-01 23:54:59 | 英語
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

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TED Lesson / Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action, Lesson1
(サイモン シネック: 優れたリーダーはどうやって行動を促すか)
1…を元気づける, 勢いづける〈 to〉
2〔感情・思想など〕を起こさせる〈 in〉

(1) How do you explain when things don’t go as we assume?
1) 物事がうまく行かなかったときに それをどう説明しますか?

assume /əˈsjuːm/ verb
1 to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it:

Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?
あるいは常識を全てひっくり返すようなことを 誰かが成し遂げたときに それをどう説明しますか?

proof;証拠 証明

For example, Why is Apple so innovative?
例えば どうしてアップルはあれほど革新的なのか?

Year after year, after year, after year, they’re more innovative than all their competition.
毎年毎年 他の競合のどこよりも 革新的であり続けています

And yet, they're just a computer company.
They're just like everyone else.

They have the same access to the same talent, the same agencies, the same consultants, the same media.
同じような人材を同じように集め 同じような代理店やコンサルタントやメディアを使っています

Then why is it that they seem to have something different?
ではなぜアップルには他と違う何かが あるように見えるのか

Why is it that Martin Luther King led the Civil Rights Movement?
なぜマーチン ルーサー キングが 市民権運動を指導できたのか

He wasn’t the only man who suffered in a pre-civil rights America, and he certainly wasn’t the only great orator of the day.
市民権運動以前のアメリカで 苦しんでいたのは彼だけではありません 彼だけが優れた演説家だったわけでもありません

Why him?

why is it that the Wright brothers were able to figure out controlled,
ライト兄弟が有人動力飛行を 実現できたのはなぜでしょう

powered man flight when there were certainly other teams who were better qualified, better funded … and they didn't achieve (powered man flight有人動力飛行),
人材を揃えて資金も潤沢な ー 他のグループでも 有人動力飛行を実現することはできず

and the Wright brothers beat them to it.
ライト兄弟に負けてしまいました (そしてライト兄弟はそれに彼らを倒す

There’s something else at play here.

(2) About three and a half years ago I made a discovery.
(2) 三年半前のことです 私は発見しました

And this discovery profoundly changed my view on how I thought the world worked,
この発見によって世界がどう動いているのか 見方がすっかり変わりました

and it even profoundly changed the way in which I operate in it.
そればかりか 世界に対する接し方も すっかり変わりました

As it turns out, there’s a pattern.
明らかになったことは あるパターンです

As it turns out, all the great and inspiring leaders and organizations in the world ― whether it’s Apple or Martin Luther King or the Wright brothers ― they all think, act and communicate the exact same way.
わかったのは 偉大で人を動かす 指導者や組織は全て アップルでも マーチン ルーサー キングでも ライト兄弟でも 考え 行動し 伝える仕方が まったく同じなのです

And it’s the complete opposite to everyone else.
そしてそのやり方は 他の人達とは正反対なのです

All I did was codify it, and it’s probably the world’s simplest idea.
私はそれを定式化しました 世界でもっとも単純なアイデアかも しれません

I call it the golden circle.


(3) Why? How? What?
(3) なぜ? どうやって? 何を?

This little idea explains why some organizations and some leaders are able to inspire where others aren’t.
この小さなアイデアで ある組織やリーダーが なぜ 他にはない力を得るのか説明できます

Let me define the terms really quickly.

Every single person, every single organization on the planet knows what they do, 100 percent.
世の中の誰にせよ どの組織にせよ 自分たちが何をしているかは わかっています 100% 誰でも

Some know how they do it, whether you call it your differentiated value proposition or your proprietary process or your USP.
どうやるかをわかっている人もいます それは差別化する価値提案とか 固有プロセスとか 独自のセールスポイントと呼ばれるかもしれません

But very, very few people or organizations know why they do what they do.
でも「なぜやっているのか」がわかっている人や組織は 非常に少ないのです

And by “why” I don’t mean “to make a profit.”

That’s a result.

It’s always a result.

By “why,” I mean: What’s your purpose?
「なぜ」というときには 目的を問うています

What’s your cause?

What’s your belief?

Why does your organization exist?

Why do you get out of bed in the morning?

And why should anyone care?

Well, as a result, the way we think, the way we act, the way we communicate is from the outside in.
実際のところ私達が考え 行動し 伝えるやり方は 外から中へです

It’s obvious.

We go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing.

But the inspired leaders and the inspired organizations

でも飛び抜けたリーダーや 飛び抜けた組織は

― regardless of their size, regardless of their industry

― all think, act and communicate from the inside out.
考え 行動し 伝える時に 中から外へと向かいます

(4) Let me give you an example.
(4) 例を示しましょう

I use Apple because they’re easy to understand and everybody gets it.

If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message from them might sound like this:
アップルが他の会社と同じだったら こんな CM を作るでしょう

“We make great computers.

They’re beautifully designed,

simple to use and user friendly.
簡単に使え ユーザフレンドリー

Want to buy one?”
ひとつ いかがですか?」

“Meh.” And that’s how most of us communicate.
いりません 我々のほとんどはこんなふうに伝えます

That’s how most marketing is done, that’s how most sales is done and that’s how most of us communicate interpersonally.
マーケティングや売り込みもそう 我々の対話のほとんどが そんなふうに行われます

We say what we do, we say how we’re different or how we’re better and we expect some sort of a behavior, a purchase, a vote, something like that.
何をして どう違いどう優れているかを述べ 相手に何か行動を期待します 購入とか 投票とか のたぐいです

Here’s our new law firm:

We have the best lawyers with the biggest clients,

we always perform for our clients who do business with us.

Here’s our new car:

It gets great gas mileage,

it has leather seats, buy our car.
シートは総革張り いかがですか?

But it’s uninspiring.

(5) Here’s how Apple actually communicates.
(5) アップルならこんな風に伝えます

“Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo.
「我々のすることはすべて 世界を変えるという信念で行っています

We believe in thinking differently.

The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly.
私たちが世界を変える手段は 美しくデザインされ 簡単に使えて 親しみやすい製品です

We just happen to make great computers.

Want to buy one?”

Totally different right?

You’re ready to buy a computer from me.

All I did was reverse the order of the information.
今したのは 情報の順番を逆にすることでした

What it proves to us is that people don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it.
これが示すのは 人は「何を」ではなく 「なぜ」に動かされるということです

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.

(6) This explains why every single person in this room is perfectly comfortable buying a computer from Apple.
(6) だからこの場にいる人はだれもが 安心してアップルから コンピュータを買っているのです

But we’re also perfectly comfortable buying an MP3 player from Apple, or a phone from Apple, or a DVR from Apple.
そしてまた MP3 プレイヤーやスマートフォンや ビデオレコーダーも 安心してアップルから買えるのです

But, as I said before, Apple’s just a computer company.
でも アップルは単なるコンピュータ会社です

There’s nothing that distinguishes them structurally from any of their competitors.
アップルと他社とで 何か仕組みが違うわけではありません

Their competitors are all equally qualified to make all of these products.

In fact, they tried.
実際 挑んだこともあります

A few years ago, Gateway came out with flat screen TVs.

They’re eminently qualified to make flat screen TVs.

They’ve been making flat screen monitors for years.

Nobody bought one.

Dell came out with MP3 players and PDAs,
デルは MP3 プレイヤーと PDA を発売しました

and they make great quality products,

and they can make perfectly well-designed products

― and nobody bought one.

In fact, talking about it now, we can’t even imagine buying an MP3 player from Dell.
実際 今となっては デルの MP3 プレイヤーを買うなんて 想像すらできませんよね

Why would you buy an MP3 player from a computer company?
コンピュータ会社の MP3 プレイヤーなんて誰が?

But we do it every day.

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.

The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have.
自分が提供するものを必要とする人と ビジネスするのではなく

The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.
自分の信じることを信じる人と ビジネスするのを 目標とすべきなのです

Here’s the best part:

(7) None of what I’m telling you is my opinion.

It’s all grounded in the tenets of biology.

Not psychology, biology.

If you look at a cross-section of the human brain, looking from the top down, what you see is the human brain is actually broken into three major components that correlate perfectly with the golden circle.

Our newest brain, our Homo sapien brain, our neocortex, corresponds with the “what” level.

The neocortex is responsible for all of our rational and analytical thought and language.

The middle two sections make up our limbic brains, and our limbic brains are responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty.

It’s also responsible for all human behavior, all decision-making, and it has no capacity for language.

(7) 私がお話していることは私の意見ではなく 全ては生物学の原理に基づいていることです 心理学ではなく生物学です ヒトの脳の断面を上から見ると 脳は3つの主要な部位に 分かれているのがわかります それはゴールデンサークルと対応しています 一番新しい ホモ サピエンスの脳は 大脳新皮質であり 「何を」のレベルに対応します 新皮質は合理的 分析的な思考と 言語とを 司ります 内側の二つは大脳辺縁系に対応し これは感情、信頼、忠誠心などを 司ります またヒトの行動を司り 全ての意思決定を行いますが 言語能力はありません

(8) In other words, when we communicate from the outside in, yes, people can understand vast amounts of complicated information like features and benefits and facts and figures. It just doesn’t drive behavior. When we can communicate from the inside out, we’re talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior, and then we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where gut decisions come from. You know, sometimes you can give somebody all the facts and figures, and they say, “I know what all the facts and details say, but it just doesn’t feel right.” Why would we use that verb, it doesn’t “feel” right? Because the part of the brain that controls decision-making doesn’t control language. And the best we can muster up is, “I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel right.” Or sometimes you say you’re leading with your heart, or you’re leading with your soul. Well, I hate to break it to you, those aren’t other body parts controlling your behavior. It’s all happening here in your limbic brain, the part of the brain that controls decision-making and not language.

(8) 言い換えれば 外から中へのコミュニケーションを行っているとき 確かに大量の複雑な情報を理解できます 機能やメリットや事実や数値などです しかし行動につながりません 中から外へのコミュニケーションを行っているときには 行動を制御する 脳の部分と直接コミュニケーションすることが出来ます 言葉や行為によって 理由付けは後からすることができます 直感的な決定はここから生まれます 時には誰かに あらゆる事実やデータを伝えても 「細かい事実は分かったけど どうも納得感が得られない」と言われることがあります どうしてここで「感」なんでしょうか 理由は脳の意思決定をする部位は 言葉を扱えないからです せいぜい「分からないけど納得 “感” がない」という言葉なのです 時には胸の内一つとか 魂の導きに従ってとも言いますが でも別に頭以外の部分で 意志決定するわけではありません すべては大脳辺縁系で起きています 辺縁系は意思決定を司り 言語は担当しません

(9) But if you don’t know why you do what you do, and people respond to why you do what you do, then how will you ever get people to vote for you, or buy something from you, or, more importantly, be loyal and want to be a part of what it is that you do.

Again, the goal is not just to sell to people who need what you have; the goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe.

The goal is not just to hire people who need a job; it’s to hire people who believe what you believe.

I always say that, you know, if you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money, but if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.

And nowhere else is there a better example of this than with the Wright brothers.

(9) 人々は 「なぜやっているのか」に反応するのに なぜやっているのか 自分でわかっていなければ 投票してもらうにせよ 何か買ってもらうにせよ みんなを引き付けられるわけがない さらには あなたがしていることに忠誠心を持って 加わりたいなどと 思わせられるわけがない 自分の商品を必要とする人に売るのではなく 自分が信じるものを信じてくれる人に売ることを目指すべきです 単に仕事を求めている人を 雇うのではなく 自分の信念を信じてくれる人を雇うことを目指すべきです 私がいつも言っていることですが 仕事ができるというだけの理由で採用した人は お金のために働くでしょう しかしあなたの信念を信じてくれる人を雇えば その人は血と汗と涙を流して働くのです このことを示す例としてライト兄弟ほど ふさわしいものは 他にありません

(10) Most people don’t know about Samuel Pierpont Langley. And back in the early 20th century, the pursuit of powered man flight was like the dot com of the day. Everybody was trying it. And Samuel Pierpont Langley had, what we assume, to be the recipe for success. I mean, even now, you ask people, “Why did your product or why did your company fail?” and people always give you the same permutation of the same three things: under-capitalized, the wrong people, bad market conditions. It’s always the same three things, so let’s explore that. Samuel Pierpont Langley was given 50,000 dollars by the War Department to figure out this flying machine. Money was no problem. He held a seat at Harvard and worked at the Smithsonian and was extremely well-connected; he knew all the big minds of the day. He hired the best minds money could find and the market conditions were fantastic. The New York Times followed him around everywhere, and everyone was rooting for Langley. Then how come we’ve never heard of Samuel Pierpont Langley?

(10) サミュエル ピエールポント ラングレーについては知らない方が多いでしょう 20世紀の初頭には 有人動力飛行の追求は 今日のドットコムのようなもので 誰もが試みていました そしてサミュエルは成功のレシピと言えるものを 備えていたのです 誰かに聞いたとしましょう 「製品や会社が失敗した理由は何ですか?」 返ってくる答えはいつも 同じ3つの項目です 資金不足 人材不足 市場環境の悪化 いつもこの3点です 詳しく見てみましょう サミュエル ピエールポント ラングレーは 5万ドルの資金を陸軍省から与えられ 飛行機械を開発していました 資金は問題無し ハーバード大に在籍し スミソニアン博物館で働いていた彼は 人脈豊富です 当時の頭脳たちと通じていました 金にものを言わせて最高の 人材を集めました 市場の環境は絶好 ニューヨークタイムズは彼を追い掛け回し みんなラングレーを応援していました ではどうして皆さんはサミュエル ラングレーのことを聞いたことが無いのでしょうか

(11) A few hundred miles away in Dayton Ohio, Orville and Wilbur Wright, they had none of what we consider to be the recipe for success. They had no money; they paid for their dream with the proceeds from their bicycle shop; not a single person on the Wright brothers’ team had a college education, not even Orville or Wilbur; and The New York Times followed them around nowhere. The difference was, Orville and Wilbur were driven by a cause, by a purpose, by a belief. They believed that if they could figure out this flying machine, it’ll change the course of the world. Samuel Pierpont Langley was different. He wanted to be rich, and he wanted to be famous. He was in pursuit of the result. He was in pursuit of the riches. And lo and behold, look what happened. The people who believed in the Wright brothers’ dream worked with them with blood and sweat and tears. The others just worked for the paycheck. And they tell stories of how every time the Wright brothers went out, they would have to take five sets of parts, because that’s how many times they would crash before they came in for supper.

(11) そこから数百マイル離れたオハイオ州デイトンにいた ライト兄弟のオーヴィルとウィルバーは 成功のレシピとは まるで無縁でした お金がなく 夢に挑む資金は自分たちの自転車店から持ち出しで ライト兄弟のチームの誰ひとりとして 大学を出てはいませんでした オーヴィルとウィルバーも違いました そしてニューヨークタイムズに追いかけ回されたりもしません 違っていたことは オーヴィルとウィルバーが大義と 理想と信念に動かされていたということです 彼らはもしこの飛行機械を 作り上げることができたら それは世界を変えることになると信じていました サミュエル ラングレーは違っていました 彼が求めていたのは富と名声です それによって得られるものが目的であり 富を追求していたのです そして どうなったのでしょうか ライト兄弟の夢を信じた人々は 血と汗と涙を流して共に働きました もう一方のチームはただ給与のために働きます ライト兄弟は外へテストに出かけるたびに 部品は5セットずつ持って行ったと言います 夕食に帰るまでには 5回ぐらい 壊れるようなものだったからです

(12) And, eventually, on December 17th, 1903, the Wright brothers took flight, and no one was there to even experience it. We found out about it a few days later. And further proof that Langley was motivated by the wrong thing: The day the Wright brothers took flight, he quit. He could have said, “That’s an amazing discovery, guys, and I will improve upon your technology,” but he didn’t. He wasn’t first, he didn’t get rich, he didn’t get famous so he quit.

(12) そしてついに 1903 年の12月17日のこと ライト兄弟は初飛行に成功 それをその場で目撃した者もいませんでした そのことが広く伝えられたのは数日経った後です そしてラングレーの動機が適切でなかった ことを示すさらなる証拠には ライト兄弟が飛行した日に 彼は諦めたのです 彼はこうも言えたはずでした 「連中はよくやった 我々の手でもっと改良してやろうじゃないか」 でもそうはせず 一番になれず 金持ちになれず 有名にもなれなかったので 彼は諦めました


to be continued to the lesson2. Lesson2 text is here.

Let’s talk about the article base on the questions below.

Viewpoints or discussion

Why do most Japanese buy Apple Products?
Do you know the purpose of what you are doing now? If so, why do you do what you are doing?
Do you have any particular living person or leader in our country who inspires you? Why do you consider them inspiring?
状態変化のget 形容詞
It is getting cold gradually.

状態変化のget 形容詞のポイント
be 形容詞は「形容詞の状態だ」を表します。
なので、it is coldだと「寒い」と今の状態しか表しません。
「~になる」と状態の変化を表す場合はget 形容詞で決まり。
進行形にし、It is getting coldとします。
It gets cold around this season every year.

nifty 翻訳
To get can replace the verb to become if it is used with a particular adjective.


Me date Sue? She's sort of tall for me.
ぼくがスーとデートする? 彼女,ぼくにはちょっと背が高いな。

"Let's walk to the movies." "It's sorta far to walk, isn't it?"

The ship sort of tilted then righted itself again.

She sort of smiled but didn't reply.

"Do you like mutton?" "Sort of. But I prefer beef."





When I saw my ex-boyfriend come in, I sort of got up and walked out.

"You were supposed to study! What did you do?" "I sort of watched TV for a while."
「あなたは勉強しなくちゃいけなかったんでしょ! 何やってたの?」「少しの間,テレビを見てたっていうか…」。

"What did you do to Bobby?" "I hit him and sorta broke his nose."

は と が の違い
that's it
that's all
what's matter
have to
as soon as possible
put on
News English
grow up to be
冠詞の a
don't like to
don't want to
keep a diary
write in a diary
be going to
how should?
a lot of
a little
call on
for Osaka
to go to
in order not to
It の用法
There is/areの問題
several times
how are you
that's about it
接続詞 thatを省略
thank you for
this is it
which one
shall we
I am happy to..
right away
one of the best
the がないとおかしい
one day
some day
not always
not every
out of question
I hope
make sure
can help
Not very much
Not really
Is that so
kind(sort) of
that's too bad
is gone

上智大学 科学英語

I am writing in connection with you....
I am writing to inquire about it...

I am interested in...and would like to know
Thank you for your letter of asking if
Thank you for your letter of concerning if


Writing in English - How to Start Any Letter


Jonathan wants to run, let him come out and announce that to Nigerians.
whether this commissioner is authorized to announce such remarks to the public or not.
The man is going to announce and his godfathers have announced that he is
Mr. Obama is also hoping to announce progress on the long-stalled U.S.-South Korea
Wednesday used his Face book site to publicly announce his candidacy in the upcoming presidential
Next week, donor nations will announce how much money they'll pledge to the Global
ke an announcement whether he will be able to announce a new date for the election or if it will be
which is hurriedly complete the process and announce the winner, so that, by law, the opposition
We wonder whether there is an explanation concerning this money
At this stage, it's unclear whether the finding will affect vaccine and microbici.
Kenyans are scheduled to decide Wednesday whether to accept or reject a newly proposed constitu
ident Mahmoud Abbas is delaying a decision on whether to pull out of peace negotiations.
Bertini says it is a business whether someone owns a single hectare of land or thou
The question is whether the government got the trade-off right,"
whether or not President Obama jumps in the Gulf of
“I don't know whether this commissioner is authorized to announce
It's whether or not we're increasing attendance of pregnan
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The referendum will allow Kenyans to choose whether to accept or reject a newly proposed constitu

Learn Japanese with Japanese Songs - Furusato


英語 ted

お勧め TEDです

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2012-06-01 08:24:24 | 英語
Smartsheet 101

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ACTion Macro - AutoCAD action recorder macro file format
ADP - drawing file format
.ADSK - Autodesk exchange format (since versions 2010) based on XML, used e.g. to exchange CAD models between Inventor - Revit - Civil 3D (ADSK = also the Autodesk ticker symbol)
see Architectural Desktop
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - web scripting technology (client/server)
American National Standards Institute - US industry standards authority
(Aruba Packet File) file format of Autodesk Showcase models
Architectural Desktop
Autodesk Architectural Desktop (now AutoCAD Architecture) - architectural and civil engineering application by Autodesk, based on AutoCAD kernel and AEC objects
Autocad Runtime eXtension - compiled AutoCAD add-on application file (most often programmed in C++)
Autodesk Technical Imaging Library - interface to the raster engine used in AutoCAD and other Autodesk software
Autodesk User Group International (
AutoCAD - a general 2D/3D CAD application by Autodesk; world's most used CAD program; platform for add-on applications (see
AutoCAD Architecture
(formerly Architectural Desktop) - architectural and civil engineering application by Autodesk, based on AutoCAD kernel and AEC objects
AutoCAD WorkSpace/WebService - mobile version of AutoCAD for Android, iPad, iPod and iPhone (Apple iOS) and Mac based on the cloud technology
see LISP
a drawing technique which represents 3D objects on a 2D medium (paper); verticals are drawn to scale, dialogal dimensions are distorted (isometric, dimetric and trimetric projection)
見積もり CADでの

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YAHOO 問い合わせ 英文
What does intended entry term mean?

I'm requesting information from Loyola University and under things I have to fill out is "Intended Entry Term" what does this mean?

That means when are you going to enter the university if youre accepted.

For example, if youre just getting out of high school, you would be a college freshman.

Therefore, your intended entry term would be the Fall 2011 Semester.

Thanks!That was exactly what I was looking for.
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2012-06-01 08:18:50 | 英語

Tutorials created by:
Eric Wiebe
Jessica LoPresti
Cliff Phipps
George Besch
Charlene Yount
Matt Davis
Truett Thompson

Graphic Communications Program
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
North Carolina State University
This document contains helpful information for getting started with ProEngineer CAD software. Like all hypertext documents, it is a living entity and will grow and change over time. Also note that these tutorials are meant to be used in conjunction with Graphic Communications labs and are not designed as self-paced instruction.

The Graphic Communications Program offers a wide range of courses in technical and engineering graphics. If you are interested in taking more courses in our program or signing up for a minor, you may visit our office in Poe 510, call 515-2234, or visit our homepage.

Pro/ENGINEER Tutorials

The following tutorials introduces you to the basic functionality of Pro/ENGINEER. These tutorials build off each other and are meant be done in the order of the list.

Tutorial 1 - Getting Started / Creating a Simple Object
Tutorial 2 - Feature Operations
Tutorial 3 - Datum Plane Operations
Tutorial 4 - Simple Assembly
Tutorial 5 - Advanced Feature and Assembly Operations
Tutorial 6 - 2D Layout
Tutorial 7 - CAD/CAM
Tutorial 8 - Sheet Metal
Additional Information Sheets

Pro/E v20 Icon Guide
Changing Feature Specifications
Creating Relations
Creating Assemblies
* Pro/ENGINEER is a registered trademark of Parametric Technologies, Inc.
Tutorial pages managed by Eric Wiebe --
Revised 10/99 EW.

Pro/ENGINEER Tutorial 1 -- A Simple Object


Pro /ENGINEER (Pro/E) is a program that is used to create precision three dimensional computer models. The 3-D parts created on Pro /E use a technique known as solid modeling, (as opposed to wire frame or surface modeling). Other important descriptors used to classify Pro/E include: feature-based, associative, and constraint (or parametric)-based. The tutorials will expose you to the meanings of these terms.

Pro /E is a fully parametric CAD program This means that the geometry of features (e.g., holes, slots) on a part have to be fully specified in terms of size, shape, orietation, and location. This specification allows the user to write equations (i.e., relations) which decribe how features on individual parts or multiple parts should relate to each other. For example, in an engine, if the diameter of the piston is increased or decreased, the corresponding engine block is automatically modified to match the specifications of the new piston. For the student, full parametrics means that you must have a strategy before you start modeling of what features you want and how you want to constrain them within the part.

Starting Pro /E v20

Pro /E v20 can be run from any PC running NCSU Unity or Eos. Ideally the computer will have at least a 17" monitor and 64Mb of RAM. The program icon will be in the Launcher. Double-click and the following windows appear:



Figure 1

The top half of the main window, the model window, is for viewing and manipulating your models.

Below it is the message window , which shows text responses to many of the input commands. This window is also where text is typed at command prompts that ask for information such as dimensions and part names. It is normal for you to only see two lines of this window at a time. You can resize any window to suit individual preferences.

At the very top of the main window is the pull-down menus and icons. The pull-down menus perform much as they do on other Windows-based programs. The icons provide fraequently used file, view control, and display control commands. In some cases they duplicate commands that exist in other menus.

Cascading menus appear to the right of the main menu once a file is opened. The menus displayed will be based to the command chosen. Sub-menus appear (most of the time) below the menu holding the command that called it. If there is not enough room on the screen, scroll bars will appear on the menu. The command window will give you a brief description of menu item you have your mouse over in yellow.

NOTE: in these tutorials, the > sign indicates the command is on a different menu and the | sign means the additional command (or preference) is on the same menu.

Beginning to work in Pro/E

Go to the File menu at the top of the main window and choose New...

You will see a dialogue box of the types of Pro/E files you can create (see Figure 1a). You will be creating the default file type, Part.



Figure 1a

Type block as your part name at the bottom of the dialogue box and click OK.

At this time, Part: BLOCK should appear in the titleblock of the main window and the part menu should appear on the right. In addition, a new window, the model tree window, will appear over the upper left corner of the model window (Figure 1b). This window shows a hierarchical tree of the features you create while making your part.



NOTE: To save this part at any time during, go to the File menu, at the top of the main window. Pick Save and press enter.

At this point we need to create datum planes for our part to locate it in space. To do this, the command sequence is (remember, the > indicates the next command is on a sub-menu):


The datum planes represent three mutually perpendicular planes to be used to associate the part to a coordinate system. Think of these planes as containing the X, Y, Z axes of a coordinate system. Your screen should have the datum planes visible. Since they are seen in wireframe, they will resemble something like a star (see Figure 2). The datums look solid yellow, but in fact the back sides of the datums, which are not visible, are red. The yellow and red sides of the datums allow you to indicate the direction the datum is facing.

Now, we need to establish a datum coordinate system. The sequence of commands is:

create>datum>coord sys>default | done

There should now be an x, y, z icon in the middle of the datum planes. Your screen should now look like Figure 2.

NOTE: The four buttons labeled Datum display in Figure 2 control the display of (from left to right) Planes, Axes, Points, and Coordinate Systems.



Figure 2

Notice that there are now four features listed in your model tree window. Even though the datum planes and coordinate system don't represent geometry of the part, they are still considered features.

Defining a Feature

The first part geometry will be a rectalinear prism. The sequence of commands is:

create>solid>protrusion>extrude | solid | done

Once the basic feature operation is specified, a new dialog box, the feature dialog, comes up listing all of the additional information needed to specify this type of feature (Figure 2a):



Figure 2a

The Element column lists the elements of the feature which need to be defined. The > indicates which element you are currently defining. The Info column indicates the status of the element. Any element listed as required has to be defined. For the time being, we will only use this as a 'status' window and not use any of the buttons in it.

The Attributes Element

In addition the the Feature dialog, a new submenu comes up to define the Attributes element. It wants to know whether you want the extrusion to expand on one or both sides of the sketch plane;

choose one side and then done.

Notice that the Info colum in the Feature dialog now shows how you have defined the Attribute element and the > pointer has moved to the Section element.

The Section Element

Now you want to choose your sketch plane. The sketch plane will be one of the datum planes. The sketch plane is selected by using the left mouse button on either the edge or the nametag of the datum plane. In this instance, you want to use DTM3 as your sketch plane,

click on DTM3.

At this point a red arrow will appear stemming from DTM3.

For practice, choose the command flip on the direction menu. Notice the change in the direction of the red arrow.

This enables you to determine the direction of the extrusion. For this step, ensure the arrow is pointing down from DTM3 (you will probably have to choose flip again).

Choose okay to commit the direction.

Next, a reference plane must be chosen. This plane is used to fully orient the sketch view. The reference plane may be either vertical or horizontal, but it must be perpendicular to the sketch plane. You indicate the direction the yellow side of the datum should be facing.

First, select top from the sket view menu, then click on DTM2.

Your screen should now go to a drawing menu as in Figure 3. Notice that the yellow side of DTM2 is facing the top of the screen.

The menus now shown are what you use to draw with.



Figure 3

NOTE: If your view is perpendicular to a datum (e.g., DTM3) it is seen as a yellow or red rectangle. If your view shows the datum as an edge (e.g., DTM1 and 2) it is seen as a pair of red and yellow lines. The red and yellow represent the two sides of the datum plane.
We want to completely control the process of defining the geometry. For that reason, the Intent Manager will be turned off.

At the top of the sketcher menu, uncheck the intent manager (the top option on the menu).

What you will do next is to sketch a 2-D profile on the sketching plane. You will not draw with the same accuracy that you draw with the same accuracy as you do in a 2-D CAD package, but it must be accurate enough for the sketcher to be able to assume what your intetentions are (e.g., the line is vertical or horizontal, or that the line is to align with a datum plane edge.) Only practice will let you know what is accurate enough.

From the geometry menu, select rectangle

Pick the center of the plane at the origin of the coordinate system (CSO) with the left mouse button to start the rectangle.

Drag the cursor to the right and up to make a rectangle approximately 6 boxes wide and three boxes high.

Click again with the left mouse button to finish the rectangle. At this point, your red box turns light blue.

This will complete a rectangle and should look similar to Figure 4.



Figure 4

NOTE: The visible lines may only be partially seen due to the gridlines or datum planes.
If you make a mistake in drawing your rectangle, choose deletefrom the sketcher menu and click on whatever line(s) you wish to remove.

Next the rectangle must be aligned with the datum planes. This will 'anchor' two sides of the rectangle to the datums.

To do this, click on alignment in the sketcher menu, and align in the alignment menu. Then, click on the light blue horizontal line (the one on top of DTM2) twice. The first click picks the side of the rectangle while the second click gets the edge of DTM2. In the message window,


appears. This lets you know alignment was accomplished. A light red chain line also appears, extending from the ends of DTM2. A visible line, the endpoint of a line, or the center of a circle must be on a Datum plane, in order to use the alignment command.

Repeat this process to align DTM1 and the left light blue vertical line. The alignment has located the rectangle.

Now, the shape must be dimensioned for size.

Click on dimension on the sketcher menu.

Note: On computers with only a two button mouse, holding the Shift key and clicking the left mouse button replaces the middle mouse button.
Click the left mouse button on the left vertical line and then on the right vertical line (the lines will turn red). Position the cursor underneath the rectangle between the vertical lines and click the middle mouse button (or shift-left). A dimension will appear with the letters 'sd0'.

Repeat this process with the horizontal lines placing the dimension to the right of the rectangle.

NOTE: Dimensions are numbered succussively, (eg. sd, sd0, sd1,etc). So, if sd0 has already been used, the dimension will be labeled sd1.

At this point you want to click on the command regenerate on the sketcher menu. In the command window,

Section regenerationed successfully.

appears. If it does not, either something is not dimensioned or aligned properly. The regeneration process is used to check to make sure that the section (profile) of a feature has been fully constrained in size, shape, and location. Notice that there small letters or symbols in light red that have shown up on the profile sketch. Some of the ones that might have appeared include a H for horizontal, a V for vertical, or || for parallel. These are implicit constraints automatically added to the section. The regeneration process intreprets your sketch and makes assumptions as to whether lines were meant to be parallel, colinear, equal length, vertical, etc. and then applies these constraints to the sketches.

After regeneration, dimension values should appear in place of the 'sd' dimension labels. You need to change these values to the desired dimensions.

To do this, click on the modify command on the sketcher menu and click on the dimension to modify.

In the message window, a prompt appears asking for the new value. For the horizontal value use 10, and for the vertical value use 5.

After the proper values appear, select regenerate from the sketcher menuagain.

At this time your screen should look like Figure 5.


Figure 5

To complete the process, select donefrom the menu under the sketcher menu.

Depth Element

You now are given a new sub-menu to define the Depth element in the Feature dialog. Notice that the > pointer is now on Depth in the dialog.

Choose Blind and then done to indicate you will enter a finite distance to extrude the section.

You will be prompted in the command window for an extrusion depth.

Enter 2.5 and press return.

The protrusion feature has now been fully defined. Finish the creation process:

Click on OK in the Feature dialog.

A message should indicate that the extrusion (protrusion) was created successfully.

Viewing the Block

You should now be looking at one end of the block. To view the object pictorially, from the Icon bar click on the named view icon (Fig 5a) :

Figure 5a

A pop-up list should appear. Select the only named view, Default.

Your screen should now look like Figure 6. Notice that the datums have dynamically resized to fit the size of the box.

Note: If you have a problem with seeing the orientation of the block, try using the icons to the right of the named view icon. These viewing option include hidden lines as gray, no hidden , and shaded. Another option is to turn off the datum planes or the coordinate system as described earlier.



Figure 6

Click on done to complete these commands.

Creating a Hole Feature

At this time, we will create a hole in the block. You will begin at the feature menu. The command sequence is:

create>cut>extrude | solid | done

Now you want to choose which side of the sketch plane that you wish to make the cut.

one side | done

Now you will be asked to specify the sketch plane.

setup new>plane>pick

Then click on the DTM3 name tag.

The red direction arrow will appear. This is to identify which side of the sketch plane you will make the cut. Make sure the red arrow is pointing into your block (the arrow should be pointing down). You can change the direction of the arrow by clicking on flip.

Once the arrow is in the desired direction, click on okay.

Now you will be asked for a reference plane.

Click on top and then the DTM2 name tag. You are now ready to create the hole.


Pick a point near the middle of the block and click the left mouse button. Drag the mouse and you will see the circle appear. Drag out a circle a quarter the height of the pblock and click on the left mouse button to make the circle. Now we are going to constrain the circle. First, locate it:


Click on the center point of the circle, then on the bottom edge of the block.

Place the cursor between the circle and the lower edge of the block and slightly to the left. Then click on the middle mouse button to create the dimension.

Repeat process with the center of the circle and the right edge of the block to create a second dimension.

To constrain the size (diameter) of the circle, a dimension must also be placed.

Double click on the edge of the circle with the left mouse button. Then drag it out to the side, and click on the middle mouse button to place the dimension.

Note: Double clicking on the mouse button gives you a diameter, while a single click gives you the radius of a circle.

Next you will click on regenerate to ensure that the circle is completely constrained.

Now click on modifyto establish correct dimensions.

The final dimensions should be:

2.5 from the bottom edge of the block,

5 from the side of the block, and

The diameter of the circle should be 2,

as seen in Figure 7.



Figure 7

Regenerate the sketch to incorporate the changes.

We have now successfully specified the section (profile) for the cut.

Select done.

At this time the red direction arrow will come up again inside the circle. To cut out the material inside your circle make sure the arrow is pointing towards the center of the circle, then click okay.

Note: If the arrow is pointing out of the circle, it will cut away all the material, except for the circle. Use the flip button to select the proper direction. Then click okay.

Now the distance of the cut has to be specified. Specifying the hole as 'thru all' assures that no matter how you change the thickness of the block, the hole will always go through the block. Choose:

thru all | done

Now indicate you are done with the feature by clicking OK in the Feature dialog.

Once the cut has been made, you will be able to view it by the following sequence:

named view icon>default

Your screen should now look like Figure 8.



Figure 8

Creating a Slot Feature

To complete the block, we will now put a slot across the bottom.


extrude | solid | done

one side | done

Now choose the sketch plane using a different selection command than you did before. If you are unsure whether you can get a 'clean' click on the datum, you can use query select rather than pick to select the plane.

plane>query select

Click in the middle of the right face of the block. Pro/E will make its best guess as to which feature you wanted. It will start with the feature nearest you.

Click on next or previous until the right face is highlighted in red. Click on accept.

The red arrow should appear. Make sure the arrow is pointing into the block, probably toward the left. If it isn't, click on flip.

Click on okay when the arrow is pointing in the correct direction.

You now need to pick a reference plane.

Choose top and click on DTM2.

You will now create three sides of a rectangle along the left edge of the block. Use the lines shown in light blue in Figure 9 as a guide. You do not need the fourth side of the rectangle to cut away material along the edge of the block. Use the line sketch tool:

sketch>line>2 points

Once you have the profile drawn, you will then constrain it. The end points of the horizontal lines must be aligned with the edge of the block.


Click the left mouse button on the left end point of one of the light blue horizontal lines, and then on the left edge of the block (a white, vertical line).

The -- ALIGNED-- message should appear in the message window.

Repeat this procedure with the other light blue horizontal line.

Note: You will know you have correctly selected an end point to align when small red cross hairs appear on the end point of the line.

Make sure you start and end your three lines on the white vertical line. The yellow line is DTM1. If your endpoints are too far away from the left edge, they will not align. Try deleting and then redrawing the horizontal lines if they end too far away to align.

Add size dimensions for the height and width of the slot. You must also add the vertical distance from the bottom of the block to the bottom of the slot (this locates the slot).

As you did previously, click on an edge to dimension with the left button, then place the dimension with the middle button. The location dimension is done by clicking on the bottom horizontal edge of the slot, the bottom edge of the block, then the middle click off to the left of the block.

Click on regenerate. Notice that there is a small H, V, and // (indicating parallel) indicating the constrained orientation of the edges. Nowmodify the dimensions.

The height is 3,

and the width is 1.

The location of the slot is 1 off the bottom.

Then click on regenerate

Your screen should now look like Figure 9. Select done.



Figure 9

Figure 9

The red direction arrow should once again appear on the screen. Orient the arrow so that it is pointing into the slot. Click on okay.

As with the hole cut, indicate that the cut should go all the way through:

thru all | done

Finish the feature by clicking OK in the Feature dialog.

Viewing and Printing the Part

Now that your block is complete, we will set up the view of the block for printing.

First return the block to the default pictorial view using the named view icon.

Now set the hidden lines to print as dashes and fit the model to the window by clicking on the icons indicated in Figure 9a.

Figure 9a

Your final block should look like Figure 10. Even though the hidden lines appear as gray on the screen, they will print as dashed lines.

The red direction arrow should once again appear on the screen. Orient the arrow so that it is pointing into the slot. Click on okay.

As with the hole cut, indicate that the cut should go all the way through:

thru all | done

Finish the feature by clicking OK in the Feature dialog.

Viewing and Printing the Part

Now that your block is complete, we will set up the view of the block for printing.

First return the block to the default pictorial view using the named view icon.

Now set the hidden lines to print as dashes and fit the model to the window by clicking on the icons indicated in Figure 9a.

Figure 9a

Your final block should look like Figure 10. Even though the hidden lines appear as gray on the screen, they will print as dashed lines.

Old Man of Coblenz: Edward Lear's Nonsense Stories 11

2012-06-01 06:44:55 | お勧め
Old Man of Coblenz: Edward Lear's Nonsense Stories 11

【初音ミク】 アニメイション 【初音ミクsingsハルメンズ】

【初音ミク】 アニメイション 【初音ミクsingsハルメンズ】
Edward Lear's Nonsense Stories #6 - Work Print 3.11
