1994 年 7 月 25 日
NRC 共通規制文書 94‐03:沸騰水型原子炉の炉心シュラウドの粒界応力腐食割れ(仮訳)
を持たない Big Rock Point を除く。
米国原子力規制委員会(NRC)は、被通達者に対して、(1) その BWR プラントの炉心シュ
切な評価・補修を実施すること、並びに(2) 点検が実施されるまでの間、施設の運転継続を
BWR の炉内構造物の粒界型応力腐食割れ(IGSCC)は、NRC のスタッフと産業界の両者に
よって懸念すべき技術的問題であると指摘されてきた。炉心シュラウドは、IGSCC が発生
しやすい炉内構造物のリストに含まれていた。1993 年にいくつかのプラントで円周方向の
ベルトライン部分でひび割れが発見されたことにより、NRC は情報通知文書(IN)93‐79 を
1993 年 9 月 30 日に発行した。いくつかの被通達者は 1994 年春の計画停止の際に炉心シュ
NRC のスタッフと産業界に、この問題の重要性を再評価させるところとなった。ひび割れ
が 360°(角度)の範囲に及んでいるため、またそれが過去には大規模なひび割れが発見さ
れていない下部に発生しているため(すなわち、付図の H5)、Dresden-3 号機と Quad Cities
‐1 号機(参考文献 1,2)に対して実施された点検と解析は、特に注目すべきものである。
NRC は、Dresden‐3 号機と Quad Cities‐1 号機の炉心シュラウドの下部に発見されたひ
び割れに関して、1994 年 6 月 7 日に IN-94‐42 を発行し、さらに IN‐94‐42 の補足を
1994 年 7 月 19 日に発行した。また NRC は炉心シュラウドに加えて、BWR 炉内構造物の
まとめ、評価及び修理方法について被通達者が BWR オーナー・グループ(BWROG)と密接
1994 年 4 月 5 日付けの文書(参考文献 3)によって、BWROG は NRC に対して、BWR の
ト点検の結果の検討に基づいた点検戦略を含むものであった。この点検戦略は、IGSCC に
しかし、Dresden-3 号機と Quad Cities‐1 号機に対する最近の点検に鑑み、BWROG は
点検指針の適用可能性について再評価を行っている。Dresden‐3 号機と Quad Cities‐1
号機の両方で、H5 の溶接箇所に炉心シュラウドの円周方向に 360°にわたるひび割れが発
BWROG の指針によっては予想されないものであった。全ての BWR プラントが、その炉
BWROG は、炉心シュラウドの IGSCC に対する感受性に影響することが知られている重
要なパラメータを以前に検討した(参考文献 3)。これらのパラメータの中には、材料、加
原因分類の中には、IGSCC の感受性を総合的に正確に予測することを困難とするような各
種の変化要因がある。NRC は、このような原因分類が有用であることは認めているが、ひ
NRC は、炉心シュラウドの部分貫通ひび割れの重要性を評価し、現在までに発見された
最も重大なひび割れ(円周方向に 360°に及ぶもの)に対しても、連邦規制第10 部 50.55a
項(10 CFR50.55a(g))に基づく ASME ボイラー・圧力容器規定で要求される構造上の余裕は
維持され、炉心シュラウドが想定事故状況下でも健全であると結論した。ASME 規定の
Section X1、Subarticle IWB‐2500、category B-N-1 及び B-N-2 は、炉心シュラウドを含3
炉心支持構造物と炉内構造物付属物の合格基準としては、Paragraph IWB‐3520 が指定さ
BWROG は、1994 年 7 月 13 日の書簡(参考文献 4)で、安全上重大な炉心シュラウドひび
割れに対する BWR の感受性に関する NRC スタッフの質問への回答を提出した。この回答
の中で、BWROG は、炉心シュラウドを点検したプラントで既に観察されたひび割れの評
価を提出した。最も大規模なひび割れを経験したプラントは、8 年以上にわたって運転され、
最初の 5 サイクル以上の間、中電導度から高電導度の原子炉冷却材を使っていた。BWROG
て少なくとも今後 1 サイクルの運転を行うための構造上の余裕が維持されているというも
のであった。しかし BWROG は、前提条件の不確実性のために、結論としては、ASME 規
れの BWR プラントについてこのような状況が発生する可能性を確認し、適切な措置をとる
現在までに発見されたものよりも大きなひび割れの重大性を評価するために、NRC は
ASME 規定の安全余裕が明らかに無いような、炉心シュラウドが 360°円周方向に分離し
たことを想定した場合の安全上の意味を評価した。この評価に基づいて、NRC は炉心シュ
ラウドの 360°の貫通ひび割れは、炉心シュラウド上のひび割れのある高さによっては、通
上部の炉心シュラウド溶接部(すなわち、付図の H2 と H3)のひび割れに関係する主な懸念
要な懸念は、再循環配管の破断である。これは、下部の溶接部(すなわち、付図の H4 と H5)
NRC は、Dresden‐3 号機と Quad Cities‐1 号機に関して炉心シュラウドの下部で分離
以上の評価を考慮して、NRC は炉心シュラウドのひび割れによるリスクの増大に関して
るという重要な機能を持っている。したがって、NRC のスタッフは、炉心シュラウドの
(1) ひび割れが十分に深く、今後の運転サイクルの間に進展することを継続すれば、AS
ME 規定の構造余裕を超える可能性がある。
(2) プラント安全性のための深層防護の安全層を減少させる。
したがって NRC は、10 CFR 50.55a の構造健全性の規定に合致することを証明するため
及び炉心シュラウドのひび割れに関連するリスクが低いことを保証するために、BWR の被
通達者がその BWR 施設に対して、必要に応じてタイムリーな点検・補修を行うことが適切
NRC は、ひび割れを発生した炉心シュラウドが継続運転を許容できることを評価する能
力の如何に関わらず、粒界応力腐食割れに敏感な炉心シュラウド材料を持つ運転中の BWR
1.その BWR プラントの炉心シュラウドを、次の燃料交換停止を超えない時点までに点検
a ひび割れの発生確率とひび割れの成長速度に影響する詳細な条件(例えば、材質、形状、
b ひび割れの程度の不確実性を考慮したプラント固有の安全評価。これには、以下の事項
(1) 設計基準事象(例えば、主蒸気管破断、再循環配管破断)による構造的負荷に対する
(2) 構造的負荷への炉心シュラウドの応動を考慮した場合に発電所の安全施設がその機
能を発揮する能力についての評価(例えば、制御棒の挿入、ECCS の注入)。
(a) 全ての炉心シュラウド溶接部(支持物の容器への取り付け箇所から炉心シュラウド
(b) 現在ある最善の技術と産業界の点検の経験を使用することを考慮した検査方法(例
えば、強化されたⅤT‐1 目視点検、最適化された UT 技術)。ASME Section XI
5.粒界応力腐食割れに対する感受性のある BWR 全炉内構造物の点検、評価及び補修方法
の取りまとめにおいて、BWROG と密接に作業を行う。
1954 年原子力法改正の中の第 182a 条と、10 CFR50.53(f)にしたがって、Big Rock Point
1.この共通規制文書の日付から 30 日以内。
(a) 炉心シュラウドの点検の日程。
(b) 必要に応じ、プラント固有の安全評価を含め、点検が実施されるまでの間、施設の運
(c) 炉心シュラウドの形状の詳細を示す炉心シュラウド構造の図面(例えば、上部格子板及
(d) 日付、範囲、方法及び結果を示したプラントの炉心シュラウド点検の履歴。
2.炉心シュラウドの点検を実施する 3 ヶ月以上前(点検が本規制文書の受領の日から 3 ヶ
NRC のプロジェクト・マネジャーに連絡すること)。
(a) 上述の要請される措置の第 3 項で要請された点検計画。
(b) 点検結果に基づいた炉心シュラウドの安全評価・補修計画。
3.点検の完了日から 30 日以内に点検結果を提出すること。
被通達者は、以上に要請された措置が実行されるか否かを、本文書の日付から 30 日以内
NRC は、一部のプラントはすでに点検・補修を実施していると認識している。しかし、
きであるから、この要請は Big Rock Point を除く全ての BWR に適用される。
NRC は、現在 BWROG が点検と欠陥評価の指針の改定案と、補修方法の仕様を作成中で
あることを承知している。被通達者からの回答には、この問題に対して BWROG が作成す
共通規制文書、その他 BWROG が作成する関連文書を参照することについては、そのよう
な文書が NRC に正式に提出されていることを前提に許容され、奨励される。しかし、すで
要請された報告書は、U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control
Desk,Washington,D.C.20555 に宛て、改正された原子力法の182a 条及び 10 CFR 50.54(f)
に定めることに従って宣誓又は公証の上提出すること。さらに、写し 1 部を地域規制官に
NRC 情報通知 94‐42、補足‐1、「沸騰水型原子炉の炉心シュラウドの下部におけるひび
割れ」、1994 年 7 月 19 日発行。
NRC 情報通知 94‐42、「沸騰水型原子炉の炉心シュラウドの下部におけるひび割れ」、
1994 年 6 月 7 日発行。
NRC 情報通知 93‐79、「沸騰水型原子炉のベルトライン部分の溶接における炉心シュラウ7
ドのひび割れ」、1993 年 9 月 30 日発行。
この共通規制文書で要請される措置は、NRC の手続きに従って遡及適用とみなされる。
10 CFR 50.109(a)(4)(i)に基づいて、完全な遡及適用の分析は行われなわれなかった。
10 CFR 50.109(a)(4)に規定された評価、は措置要請の目的のステートメント、措置要請の
理由、並びに遵守の例外を実施する理由を含め、NRC の手続に従って行われた。この評価
この要請に含まれる情報収集は、1997 年7 月31日に期限が切れる予算管理局の承認3150
‐0011 号によって承認されたものである。以上の情報収集に必要となる公開報告業務は、
し、検討する時間を含め、一つの報告当たり平均 350 時間と評価される。この負担の評価、
も含め、Information and Records Management Branch(T-6 F33),U.S Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, D.C.20555;及び Desk officer, office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, NEOB ‐ 10202,(3150 ‐ 0011),office of Management and
通達者がこの共通規制文書に従う費用を NRC が評価することの助けとなる。
(1) 要請された記録のレビューと点検計画の作成のために、被通達者のスタッフが要する時
(2) 要請された報告書と書類を準備するために、被通達者のスタッフが委する時間と費用。
(3) 対策の費用、停止時間の費用など、点検の結果発生する、その他の短期的な付加費用。
(4) この決定を実施するために将来発生する将来の点検や修理を実施するための見積費用
本件につき質問があれば、以下に記載する技術窓口か、該当する NRR のプロジェクト・
Roy P.Zimmerman
技術窓口: Edwin M.Hackett,NRR
Amy E.Cubbage,NRR
Donald S.Brinkman,NRR
1 第 1 図‐炉心シュラウドの構造
2 第 2 図‐炉心シュラウドの溶接部の場所
3 参考文献
4 最近発行された NRC 共通規制文書のリスト
[1]M.D.Lyster(コモンウェルス エジソン社)から NRC の W.T.Russel 宛ての 1994
年 6 月 13 日付の書簡「Dresden-3 号機で発見された炉心シュラウドのひび割れの解
析的評価、ドケット番号 5-249 号」
[2]M.D.Lyster(コモンウェルス エジソン社)から NRC の W.T.Russel 宛ての 1994
年 6 月 13 日付の書簡「Dresden-3 号機で発見された炉心シュラウドのひび割れの解
析的評価、ドケット番号 5-254 号」
[3]BWROG の L.A.England から USNRC に宛てた 1994 年 4 月 5 日付の書簡「BWR
の炉心シュラウド評価の送達の件」GE-NE-523-148-1193 号
[4]R.A.Pinelli から USNRC に宛てた 1994 年 7 月 13 日付の書簡「シュラウド情報に関
する NRC の要求への回答の件」GE-NE-523-A107P-0794 号、GE 社機密。
[5]原子炉規制局によるコモンウェルス エジソン社及びアイオア・イリノイ・ガス電
気社の Dresden-3 号機及び Quad Cities-1 号機のシュラウドひび割れに関連する
NRC 安全評価、ドケット番号 5-254 号、1994 年 7 月付12
July 25, 1994
All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for boiling water reactors
(BWRs) except for Big Rock Point, which does not have a core shroud.
The purpose of this Generic Letter is to request that each addressee: (1) inspect the core
shrouds in their BWR plants no later than the next scheduled refueling outage,
and perform an appropriate evaluation and/or repair based on the results of the
inspection; and (2) perform a safety analysis supporting continued operation of
the facility until inspections are conducted.
Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) of BWR internal components has been
identified as a technical issue of concern by both the NRC staff and the industry.
The core shroud is among the list of internals susceptible to IGSCC.
Identification of cracking at the circumferential beltline region welds in several
plants during 1993 led to the publication of NRC Information Notice (IN) 93-79,
issued on September 30, 1993. Several licensees have recently inspected their
core shrouds during Spring 1994 planned outages and have identified extensive
cracking at the circumferential welds. These inspection findings are causing the
NRC staff and industry to re-evaluate the significance of this issue. Due to the
360 degree extent of the cracking, and the location at a lower elevation where13
extensive cracking had not been previously observed (e.g., H5 in the attached
figures), the inspections and analyses performed for Dresden Unit 3 and Quad
Cities Unit 1 (Ref. 1, 2) are especially noteworthy. NRC has issued IN 94-42 on
June 7, 1994, and Supplement 1 to IN 94-42 on July 19, 1994, on cracking in the
lower region of the core shroud found at Dresden Unit 3 and Quad Cities Unit 1.
In addition to the core shroud, NRC has an overall concern with cracking of BWR
internals and encourages licensees to work closely with the BWR Owners Group
(BWROG) on coordination of inspections, evaluations and repair options for
internals cracking.
By letter dated April 5, 1994 (Ref. 3), the BWROG submitted to NRC generic guidance
on the evaluation of BWR core shrouds. This guidance included an inspection
strategy that was based on examination of the results of plant inspections up to
that time. This inspection strategy was founded on IGSCC susceptibility
rankings and involved focusing the examinations on the upper shroud welds (e.g.,
H2, H3). Enhanced visual (VT-1) or ultrasonic (UT) methods of portions of the
upper shroud welds were recommended for the initial examinations. However, in
light of the recent inspections at Dresden 3 and Quad Cities 1, the BWROG is reevaluating the applicability of the inspection guidance. Cracking extending 360
around the shroud circumference was observed at the H5 weld location at both
Dresden 3 and Quad Cities 1. Extensive cracking at this location had not been
observed previously and would not have been expected based on the BWROG
guidance. As all BWR plants have not performed inspections of their core shrouds,
and since the core shroud cracking phenomenon is dependent on operating time
and plant specific conditions, additional inspections are necessary to verify that
conditions potentially worse than those already identified do not exist at other
plants and that appropriate corrective actions are taken.
The BWROG has also previously discussed the significant parameters known to affect
the susceptibility of core shrouds to IGSCC (Ref. 3). These parameters include,14
but are not necessarily limited to materials, fabrication and residual stresses,
water chemistry, and fluence. Within and among these broad categorizations,
there exists sufficient variability to make an accurate prediction of IGSCC
susceptibility difficult on a generic basis. While the NRC recognizes the
usefulness of these categorizations, susceptibility to cracking, or lack thereof,
needs to be demonstrated on a plant-specific basis.
NRC has assessed the safety significance of part through-wall core shroud cracking and
has concluded that, for the most significant cracks found to date (up to 360
circumferential extent), the structural margins required by the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code pursuant to Section 50.55a of Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations [10 CFR 50.55a(g)] were maintained, thereby providing assurance
that the shrouds would have remained intact even under postulated accident
conditions. The ASME Code, Section XI, Subarticle IWB-2500, categories B-N-1
and B-N-2 specify examination and acceptance requirements for reactor internals
and core support structures, including the core shroud. Paragraph IWB-3520 is
referenced as the acceptance standard for integrally welded core support
structures and reactor interior attachments.
By letter dated July 13, 1994 (Ref. 4), the BWROG submitted a response to previous
NRC staff questions regarding the susceptibility of BWRs to safety-significant
shroud cracks. In this response, the BWROG provided an evaluation GL 94-03
of the cracking that has been observed in plants which have inspected their shrouds.
The plants which have experienced the most extensive cracking have operated for
longer than 8 years and had moderate to high coolant conductivity over the first 5
cycles of operation. The BWROG evaluation indicates that the structural margins
for plants most susceptible to cracking would be maintained for at least one more
cycle of additional operation at current conductivity levels. However, the BWROG
notes that the uncertainties in the assumptions lead to the conclusion that while
development of cracks that would not satisfy the ASME Code factors of safety is
unlikely, such an occurrence cannot be ruled out. Part of the purpose of this
generic letter is to ascertain the likelihood of such an occurrence for each BWR
plant and to take appropriate corrective action(s).15
In order to assess the significance of potential cracking worse than that observed to date,
NRC has evaluated the safety implications of a postulated 360 circumferential
separation of the shroud for which the ASME Code safety margins are clearly not
met. Based on this evaluation, NRC has determined that 360 through-wall
cracking of the core shroud may not be identified under normal operating
conditions, depending on the elevation of the cracking in the shroud. At the upper
shroud elevations, lifting of a separated shroud due to differential pressures in
the core is resisted by only a small portion of the remaining upper shroud
assembly. As such, bypass flow through the gap created by the separation is
sufficient to cause a power/flow mis-match indication which should be observable
to the operator during operation. At the shroud lower elevations, the deadweight
of the larger portion of the upper shroud assembly can be sufficient to limit lifting
of the shroud such that the bypass flow would not be sufficient to be detected.
The accident scenarios of primary concern are the main steam line break, recirculation
line break and seismic events. The main concern associated with cracks in the
upper shroud welds (e.g., H2, H3 in the attached figures) is the steam line break,
since the lifting forces generated may be sufficient to elevate the top guide,
possibly affecting lateral support of the fuel assemblies and control rod operation.
The main concern associated with cracks in the lower elevations of the core
shroud is the postulated recirculation line break. This is because for the lower
welds (e.g., H4, H5 in the attached figures) the recirculation line break loadings,
if large enough, could cause a lateral displacement or tipping of the shroud which
may affect the ability to insert the control rods and may result in the opening of a
crack that could allow leakage through the shroud and out through the pipe
break. If this leakage were large enough, it could potentially affect the ability to
maintain adequate core cooling, and could affect the ability to shut down the
reactor with the standby liquid control system (SLCS).
NRC has developed a probabilistic safety perspective regarding shroud separation at
the lower elevation (Ref. 4) for Dresden, Unit 3 and Quad Cities, Unit 1. The
assessment estimated the potential contribution to core damage frequency due to16
the cracked shroud. Assuming that severe shroud cracking did exist, a large
rupture of either a steam or recirculation line would have to occur to generate
loads sufficiently large enough to move the shroud. Probabilistic risk
assessments categorize such ruptures to be of low probability and none has ever
actually occurred at an operating nuclear plant. Therefore, the unlikely
occurrence of a 360 nearly through-wall crack along with a large pipe break
would be necessary to pose any incremental risk. In addition, for welds in the
upper portion of the shroud, through-wall degradation should be detected during
normal operation (e.g., by power/flow mis-match or noise monitoring). Finally, the
shroud may not move in the most adverse manner during these events, and there
is some likelihood that core cooling and reactor shutdown would be achieved with
no adverse consequences.
Considering the above evaluations, NRC has made conservative estimates of the risk
contribution from shroud cracking and concluded that it does not pose a high
degree of risk at this time. Although immediate plant shutdown for inspections is
not warranted, degradation of the core shroud is an important safety
consideration warranting further evaluation. The core shroud provides the
important functions of properly directing coolant flow through the core,
maintaining the core geometry, and providing a refloodable volume under
postulated accident conditions. The NRC staff therefore considers that 360
cracking of the shroud is a safety concern for the long term based on: (1)
potentially exceeding the ASME Code structural margins if the cracks are
sufficiently deep and continue to propagate during subsequent operating cycles;
and (2) elimination of a layer of defense-in-depth for plant safety.
Therefore, in order to verify compliance with the structural integrity requirements of 10
CFR 50.55a and to assure that the risk associated with core shroud cracking
remains low, NRC has concluded that it is appropriate for BWR licensees to
implement timely inspections and/or repairs, as appropriate, at their BWR
Notwithstanding the capability to evaluate the acceptability of cracked core shrouds for
continued operation, the NRC believes that for many of the operating BWRs that
have core shroud materials susceptible to stress corrosion cracking, repairs or
additional modifications to inhibit cracking will be necessary to assure structural17
integrity of the shrouds in the long term.
Requested Licensee Actions
All addressees are requested to:
1. Inspect the core shrouds in their BWR plants no later than the next scheduled
refueling outage;
2. Perform a safety analysis supporting continued operation of the facility until
inspections are conducted. The safety analysis should consider, but not be limited
to the following factors:
a. Details of the conditions that would influence the probability of the occurrence of
cracking and rate of crack growth (e.g., material types and forms, water
chemistry, fluence, carbon contents, welding materials and procedures).
b. A plant-specific assessment accounting for uncertainties in the amount of cracking,
which should include but not be limited to, the following:
(1) An assessment of the shroud response to the structural loadings resulting from
design basis events (e.g., steam line break, recirculation line break). If
asymmetric loads can affect the shroud response, these should also be considered.
(2) An assessment of the ability of plant safety features to perform their function
considering the shroud response to structural loadings (e.g., control rod insertion,
ECCS injection).
3. Develop an inspection plan which addresses: (a) all shroud welds (from support
attachments to the vessel to the top of the shroud) and/or provides a justification
for elimination of particular welds from consideration; and (b) examination
methods with appropriate consideration given to use of the best available
technology and industry inspection experience (e.g., enhanced VT-1 visual
inspections, optimized UT techniques). Standard methods for inspection of core
support structures as specified by the ASME Code, Section XI, have been shown
to be inadequate for consistent detection of IGSCC in core shrouds.18
4. Develop plans for evaluation and/or repair of the core shroud.
5. Work closely with the BWROG on coordination of inspections, evaluations and repair
options for all BWR internals susceptible to IGSCC.
Reporting Requirements
Pursuant to Section 182a of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and 10 CFR
50.54(f), each holder of an operating license for a BWR except Big Rock Point
shall submit, under oath or affirmation, the following written response to this
generic letter:
1. Within 30 days from the date of this generic letter:
(a) A schedule for inspection of the core shroud.
(b) A safety analysis, including a plant-specific safety assessment, as appropriate,
supporting continued operation of the facility until inspections are conducted.
(c) A drawing or drawings of the core shroud configuration showing details of the core
shroud geometry (e.g., support configurations for the lower core support plate and
the top guide, weld locations and configurations).
(d) A history of shroud inspections for the plant should be provided addressing date,
scope, methods and results, if applicable..
2. No later than 3 months prior to performing the core shroud inspections (If the
inspections are scheduled to begin in less than 3 months from the receipt of this
letter, the licensee should contact their NRC project manager to establish a
schedule for providing the following information):
(a) The inspection plan requested above in item 3 of Requested Actions.
(b) Plans for evaluation and/or repair of the core shroud based on the inspection results.19
3. Within 30 days from the completion of the inspection, provide the results of the
The addressee should indicate whether or not the actions requested above will be
implemented in the 30 day response. If an addressee chooses not to take the
requested actions, a description should be provided of any proposed alternative
course of action(s), the schedule for completing the alternative course of action (if
applicable), and the safety basis for determining the acceptability of the planned
alternative course of action(s).
NRC recognizes that some plant(s) may have already conducted inspections and/or
performed repairs. However, as the inspection scope and details of the methods
employed should reflect cumulative experience to date, as appropriate, this
request applies to all BWRs with the exception of Big Rock Point.
NRC is also aware that the BWROG is currently developing documents with revised
inspection and flaw assessment guidelines and specifications for repair options.
The response should indicate whether it is intended to follow the guidance
developed for this issue by the BWROG. Reference to these and other relevant
generic documents developed by the BWROG are acceptable, and encouraged, as
part of the response, as long as the referenced documents have been officially
submitted to NRC. However, as described previously, additional plant-specific
information is required to establish the justification for continued operation.
Address these required written reports to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C. 20555, under oath or
affirmation under the provisions of Section 182a, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended, and 10 CFR 50.54(f). In addition, submit a copy to the appropriate
regional administrator.
Related Generic Communications
NRC Information Notice 94-42, Supplement 1, "Cracking In The Lower Region of the
Core Shroud In Boiling Water Reactors," issued on July 19, 1994.20
NRC Information Notice 94-42, "Cracking In The Lower Region of the Core Shroud In
Boiling Water Reactors," issued on June 7, 1994.
NRC Information Notice 93-79, "Core Shroud Cracking at Beltline Region Welds in
Boiling Water Reactors," issued on September 30, 1993.
Backfit Discussion
The actions requested in this generic letter are considered backfits in accordance with
NRC procedures. These backfits are necessary to verify that the addressees are in
compliance with existing requirements. Therefore, on the basis of 10 CFR
50.109(a)(4)(i), a full backfit analysis was not performed. An evaluation was
performed in accordance with NRC procedures, including a statement of the
objectives of and reasons for the requested actions and the basis for invoking the
compliance exception. A copy of this evaluation will be made available in the
public document room.
A notice of opportunity for public comment was not published in the Federal Register
because of the urgent nature of the actions requested by the generic letter.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The information collections contained in this request are covered by the Office of
Management and Budget clearance number 3150-0011, which expires July 31,
1997. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated
to average 350 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needs, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Information
and Records Management Branch, (T-6 F33), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, D.C., 20555, and to the Desk Officer, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0011), Office of
Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.
Compliance with the following request for information is voluntary. The information21
would assist the NRC in evaluating the cost of complying with this generic letter.
(1) the licensee staff time and costs to perform requested record reviews and developing
plans for inspections;
(2) the licensee staff time and costs to prepare the requested reports and
(3) the additional short-term costs incurred as a result of the inspection findings such as
the cost of the corrective actions or the costs of down time; and
(4) an estimate of the additional long-term costs that will be incurred as a result of
implementing commitments such as the estimated costs of conducting future
inspections and repairs.
If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the technical contact listed
below or the appropriate NRR project manager.
original signed by
Roy P. Zimmerman
Associate Director for Projects
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contact: Edwin M. Hackett, NRR
(301) 504-2751
Amy E. Cubbage, NRR
(301) 504-2875
Lead Project Manager: Donald S. Brinkman, NRR
(301) 504-1409
1. Figure 1 - Core Shroud Structural Confirguration22
2. Figure 2 - Core Shroud Weld Locations
3. References
4. List of Recently Issued NRC Generic Letters Attachment 1
[1] Letter from M.D. Lyster (Commonwealth Edison) to W.T. Russell (NRC), "Analytical
Evaluation of Core Shroud Cracking Identified at Dresden Nuclear Power
Station Unit 3, NRC Docket No. 50-249," June 13, 1994.
[2] Letter from M.D. Lyster (Commonwealth Edison) to W.T. Russell (NRC), "Analytical
Evaluation of Core Shroud Cracking Identified at Quad Cities Nuclear Power
Station Unit 1, NRC Docket No.
50-254," June 13, 1994.
[3] Letter from L.A. England, BWROG to USNRC, "Transmittal of BWR Core Shroud
Evaluation," GE-NE-523-148-1193, April 5, 1994.
[4] Letter from R.A. Pinelli to USNRC, "Response to NRC Request for Shroud
Information," GE-NE-523-A107P-0794, July 13, 1994. GE PROPRIETARY.
[5] NRC Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to Core
Shroud Cracking, Commonwealth Edison Company and Iowa-Illinois Gas and
Electric Company, Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 3 and Quad Cities
Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, Docket Nos. 50-249 and 50-254, July, 1994. NUREG-0313
最終報告 (仮訳)
原稿作成:1987 年 7 月
発行日 :1988 年 1 月
ワシントン DC20555
Dr. Cochran - Fukushima; Suspend the Backfit Rule