or an
STEP 1 . The Body (Notes)
a , the, (is), and.
have, put, take, 1.
at, between, in, off, on, 3.
I, this, that, 5.
(my), Part II.
What things (20) and qualities (5) come best into our first learning group of 25 ? Clearly there is a strong argument for making a start with their body and its parts. The body and its parts are with us for pointing purposes wherever we go. The schoolroom may be without pens and ink, or the teacher may be in the open air where there are no doors and windows ; but all learners have bodies.
The only trouble about starting with the body is that I and my are needed for talking about its parts, and the other words of this sort are not necessary till a later stage. On the other hand, there are good reasons against starting with the forms of put, take, and have which would be forced on us by statements in the third person ; so common-sense gives us I and my, together with this and that for pointing purposes.
Take, put, and have are our first examples of 'names of operations'. The work which such words do has been made clear in the account of the chief sorts of word in Basic (Part I), as has the part taken by the names of directions, of which five come into the present Step. The chief uses of the opposites off and on, and their relation to one another, are covered in the pictures. A bird's-eye view of the 13 chief operation-words and of all the direction-words is given in the pictures after the Notes on Step 10, which will be of great use when enough examples of these two sorts of words have come in.
It will be noted that the parts of the body are not separate things which may be put or taken here and there quite in the same way as boxes or tables. We normally get a grip of what we take as part of the act of taking, in whatever direction we take it ; and we put what we have taken on the table, or in some other direction such as up or down. But for general purposes taking one's hand off one's head is the same sort of act as taking a box off a table.
Though the body-words are here put into simple statements, so that they may be talked about like other things, it is a good idea to get such words into the memory in the same way as in a quicker and quicker rhyme :
Eye, nose, ear ;
Mouth, tongue (here) ;
Head, face, chin ;
(Put) thumb (in) ;
Chest, finger, hand ;
Leg, knee (and)
This and that, as will be noted, are used in two ways : 1 . by themselves, having the sense "The thing here (there) I am pointing to" ; 2 . as pointing words in front of the name of a thing.
My head," and so on. In English, the owner-forms such as My (your, his, and so on) are regularly used in connection with the parts of the body, where other languages might have the word for 'the' or no word at all.
"I have a nose." The use of have here may seem a little different from its use in such statements as "I have a book," but a natural expansion of this simplest use makes it possible for us to say that we 'have' anything of which we are in a wide sense the owners.
"The right side." Take note that names of qualities are used not only after is but before names of things (not after), and that when the is needed in addition to a quality-word, it comes before the quality-word. The same order is the rule when any of the other 'adjectives' in the Operations list (a, this, that, and so on, and the owner-forms of the 'pronouns', such as my) are used with the quality-words.
"A thumb and fingers." Take note 1. of the form for more than one 'fingers' ; and 2, of the fact that a(n) has no form for use before names in the form for more than one, and that these, when they have no need of the or some other pointing-word, are used by themselves. -- The thumb is sometimes looked on as one of the fingers, so that we may say "I have 10 fingers," but frequently, as here, it is named as a separate thing.
"Fingers on my hand." The simplest picture of on is that of something resting on top of another thing, but anything which is supported by or fixed to another is on it, even when what is on anything is a part of it.
Foot and tooth, though they might come in here, have been kept till a later stage because they are among the small number of words whose forms for more than one are not made by the addition of ' s .' See the Note at the end of Step 5.
Opposites : this -- that , off -- on , put -- take.
Back to Body. Hint : swap to that page, do not use link.
Step 2 . FOOD (Notes)
go , may , will , 1.
not , 2.
from , of , to , with , 3.
here , there , 4.
(it) , 5.
or , 8.
A important point to be noted here is that we do not put a before the names of substances, such as food, soup, bread, etc., because they are not, like things such as head, meal, basin and so on, looked on as units, complete in themselves (which is the idea given by a). When we are talking of a substance in a general way, we put nothing in front of it ("Cake is sweet") ; when we are talking of an amount of it which is present at the time, we commonly, though not necessarily, put in some word giving this idea of 'an amount of' ("Some food is on the table"). When the is used before the names of substances it has the sense of "the amount of butter, etc., here present or in question.
The picture opposite will be of help in making clear this division of things into 'things' in the narrower sense of 'units', and 'substances' (of which such 'things' are made). It will be seen from the picture that when the name of a substance has a quality-word in front of it, it is made clear that what we are talking of is 'a sort of' cloth etc. ("a cloth of good quality"), we do make use of a and that in that sense the name of a substance may even be used in the form for more than one ("different cloths"). But this is a point which it will be better not to give the learner till a later stage.
Have . From these examples we may see the development from having of food on our plates to the having of it (by the process of taking it into our stomachs) as part of ourselves.
With . In its root use, as in "I have some bread with it," with is simply a sign that the things joined by it are together. But in the statement, "I put the meat in my mouth with the fork," the fork not only goes into the mouth with the meat, but is the instrument by which it is put there. This gives a clear example of the way in which with, from having the general sense of connection in space or time, comes in addition to be used for the connection between an act and its instrument.
It . The form which may take the place of the name of a thing or animal (not a person) which is being talked about. For the present, like any name of a thing, it will be used only before is (will or may) or after the names of operations or directions.
"I take the spoon . . . and put . . . ." In a statement in which the same person is said to do two or more acts, it is not necessary for the doer to be named with every act.
May . has the general sense of "It is possible;" but, as noted in the ABC, a thing is possible in two ways. In the first, some person makes it possible (by giving power or authority) ; in the second, general conditions do so. The examples of may given here are of the first of these users.
Because will and may are only helping words, the name of some act necessarily comes after them.
"I may not have." "The taste of salt is not bitter." Take note that not-statements using may or be (is) are made by simply putting not straight after these words.
"Cake and cheese." The words cake and cheese are used not only for the 'pictured' things to which we give these names, but in addition for the substances of which these things are made. Take note that some is frequently not put in where it is clear without it that we are taking of "a certain amount of" whatever is in question.
"An orange ." An is used in place of a before words starting with the letters a, e, i, and o ; and with u when it has an open sound, as in umbrella, uncommon, and so on.
Of , which is used like the name of a direction, seems at first to have little connection with space. It is, however, a development from off. The skin off the orange is the skin of the orange. That which is taken off was necessarily at one time on, and so is a part of, or, more generally, the property of, the thing from which it was taken. This development is clearly pictured on the opposite page and over.
Opposites : from -- to , here -- there.
Back to Food
Step 3 . WORK (Notes)
(are) , other
do , make , 1
after , against , through , 3.
"The learning of Basic English." Though the first use of of is as a sign of connection between property and owner, it has come to be used for certain other relations uniting two things, most of which are simple developments of the idea of property. Here the relation is that between a process and the material on which it is working ; in "a sort of work" it is that between a thing taken generally and any special division of it.
"With my brain" is an example of the complete development of the use of with as a mark of the instrument -- with little suggestion of connection in space (see Step 2, Note 2). "With a push" is almost parallel, but here the with is pointing to the process by which the act is effected, and not to the instrument in the narrower sense.
And . The use of and as a joining-word between statements, which is here seen for the first time, is a simple development from the use between words.
The examples of may in this Step give the second use (noted in connection with Step 2).
Are . The form used for is when talking of more than one thing. See page 48.
Scissors . This word has only the form for more than one, and is necessarily used with are. The rest of the statements will generally make clear if there are more scissors than one.
"I have not . . . " "Tired bodies will not do." Statements using not with have or will are made in the same way as with may and be. (see Note 2, page 2).
"After work ." Though after is sometimes used of position in space, and is rightly grouped with the names of directions, it is chiefly used of position in time, and for that reason comes in first in this sense. The idea of time as a framework in which events are placed makes it natural for it to be talked of as a sort of space, and most of the names of directions may equally well be used in connection with time.
"Have some rest," "have some play." It is not hard to see why we say that we have processes and experiences which we undergo, and which are readily looked on as (in the wider sense noted on Note 1 page 1) our 'property'. For this reason have is the right 'operator' for use with rest and play. But take note that it is not the right one with work, with which do is used. A general reason for this will be given later (Note 10, page 4), but for the present it will be enough to keep these fixed uses in mind.
Back to Work.
Step 4 . THE WEATHER (Notes)
every , north , south , east , west ,
be , come , get , see , 1.
down . over , under , up , 3.
only , out , very , 4.
but , 8.
"In the summer." Another example of the name of a direction used in connection with time. See Notes on Step 3.
"In the winter it is cold." This simple change of order, by which the words giving the time and place, or other conditions of an act, are put first, is used sometimes to give weight to these conditions, sometimes, as here, only to get a smooth and balanced effect. It is not necessary for the learner to make use of this trick-- the regular order is never wrong--but the examples in these steps will keep him from being troubled when he comes across it in his general reading.
"Only in the winter." Only is put before the words at which it is pointing, and may be used with the name of an operation, thing or quality, or, as here, with any group of words if their sense makes it possible for them to be limited in this way.
"Rain and snow do not come." With all 'operators' but be, have, and the helping-words may and will, statements using not have to be made with the help of do. (This is the rule even when do itself is the operator). The position of not is the same with the helping-words, that is, straight after do and before the name of the act.
"With a cloud in it." With as the sign for the general condition of being together in space, is frequently used for joining the names of two things, the special relation between which is then made clear by another direction-word coming after the second name.
Up and down are used by themselves in this Step, but like all other names of directions they may take words after them.
"I put my coat on." We put clothing on our bodies, but in talking of this common process it is right to say simply that we put clothing on. In statements of this sort, where the words which would normally come after a direction-word are not put in, the direction-word keeps the same position which it would have if they were there.
The relation between be, the general name of the operation, and is, the special form, is to be pointed out.
The word very is used with names of qualities (not with names of things or 'operators') and regularly comes before them.
"Have a fall." another example of the use of have noted in connection with "have some rest", N3-1.
"The very cold winds." The, unlike a, is used before names in the form for more than one in the same way as before names pointing to one thing.
Opposites : come -- (go) , over -- under , up -- down ,
north -- south , east -- west
Back to Weather
Step 5 . THE FAMILY (Notes)
(one) ; (was) .
give , I .
before, for, 3 .
still, 4 .
he (see) , 5 .
no , 6 .
(am) , Part II .
"My father." The small boy talking is clearly not the owner of his father, but the "forms for owner" are used loosely in English for any special connection ; for example, with the acts we do ("my work"), the families of which we are a part, the friends we have, the houses in which we are living, and the events and processes which we go through ("my fall made me black and blue," "my development was slow").
"Some fathers and mothers." The root sense of some, as seen earlier in some food, and so on, is "an amount of " or "a number of," but in general statements as here, this sense is more strongly coloured by the idea of a comparison between 'some' and 'all'. In the first sort of example, the some is frequently not put in, because it is clear without it that we are not talking of 'all' food, or 'all' cake ; but if we said "Fathers and mothers are not young" it would have the force of a statement about all fathers and mothers.
When two names are jointed by and, the name of a quality, or any other limiting word which has to do with the two, is frequently put only before the first. But this is not done if the sense of the statement does not make the connection clear. In this example there is no possible doubt that it is "some fathers and some mothers" who are being talked about-- not "some fathers and (all) mothers."
"Not every son." Not may be placed before certain words other than the names of operations. The number of such words is small, and for the present the only ones for the learner's attention are every and all. Let it be made clear that no general use of this trick is to be attempted.
One. Basic number-word for 1.
He. The form used in place of a name when talking about a male person. Unlike the name itself, or the form it, it may not be put after names of operations or directions without a change of form. So far it may be used only before is, will, or may.
"He is still a baby." Still is placed after be, will, and may.
Am . The form of be which is used after I in place of is.
She . The female form of he, covered by the same rules.
"Before the birth." Before is the opposite of after, and for that reason, like after, it is first given in connections with time. But its use in connection with space (in the sense of "in front of") is much more general than that of after. You may say "I put my hand before my face," but not "I put my hand after my head." After is used of space only when there is present the idea of order as in "There is a question-mark after the word," or "The men were walking one after another.
"Baby boy," "baby brother." Special attention is to be given here to the use of names of things as quality-words. The name which is used as a quality-word naturally comes first, so that we say boy baby when the sex of the baby is news. When words are put together in this way, we get the first form of what, by further development, may become a 'complex word.' See pages 54-57 of the ABC.
Was . The form of be which takes the place of am and is when talking about past time.
"The baby of the family." This use of the word baby for "the youngest," that is, the one who is nearest to being a baby, is a very simple development which will give no trouble.
"Get a pain." Get is the general word for the process of coming to have. This process may, as in the earlier examples, be some act done by the person, or it may, as here, be an event outside his control.
"Ready for a meal," "for my baby brother." For, though it is clearly parallel in its use and sense to words which are signs of direction, is no longer the name of a simple direction or position in space. It may frequently be, as here, the sign of connection between a condition thing, or act, and its purpose (in the direction of which it is, as we might say turned). It has another almost equally important use as the sign of exchange, of which examples will be given later.
"Give food to the baby." The natural direction of the act of giving is to.l
"Make a baby ready for play." Though in its simplest sense make is used for the process of producing a new physical thing, it is a short step from that idea to the process of producing a new quality or condition. When it is used in this way the name of the person or thing in whom the condition or quality or condition. When it is used in this way, the name of the person or thing in whom the condition or quality is caused comes between make and the word naming this.
"Some are married." Some may be used by itself when it is clear what group or substance it is limiting. Here we see from the sense that it is pointing to "the brothers and sisters of my father and mother."
There are four Basic words which make the form for more than one by some other charge than the addition of 's.' They are given together in this Step (tooth, foot, man, and woman) because their changes of form have something in common (teeth, feet, men, and women), and so they may readily be got by heart as a group.
Here is the note in the ABC about all forms for number which are not regular. Some of the words which take these changes have come in earlier Steps ; others (baby, family) are given here ; other will be seen later.
"In addition to the four changes of form, words ending in certain letters may make some change in these before the s of the form for number (though the sound is much the same as if only 's' had been put at the end). Here is the complete list :--
(1) F or fe becomes ve :-- leaves, selves, shelves, knives.
(2) All endings in y with a stopped sound before it (that is, all but boy, day, key, monkey, play, ray, tray, and way) move the y changed into ie : as army, armies, and berry, berries.
(3) All ending in o, s, x, sh, or ch, (but for stomach) put in e between these letters and the s ; as arch, arches, and match, matches." ABC, p. 10.
Opposites : before -- (after)
he -- she
Back to 5 . Family