III. References 36 (Ménard-Moore)
Ménard de la Groye, François Jean Baptiste, 1807. Mémoire sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Solénoides. Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, tome 9: 131-139, pl. 12.
Menke, Karl Theodor, 1830. Synopsis methodica molluscorum generum omnium et specierum earum, quae in Museo Menkeano adservantur; cum synonymia critica et novarum specierum diagnosibus. Ed. 2, 168 + [1, errata] pp., Georgi Uslar, Pyrmonti (available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/13172#/summary).
Merklin, R. L., 1959. Referaty no. 4665. Referativnyi Zhurnal. Geologiya. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Nauchnoi Informatsii, Moskva, no. 3: 4671. [Merklin, R. L., 1959. Synopsis no. 4665. Synopsis Journal. Geology. Academy of Sciences USSR. Institute of Scientific Information, Moscow, no. 3, Synopses nos. 4485-6671: 4671.] (fide Petit & Boss, 1989, 5: 153; Filatovaella: 4671)
Middendorff, Alexander Theodor, 1849. Beiträge zu einer Malacozoologia Rossica, III. Aufzählung und Beschreibung der zur Meeresfauna Russlands gehörigen Zweischaler. Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersburg, ser. 6 (Sciences Naturelles), tome 6(2): 517-610, pls. 11-21.
Middendorff, Alexander Theodor, 1851. Mollusken. Reise in den Äussersten norden und osten Sibiriens, Band 2 (Zoologie), Theil 1 (Wirbellose Thiere: Annulaten, Echinodermen, Insecten, Krebse, Mollusken und Parasiten): 163-464, pls. [8]-30.
Mitchell, Thomas L., 1838. Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia; with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales. Vol. 1, 351 pp., 21 pls., T. and W. Boone, London. [https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31175035532947;view=1up;seq=427]
Mitchell, P. Chalmers, 1890. Mollusca. The Zoological Record for 1889, vol. 26: Moll.1-Moll.85.
Modeer, A., 1793. Inledning til kunskapen om Maskkraken i allmänhet. Konglige Vetenskaps Akademiens Nya Handlingar [= Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handligar], [ser. 2], tome 14: 163-183.
Modell, Hans, 1945. Die Anodontinae, Ortm. emend. (Najad., Mollusca). Eine Studie über die Zusammenhänge von Klimazonen und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft herausgegeben von der Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, Bd. 78: 58-100 (fide H. Jing & Z. Zimin, 2013: 179).
Mohl, Nicolai, 1786. Forsøg til en Islandsk Naturhistorie, med adskillige oekonomiske samt andre anmærkninger. 413 pp., pls. 3?-7, Trykt hos Christian Friderik Holm, Kiøbenhavn.
Molina, Giovanni Ignazio, 1782. Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chili. 367 pp., Bolognã.
Moll, Friedrich, 1941. Übersicht über die Terediniden des Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, Jahrgang 1941: 152-225 (fide Turner, 1966: 108). Lyrodobankia: 200
Moll, Friedrich, 1952. The classification and distribution of the Teredinidae. Institut Française d'Afrique Noire, Catalogues 8: 69-145, pls. 11-12. (Bankiura: 42, 85, fide Turner, 1966: 89)
Moll, F. and Roch, F., 1931. The Teredinidea of the British Museum, the Natural History Museum at Glasgo and Manchester, and the Jeffreys collection. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 19: 201-218, pls. 22-25.
Moll, F. and Roch, F., 1937. Die geographische Verbreitung der Terediniden Afrikas. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, Bd. 22(2): 161-189. (伊都図書館, Phylloteredo: 169)
Möller, H. P. C., 1842a. Index molluscorum Groenlandiae. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, ser. 1, Biönd 4(1): 76-97. 92
Möller, H. P. C., 1842b. Index molluscorum Groenlandiae. 24 pp., I. G. Salomon, Hafniae.
Montagu, George, 1803, 1808. Testacea britannica or Natural history of British shells, marine, land, and fresh-water, including the most minute: systematically arranged and embellished with figures. Part 1, xxxvii + (1) + 1-291 pp., J. S. Hollis, Romsey (1803); part 2, pp. 293-606 + (4, Index to the plates and Vignette 1-2), pls. 1-16, J. S. Hollis, Romsey (1803); Supplement to Testacea Britannica with additional plates, v + 183 + (1, Errata) pp., pls. 17-30 (1808), S. Woolmer, Exeter.
Montagu, George, 1816. An account of some new and rare marine British shells and animals. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, vol. 11(2): 179-204, pl. 12-14. (available online at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/756731)
Monterosato, Marchese di, 1883. Conchiglie littorali Mediterranee. Il Naturalista Siciliano, Anno 3: 87-91.
Monterosato, Marchese di, 1884. Nomenclatura generica e specifica di alcune conchiglie Mediterranee. 152 pp., Palermo.
Monterosato, Marchese di, 1889. Coquilles marines Marocaines. Journal de Conchyliologie, tome 37: 20-40.
Moore, Ellen J., 2002, Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California, Chapter F: Crassatellidae, Cardiidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Solenidae, Pharidae: http://www.cmug.com/~chintimp/Tertiary.pelecypods.htm, 107 pp., 14 pls.
Moore, Ellen J., 2003. Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California, Chapter G: Tellinidae, Donacidae, Psammobiidae, Semelidae: http://www.cmug.com/~chintimp/Tertiary pelecypods.htm, 88 p., 11 pls. [http://www.cmug.com/chintimp/Tertiary.pelecypods.htm]
Ménard de la Groye, François Jean Baptiste, 1807. Mémoire sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Solénoides. Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, tome 9: 131-139, pl. 12.
Menke, Karl Theodor, 1830. Synopsis methodica molluscorum generum omnium et specierum earum, quae in Museo Menkeano adservantur; cum synonymia critica et novarum specierum diagnosibus. Ed. 2, 168 + [1, errata] pp., Georgi Uslar, Pyrmonti (available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/13172#/summary).
Merklin, R. L., 1959. Referaty no. 4665. Referativnyi Zhurnal. Geologiya. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Nauchnoi Informatsii, Moskva, no. 3: 4671. [Merklin, R. L., 1959. Synopsis no. 4665. Synopsis Journal. Geology. Academy of Sciences USSR. Institute of Scientific Information, Moscow, no. 3, Synopses nos. 4485-6671: 4671.] (fide Petit & Boss, 1989, 5: 153; Filatovaella: 4671)
Middendorff, Alexander Theodor, 1849. Beiträge zu einer Malacozoologia Rossica, III. Aufzählung und Beschreibung der zur Meeresfauna Russlands gehörigen Zweischaler. Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersburg, ser. 6 (Sciences Naturelles), tome 6(2): 517-610, pls. 11-21.
Middendorff, Alexander Theodor, 1851. Mollusken. Reise in den Äussersten norden und osten Sibiriens, Band 2 (Zoologie), Theil 1 (Wirbellose Thiere: Annulaten, Echinodermen, Insecten, Krebse, Mollusken und Parasiten): 163-464, pls. [8]-30.
Mitchell, Thomas L., 1838. Three expeditions into the interior of eastern Australia; with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales. Vol. 1, 351 pp., 21 pls., T. and W. Boone, London. [https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31175035532947;view=1up;seq=427]
Mitchell, P. Chalmers, 1890. Mollusca. The Zoological Record for 1889, vol. 26: Moll.1-Moll.85.
Modeer, A., 1793. Inledning til kunskapen om Maskkraken i allmänhet. Konglige Vetenskaps Akademiens Nya Handlingar [= Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handligar], [ser. 2], tome 14: 163-183.
Modell, Hans, 1945. Die Anodontinae, Ortm. emend. (Najad., Mollusca). Eine Studie über die Zusammenhänge von Klimazonen und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft herausgegeben von der Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, Bd. 78: 58-100 (fide H. Jing & Z. Zimin, 2013: 179).
Mohl, Nicolai, 1786. Forsøg til en Islandsk Naturhistorie, med adskillige oekonomiske samt andre anmærkninger. 413 pp., pls. 3?-7, Trykt hos Christian Friderik Holm, Kiøbenhavn.
Molina, Giovanni Ignazio, 1782. Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chili. 367 pp., Bolognã.
Moll, Friedrich, 1941. Übersicht über die Terediniden des Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, Jahrgang 1941: 152-225 (fide Turner, 1966: 108). Lyrodobankia: 200
Moll, Friedrich, 1952. The classification and distribution of the Teredinidae. Institut Française d'Afrique Noire, Catalogues 8: 69-145, pls. 11-12. (Bankiura: 42, 85, fide Turner, 1966: 89)
Moll, F. and Roch, F., 1931. The Teredinidea of the British Museum, the Natural History Museum at Glasgo and Manchester, and the Jeffreys collection. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol. 19: 201-218, pls. 22-25.
Moll, F. and Roch, F., 1937. Die geographische Verbreitung der Terediniden Afrikas. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin, Bd. 22(2): 161-189. (伊都図書館, Phylloteredo: 169)
Möller, H. P. C., 1842a. Index molluscorum Groenlandiae. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, ser. 1, Biönd 4(1): 76-97. 92
Möller, H. P. C., 1842b. Index molluscorum Groenlandiae. 24 pp., I. G. Salomon, Hafniae.
Montagu, George, 1803, 1808. Testacea britannica or Natural history of British shells, marine, land, and fresh-water, including the most minute: systematically arranged and embellished with figures. Part 1, xxxvii + (1) + 1-291 pp., J. S. Hollis, Romsey (1803); part 2, pp. 293-606 + (4, Index to the plates and Vignette 1-2), pls. 1-16, J. S. Hollis, Romsey (1803); Supplement to Testacea Britannica with additional plates, v + 183 + (1, Errata) pp., pls. 17-30 (1808), S. Woolmer, Exeter.
Montagu, George, 1816. An account of some new and rare marine British shells and animals. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, vol. 11(2): 179-204, pl. 12-14. (available online at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/756731)
Monterosato, Marchese di, 1883. Conchiglie littorali Mediterranee. Il Naturalista Siciliano, Anno 3: 87-91.
Monterosato, Marchese di, 1884. Nomenclatura generica e specifica di alcune conchiglie Mediterranee. 152 pp., Palermo.
Monterosato, Marchese di, 1889. Coquilles marines Marocaines. Journal de Conchyliologie, tome 37: 20-40.
Moore, Ellen J., 2002, Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California, Chapter F: Crassatellidae, Cardiidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Solenidae, Pharidae: http://www.cmug.com/~chintimp/Tertiary.pelecypods.htm, 107 pp., 14 pls.
Moore, Ellen J., 2003. Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California, Chapter G: Tellinidae, Donacidae, Psammobiidae, Semelidae: http://www.cmug.com/~chintimp/Tertiary pelecypods.htm, 88 p., 11 pls. [http://www.cmug.com/chintimp/Tertiary.pelecypods.htm]