III. References 40 (Orton-Petiver)
Orton, J. H., 1928. The dominant species of Ostrea. Nature, vol. 121, no. 3044: 320-321. (3 March)
Oshima, Hiroshi, 1930. Preliminary note on Entovalva semperi sp. nov., a commensal bivalve living attached to the body of synaptid. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, vol. 13(1): 25-26. 動物学彙報(伊都図-理系)
大塚高信・寿岳文章・菊野六夫, 1969. 固有名詞英語発音辞典. 954 pp., 三省堂, 東京. [Otsuka, Takanobu, Jugaku, Bunsho and Kikuno, Mutsuo, 1969. English pronouncing dictionary of proper names. 954 pp., Sanseido, Tokyo.]
Otsuka, Yanosuke, 1934. Tertiary structure of the northwestern end of the Kitakami Mountainland, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University, vol. 12(3): 566-638, pls. 44-51. 九大理 (30 Sept.; 617)
Otsuka, Yanosuke, 1937. The geological age of the Tertiary formation near Hamada, Simane Prefecture, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 14(1-2): 23-32, pl. 3. 伊都図書館 (31 March; 30)
大塚彌之助, 1937b. 臺灣南部の貝類(3). The Venus, 第7巻, 3号: 128-143. [Otsuka, Yanosuke, 1937b. The Venus, vol. 7(3): 128-143.] 138
Owens, R. M. and Bassett, M. G., 1995. Catalogie of type, figured and cited fossils in the National Museum of Wales: Supplement 1971-1994. Geological publications of the National Museum of Wales, Geological Series no. 12: 250 pp., 31 figs.
大山桂, 1943. ミノガイ科. 其1. 新生代及現生. 東亜産現生化石貝類の研究, 第1輯, 第1篇: 1-74, pls. 1-14, 柁谷書院, 東京. [Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1943. Familia Limidae. No. 1. Cenozoic and Recent [species]. Conchologia Asiatica, vol. 1, pars 1: 1-74, pls. 1-14, Kajitani-Shoin, Tokyo.] (20 Nov.)
大山桂, 1950. 変更された化石貝類の学名について. 鉱物と地質, 第3巻, 6号: 1(225)-4(228). [Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1950. Remarks on Japanese fossil molluscan names. Minerals and Geology, vol. 3(6): 1(225)-4(228). (Nov.; fide http://www.shellmuseum.jp/shell_db/book_search.php) 西宮市貝類館 管理番号6203]
Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1951a. Nomenclarural notes. Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells, vol. 1(11): 69. (25 Feb.)
Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1951b. Amusiinae in Japan. Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells, vol. 1(13): 79-84, pl. 13. (25 June)
Pacaud, Jean-Michel and Harzhauser, Mathias, 2012. Jponsia, Moniquia et Eginea, trois nouveaux Pachychilidae (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda) du Paléogène européen. Annals du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nice, tome 27: 105-153.
Paladilhe, J. J. I. Alcide de, 1866. Nouvelles miscellanies malacologiques. Revue et Magsin de Zoologie, ser. 2, vol. 18: 168-174. (May)
Palmer, Katherine V. W., 1946. Saltermya, new name for Anthracomya Salter 1861, not Rondani 1856. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 20(5): 518 (fide http://archives.priweb.org/images/publications/Katherine_Palmer_publications.pdf). (Sept.)
Palmer, T. S., 1904. Index generum mammalium: a list of the genera and families of mammals. North American fauna, no. 23: 984 pp., Division of Biological Survey, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington.
Pallas, Peter Simon, 1771. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Ruszischen Reichs. Theil 1. Physicalische Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs im 1768- und 1769sten Jahren. St. Petersburg: Kayserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. 12 + 504 + 6 pp. [Mytulus polymorphus: 478; available online at Gottingen Digitalisierungszentrum Ein Service der SUB Göttingen (https://gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/PPN329913735?tify)]
Paquier, M. V., 1905. Les rudistes urugoniens, partie 2. II. Série inverse. Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Paléontologie, tome 13, fasc. 4 (Mémoire no. 29): 49-102, pls. 7-13 (fide Cox et al., 1969: N895).
Park, James, 1905. Description of a new species of Pecten from the Oamaru Series. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, vol. 37: 485.
Pasquinelli, Elena. Bibliographie détaillée travaux et publications de Lamarck suivant l’ordre chronologique (jusqu’en 1850) < http://www.lamarck.cnrs.fr/bibliographie/pdf/Bibliographie_de_Lamarck.pdf#search=%27Sur+la+Cr%C3%A9natule%2C+nouveau+genre+de+coquillage%27 >). In Corsi, Pietro (ed.): Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). Jean-Baptiste Lamarck : works and heritage (publication on the web site at http://www.lamarck.cnrs.fr/?lang=en; powered by plateforme technologique du CRHST-CNRS ; hosted by Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3-CNRS).
Pennant, Thomas, 1777. British zoology. Ed. 4, vol. 4, Crustacea, Mollusca, Testacea: 154 pp., 93 pls., Benj. White, London.
Péron, François and Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1807. Voyage de découvertes aux terres australes: exécuté par ordre de Sa Majesté l'empereur et roi, sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste, et la goëlette le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; [Historique] publié par décret impérial, sous le ministère de M. de Champagny, et rédigé par M. F. Péron. Tome 1: 496 pp.
Perry, George, 1811. Conchology, or the Natural history of shells: containing a new arrangement of the genera and species, illustrated by coloured engravings executed from the natural specimens, and including the latest discoveries. W. Bulmer and Co., London. Introduction (pp. 1-3), univalves (pls. 1-54), bivalves (pls. 55-61), Index to the plates and genera (1 p.)
Petit, Richard E. and Boss, Kenneth J., 1989. Searles V. Wood’s “Monograph of the Crag Mollusca” (1848-1882), with notes on the generic name Astartella. Occasional Papers on Mollusks, 5(68): 149-153 (available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/25416#page/160/mode/1up).
Petiver, James, 1767. Jacobi Petiveri Opera, historiam naturalem spectantia: containing several thousand figures of birds, beasts, fish, reptiles, insects, shells, corals, and fossils; also of trees, shrubs, herbs, fruits, fungus’s, mosses, sea-weeds, &c. from all parts, adapted to Ray’s History of Plants. Vol. 1: 1-12, 1-4, [1]-4, 1-12, 1-10, 1-30, pls. 1-156, pls. 1-22, pp. 1-2, pls. 1-2, John Millan, London.
Orton, J. H., 1928. The dominant species of Ostrea. Nature, vol. 121, no. 3044: 320-321. (3 March)
Oshima, Hiroshi, 1930. Preliminary note on Entovalva semperi sp. nov., a commensal bivalve living attached to the body of synaptid. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, vol. 13(1): 25-26. 動物学彙報(伊都図-理系)
大塚高信・寿岳文章・菊野六夫, 1969. 固有名詞英語発音辞典. 954 pp., 三省堂, 東京. [Otsuka, Takanobu, Jugaku, Bunsho and Kikuno, Mutsuo, 1969. English pronouncing dictionary of proper names. 954 pp., Sanseido, Tokyo.]
Otsuka, Yanosuke, 1934. Tertiary structure of the northwestern end of the Kitakami Mountainland, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University, vol. 12(3): 566-638, pls. 44-51. 九大理 (30 Sept.; 617)
Otsuka, Yanosuke, 1937. The geological age of the Tertiary formation near Hamada, Simane Prefecture, Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 14(1-2): 23-32, pl. 3. 伊都図書館 (31 March; 30)
大塚彌之助, 1937b. 臺灣南部の貝類(3). The Venus, 第7巻, 3号: 128-143. [Otsuka, Yanosuke, 1937b. The Venus, vol. 7(3): 128-143.] 138
Owens, R. M. and Bassett, M. G., 1995. Catalogie of type, figured and cited fossils in the National Museum of Wales: Supplement 1971-1994. Geological publications of the National Museum of Wales, Geological Series no. 12: 250 pp., 31 figs.
大山桂, 1943. ミノガイ科. 其1. 新生代及現生. 東亜産現生化石貝類の研究, 第1輯, 第1篇: 1-74, pls. 1-14, 柁谷書院, 東京. [Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1943. Familia Limidae. No. 1. Cenozoic and Recent [species]. Conchologia Asiatica, vol. 1, pars 1: 1-74, pls. 1-14, Kajitani-Shoin, Tokyo.] (20 Nov.)
大山桂, 1950. 変更された化石貝類の学名について. 鉱物と地質, 第3巻, 6号: 1(225)-4(228). [Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1950. Remarks on Japanese fossil molluscan names. Minerals and Geology, vol. 3(6): 1(225)-4(228). (Nov.; fide http://www.shellmuseum.jp/shell_db/book_search.php) 西宮市貝類館 管理番号6203]
Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1951a. Nomenclarural notes. Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells, vol. 1(11): 69. (25 Feb.)
Oyama, Katura [Katsura], 1951b. Amusiinae in Japan. Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells, vol. 1(13): 79-84, pl. 13. (25 June)
Pacaud, Jean-Michel and Harzhauser, Mathias, 2012. Jponsia, Moniquia et Eginea, trois nouveaux Pachychilidae (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda) du Paléogène européen. Annals du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nice, tome 27: 105-153.
Paladilhe, J. J. I. Alcide de, 1866. Nouvelles miscellanies malacologiques. Revue et Magsin de Zoologie, ser. 2, vol. 18: 168-174. (May)
Palmer, Katherine V. W., 1946. Saltermya, new name for Anthracomya Salter 1861, not Rondani 1856. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 20(5): 518 (fide http://archives.priweb.org/images/publications/Katherine_Palmer_publications.pdf). (Sept.)
Palmer, T. S., 1904. Index generum mammalium: a list of the genera and families of mammals. North American fauna, no. 23: 984 pp., Division of Biological Survey, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington.
Pallas, Peter Simon, 1771. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Ruszischen Reichs. Theil 1. Physicalische Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs im 1768- und 1769sten Jahren. St. Petersburg: Kayserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. 12 + 504 + 6 pp. [Mytulus polymorphus: 478; available online at Gottingen Digitalisierungszentrum Ein Service der SUB Göttingen (https://gdz.sub.uni-goettingen.de/id/PPN329913735?tify)]
Paquier, M. V., 1905. Les rudistes urugoniens, partie 2. II. Série inverse. Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Paléontologie, tome 13, fasc. 4 (Mémoire no. 29): 49-102, pls. 7-13 (fide Cox et al., 1969: N895).
Park, James, 1905. Description of a new species of Pecten from the Oamaru Series. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, vol. 37: 485.
Pasquinelli, Elena. Bibliographie détaillée travaux et publications de Lamarck suivant l’ordre chronologique (jusqu’en 1850) < http://www.lamarck.cnrs.fr/bibliographie/pdf/Bibliographie_de_Lamarck.pdf#search=%27Sur+la+Cr%C3%A9natule%2C+nouveau+genre+de+coquillage%27 >). In Corsi, Pietro (ed.): Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). Jean-Baptiste Lamarck : works and heritage (publication on the web site at http://www.lamarck.cnrs.fr/?lang=en; powered by plateforme technologique du CRHST-CNRS ; hosted by Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3-CNRS).
Pennant, Thomas, 1777. British zoology. Ed. 4, vol. 4, Crustacea, Mollusca, Testacea: 154 pp., 93 pls., Benj. White, London.
Péron, François and Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1807. Voyage de découvertes aux terres australes: exécuté par ordre de Sa Majesté l'empereur et roi, sur les corvettes le Géographe, le Naturaliste, et la goëlette le Casuarina, pendant les années 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; [Historique] publié par décret impérial, sous le ministère de M. de Champagny, et rédigé par M. F. Péron. Tome 1: 496 pp.
Perry, George, 1811. Conchology, or the Natural history of shells: containing a new arrangement of the genera and species, illustrated by coloured engravings executed from the natural specimens, and including the latest discoveries. W. Bulmer and Co., London. Introduction (pp. 1-3), univalves (pls. 1-54), bivalves (pls. 55-61), Index to the plates and genera (1 p.)
Petit, Richard E. and Boss, Kenneth J., 1989. Searles V. Wood’s “Monograph of the Crag Mollusca” (1848-1882), with notes on the generic name Astartella. Occasional Papers on Mollusks, 5(68): 149-153 (available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/25416#page/160/mode/1up).
Petiver, James, 1767. Jacobi Petiveri Opera, historiam naturalem spectantia: containing several thousand figures of birds, beasts, fish, reptiles, insects, shells, corals, and fossils; also of trees, shrubs, herbs, fruits, fungus’s, mosses, sea-weeds, &c. from all parts, adapted to Ray’s History of Plants. Vol. 1: 1-12, 1-4, [1]-4, 1-12, 1-10, 1-30, pls. 1-156, pls. 1-22, pp. 1-2, pls. 1-2, John Millan, London.