Chernyshev [Tschernyschev], B. I., 1951. The family Ledidae from the Coal Measures of the USSR. Akad. Nauk URSR (Kiev); Tr. In-ta Geol. Nauk, ser. Strat. i Paleont., 2: 1-20. [Phestia: 9;Чернышев Б.И. Семейство Ledidae из каменноугольных отложений СССР. Ин-т геол. наук АН УкрССР. Сер. стратигр. и палеонтол. 1951. Вып. 2. 46 с.; fide Waterhouse, 1960, 7(4): 654; Vokes, 1980: 7; Nevesskaja et al., 2013, 294: 486]
Chiamenti, Cav. Alessandro, 1900. Contribuzione allo studio della malacofauna adriatica. Nota sulla famiglia delle Veneride, e delle Petricolide. Rivista italiana di scienze naturali, Anno 20(1-2): 9-15. [available online at]
Children, John George, 1822-1823. Lamarck’s genera of shells. The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts, vol. 14(27): 64-86, pls. 3-4 (Oct. 1822); 14(28): 298-322, pls. 5-6 (Jan. 1823); vol. 15(29): 23-52, pls. 1-2 (Apr. 1823); 15(30): 216-258, pls. 7-8 (July 1823). [vol. 4, available online at; vol. 5,]
China, W. E., 1968. Opinion 840. Amblema Rafinesque, 1820 (Lamellibranchiata): validated under the plenary powers. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 24, part 6: 339-340. [Jan.; available online at]
周明镇, 1953. 西北及山东中生代淡水软体动物化石. 古生物学报, 第1巻, 第3期: 165-179. [Chow, Minchen, 1953, Mesozoic freshwater molluscan faunules from Shandong, Shanxi and Gansu, Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, vol. 1(3):165–179; fide Fang et al, 2009: 147]
Claparède, Édouard and Lachmann, Johannes, 1858. Études sur les infusoires et les Rhizopodes. Mémoires de l’Institut National Genevois, tome 6: 261-467, pls. 1-24. [Huxleya: 290; available online at]
Clapp, William Frederick and Kenk, Roman, 1963. Marine borers: an annotated bibliography. Washington, D. C., United States Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, ACR-74. xii + 1136 pp. [available online at;view=1up;seq=218;size=75]
Clark, Bruce L., 1925. Pelecypoda from the marine Oligocene of western North America. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences, vol. 15(4): 69-136, pls. 8-22. [5 Jan.; Nuttalina: 97;;view=1up;seq=7]
Clarke, John Mason, 1904. Naples fauna in western New York. Part 2. New York State Museum, 57th Annual Report, vol. 3, Mem. 6: 199-454, pls. 1-20. [available online at,c=1,q=qs%3D%5B%22Naples%20fauna%20in%20western%20New%20York%22%5D%2CqueryType%3D%5B16%5D,sm=s,l=library1_lib%2Clibrary4_lib%2Clibrary5_lib]
Clarke, John Mason, 1907. Some new Devonic fossils. New York State Museum, Bulletin 107, Geology12: 153-291. [May; Pterinea radialis: 207; available online at]
Clench, William J. and Turner, Ruth Dixon, 1946. The genus Bankia in the Western Atlantic. Johnsonia, Monographs of the marine mollusks of the Western Atlantic, vol. 2(19): 1-28, pls. 1-16. [27 Apr.; available online at]
Clessin, Stefan, 1873. Zur Kenntniss unserer Pisidien. Malakozoologische Blätter, Band 20: 21-30, pl. 1. [available online at]
Clessin, Stefan, 1874-1879. Die Familie der Cycladeen. Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz, Band 9, Abteilung 3: 1-283, pls. 1-46. [Corbicula subsulcata: pl. 29, 1877; p. 164, 1878; available online at]
Coan, Eugene V. and Kabat, Alan R., 2012. The malacological works and taxa of Sylvanus Hanley (1819-1899). Malacologia, vol. 55(2): 285-359. [1 Dec.]
Coan, Eugene V., Kabat, Alan R. and Petit, Richard E., 2008. 2,400 years of malacology, 5th ed. 774 pp. + 24 pp., American Malacological Society. [21 January]
Coan, Eugene V. and Kabat, Alan R., 2015. 2,400 years of malacology, 12th ed. 1,166 pp. + 104 pp. [Annex 1 of Collations] + 65 pp. [Annex 2 – Küster Collation].
American Malacological Society. [21 Jan.;
Coan, Eugene V., Kabat, Alan R. and Petit, Richard E., 2013. Annex 1: Collations of malacological significance. 89 pp. [7 Feb.]
Coan, Eugene and Scott, Paul, 1995. Eugen Coan & Paul Scott’s Bibliography of Northeastern Pacific Bivalves. 245 pp. [4 Feb.]
Coan, Eugene Victor, Valentich Scott, Paul and Bernard, Frank R., 2000. Bivalve seashells of western North America/Marine bivalve mollusks from Arctic Alaska to Baja California. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Monographs no. 2, Studies in Biodiversity no. 2: 764 pp., 124 pls., Santa Barbara.
Cockerell, T. D. A., 1901. [Book review] Scientific Books: Synopsis of the naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels. By C. T. Simpson. Proc. U. S. National Museum, XXII. 1900. Pp. 501-1044. Science, ser. 2, vol. 13(338): 983-984. [available online at]
Chiamenti, Cav. Alessandro, 1900. Contribuzione allo studio della malacofauna adriatica. Nota sulla famiglia delle Veneride, e delle Petricolide. Rivista italiana di scienze naturali, Anno 20(1-2): 9-15. [available online at]
Children, John George, 1822-1823. Lamarck’s genera of shells. The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts, vol. 14(27): 64-86, pls. 3-4 (Oct. 1822); 14(28): 298-322, pls. 5-6 (Jan. 1823); vol. 15(29): 23-52, pls. 1-2 (Apr. 1823); 15(30): 216-258, pls. 7-8 (July 1823). [vol. 4, available online at; vol. 5,]
China, W. E., 1968. Opinion 840. Amblema Rafinesque, 1820 (Lamellibranchiata): validated under the plenary powers. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 24, part 6: 339-340. [Jan.; available online at]
周明镇, 1953. 西北及山东中生代淡水软体动物化石. 古生物学报, 第1巻, 第3期: 165-179. [Chow, Minchen, 1953, Mesozoic freshwater molluscan faunules from Shandong, Shanxi and Gansu, Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, vol. 1(3):165–179; fide Fang et al, 2009: 147]
Claparède, Édouard and Lachmann, Johannes, 1858. Études sur les infusoires et les Rhizopodes. Mémoires de l’Institut National Genevois, tome 6: 261-467, pls. 1-24. [Huxleya: 290; available online at]
Clapp, William Frederick and Kenk, Roman, 1963. Marine borers: an annotated bibliography. Washington, D. C., United States Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, ACR-74. xii + 1136 pp. [available online at;view=1up;seq=218;size=75]
Clark, Bruce L., 1925. Pelecypoda from the marine Oligocene of western North America. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences, vol. 15(4): 69-136, pls. 8-22. [5 Jan.; Nuttalina: 97;;view=1up;seq=7]
Clarke, John Mason, 1904. Naples fauna in western New York. Part 2. New York State Museum, 57th Annual Report, vol. 3, Mem. 6: 199-454, pls. 1-20. [available online at,c=1,q=qs%3D%5B%22Naples%20fauna%20in%20western%20New%20York%22%5D%2CqueryType%3D%5B16%5D,sm=s,l=library1_lib%2Clibrary4_lib%2Clibrary5_lib]
Clarke, John Mason, 1907. Some new Devonic fossils. New York State Museum, Bulletin 107, Geology12: 153-291. [May; Pterinea radialis: 207; available online at]
Clench, William J. and Turner, Ruth Dixon, 1946. The genus Bankia in the Western Atlantic. Johnsonia, Monographs of the marine mollusks of the Western Atlantic, vol. 2(19): 1-28, pls. 1-16. [27 Apr.; available online at]
Clessin, Stefan, 1873. Zur Kenntniss unserer Pisidien. Malakozoologische Blätter, Band 20: 21-30, pl. 1. [available online at]
Clessin, Stefan, 1874-1879. Die Familie der Cycladeen. Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz, Band 9, Abteilung 3: 1-283, pls. 1-46. [Corbicula subsulcata: pl. 29, 1877; p. 164, 1878; available online at]
Coan, Eugene V. and Kabat, Alan R., 2012. The malacological works and taxa of Sylvanus Hanley (1819-1899). Malacologia, vol. 55(2): 285-359. [1 Dec.]
Coan, Eugene V., Kabat, Alan R. and Petit, Richard E., 2008. 2,400 years of malacology, 5th ed. 774 pp. + 24 pp., American Malacological Society. [21 January]
Coan, Eugene V. and Kabat, Alan R., 2015. 2,400 years of malacology, 12th ed. 1,166 pp. + 104 pp. [Annex 1 of Collations] + 65 pp. [Annex 2 – Küster Collation].
American Malacological Society. [21 Jan.;
Coan, Eugene V., Kabat, Alan R. and Petit, Richard E., 2013. Annex 1: Collations of malacological significance. 89 pp. [7 Feb.]
Coan, Eugene and Scott, Paul, 1995. Eugen Coan & Paul Scott’s Bibliography of Northeastern Pacific Bivalves. 245 pp. [4 Feb.]
Coan, Eugene Victor, Valentich Scott, Paul and Bernard, Frank R., 2000. Bivalve seashells of western North America/Marine bivalve mollusks from Arctic Alaska to Baja California. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Monographs no. 2, Studies in Biodiversity no. 2: 764 pp., 124 pls., Santa Barbara.
Cockerell, T. D. A., 1901. [Book review] Scientific Books: Synopsis of the naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels. By C. T. Simpson. Proc. U. S. National Museum, XXII. 1900. Pp. 501-1044. Science, ser. 2, vol. 13(338): 983-984. [available online at]