

Revised references of genera of Asian bivalves (16)

2020-04-30 23:06:49 | 日記
Coen, G., 1933. Molluschi nuovi di Rovigno. Note dell'Istituto Italo-Germanico di Biologia marina di Rovigno d'Istria, vol. 6: 1-8, 1 pl. [fide WoRMS: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=748285]

奥谷喬司先生退官記念事業会(編), 1996. 奥谷喬司博士業績集 1955-1994. 101 pp., 9 pls., 東京. [The Committee for celebrating Dr. Okutani’s retirement from Tokyo University of Fisheries (ed), 1966. Bibliography on the malacological works of Dr. Takashi Okutani 1955-1994. 101 pp., 9 pls., Tokyo.]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1830. Appendix: Containing descriptions of twenty-nine new species of fossil shells, noticed in the preceding paper. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 6(2): 217-230, pls. 9-10. [Mactra ponderosa: 228; Aug.; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/79409#page/7/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1831. Description of fifteen new species of Recent, and three of fossil shells, chiefly from the coast of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 6(2): 256-268, pl. 11. [Anatina leana: 263; Apr.; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/79409#page/7/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1831-1833. American marine conchology; or descriptions and coloured figures of the shells of the Atlantic coast of North America. 72 + (1, index) pp., 17 pls., printed for the author, Philadelphia. (Part 1: 1-12, pls. 1-2, Apr. 1831; 2: 13-28, pls. 3-5, Sept. 1831; 3: 29-40, pls. 6-8, May 1832; 4: 41-?, pls. 9-?, 1832; 5: ?-71, pls. ?-17, 1833 [publication date: C. W. Johnson, 1916, 29(9): 108]) [available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/41713#page/7/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1832. Fossil shells of the Tertiary formations of North America, illustrated by figures drawn on stone, from nature. Vol. 1(1): 1-20, pls. 1-6, Philadelphia. [Dec.; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/230850#page/7/mode/1up; reprinted by Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, N.Y., 1963]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1834a. Descriptions of new Tertiary fossils from the southern states. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 7, part 1: 130-157. [available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/79407#page/7/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1834b. Description of some new species of fresh water shells from Alabama, Tennessee, &c. The American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 25: 338-343, pl. 1. [Alasmodonta radiata: 341; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/54243#page/1/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1837. Descriptions of new marine shells, from Upper California, collected by Thomas Nuttall, Esq. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 7, part 2: 227-268, pls. 17-20. [21 Nov.; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/79407#page/219/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1838. Report on the palaeontological department of the survey (of New York). New York Geological Survey, Annual Report 2: 107-119. [fide Kriz & Steinova, 2009, 84(3): 434; Pterinea bisulcata: 116]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1838-1845. Fossils of the Tertiary formations of the United States. Illustrated by figures, drawn from nature. xvi + 89 pp., 37 [49] pls., J. Dobson, Philadelphia. [Titles on wrappers: no. 1, Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of the United States, xvi + 1-32, pls. 1-17, Jan. 1838; no. 2, ibid., 33-56, pls. 18-29, 7 May 1840; no. 3, 57-80, pls. 30-45, Jan. 1845; no. 4, Fossils of the Miocene formation of the United States, 81-89, explanation of plates, pls. 45-49, publishing date unknown; available online at https://books.googleusercontent.com/books/content?req=AKW5Qaestx2zaQeX3PFSEeeOSvA2TF98pWtnzE7cYeApjmuR3NUwE-sqjDmpwckfOJqVKJ1zU3XbnY1CxgIb2FCAedeZfSl-h0Kfsp6RokVQzRT4XoKNZvfBN75mK0mDBCCO2UMYyh2yE2B2vBtVT8bjMPHlvH5Ddp-XkWQiAZv7HIuW-x4X0k_8cpC0HCCdjbMB5S3w_rC9tu6BwqC0bfE_nHCX48SX9x-Tqel1rXTGgP-hdc6bCj-o9lxVxmAgMJHPyz2EvrqKRuyGxEpa3pdFMSCiBANprnkTem1e_U5EmZyYiXIgi8g]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1841a. Fifth annual report on the paleontology of the State of New York. Annual Report of the New York Geological Survey, vol. 5: 25-57. [fide Vokes, 1980: 96]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1841b. Appendix to Mr. Hodge’s paper [Hodge, J. T., 1843], describing the new shells, &c. The American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 41, no. 2: 344-348, pl. 2. [Oct.; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/54250#page/1/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1842. Descriptions of new species of organic remains belonging to the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous systems of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 8, part 2: 235-280, pls. 12-17. [Inoceramus chemungensis: 246; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/79280#page/7/mode/1up]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1845. See Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1838-1845. [republication by W. H. Dall, 1893]

Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1846. Descriptions of new species of fossil and Recent shells and corals. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 3, 1: 19-27, pls. 1-2. [Feb.; Lucina nassula: 24; available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/17669#page/7/mode/1up]