It is good for you to like mathematics.
Because mathematics will be important in the future society.
Please enjoy to study mathematics. . . . 本文を読む
Japanese motor and electronic companies have damaged heavily by this economic crisis.
But they are still almost strong.
I worry about SONY.
I pray regeneration of SONY. . . . 本文を読む
I have many favorite songs.
I like British rock like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, King Crimson, Oasis.
I like many genre songs that I song in YouYube.
I am Japanese, so I can sing Japaense songs easily. . . . 本文を読む
明日の世界に未来はありません . . . 本文を読む
I like travel abroad by myself.It is good English lesson to travel abroad.And travel abroad is good motivation to learn English.After I entered the company, I went to English conversation school for 3 . . . 本文を読む
Today I went to the classic piano concert of Ikuyo Nakamichi.
She played only Chopin classic music.
I envy that you can play piano.
I cannot play any musical instruments.
I only have my voice as mus . . . 本文を読む
今日は仲道郁代ピアノリサイタルが益子町民会館で開催されました。演奏した曲すべてが、ショパンの曲でそれぞれの曲を演奏する前に、ショパン自身の歴史やその曲にまつわるエピソードなどのお話をしてくれたのが楽しかったです。演奏された曲は以下の通りです。幻想即興曲 嬰ハ短調 Op.66幻想曲 ヘ短調 Op.4924の前奏曲より第15番 変二長調 雨だれ Op.28ワルツ第6番 変二長調 小犬 Op.64-1ワ . . . 本文を読む
今日は益子にあるジャムラウンジで昼食を頂きました。ベジタブルカレーライス(1450円)は美味しかったです。ジャムラウンジは今年の5月からインドネシアのバリ島に移転するそうです。移転といっても、バリ道なので簡単には行けそうもありません。今回がジャムラウンジでの最後の食事になりそうです。地図 . . . 本文を読む
Autumn color of leaves of Nasu in Tochigi is wonderful.The dog is Hokkaido ken which is a little bigger than siba inu(柴犬).Maybe the dog is not mixed breed one.柴犬 is very famous dog in Japan.柴犬 is also . . . 本文を読む
中国やインドの台頭やフラット化する . . . 本文を読む
Does NYC mean New York City?
I live in Tochigi. My job is R&D of biotechnology.
Someday I want to travel New York.
My image of New York is fantastic, but busy and dangerous.
How about this economic c . . . 本文を読む
I knwe guzheng is Chinese 古箏 by Google.
But I don't know guzheng well.
I didn't serch urm by Google.
What is urm?
Do you like traditional music instrument?
Welcome to Japan.
There are many beautiful . . . 本文を読む
I have many photographs other than New Zealand.
But I don't remember the position of photographs I took exactly.
So I don't upload these photographs in Panoramio.
New Zealand is very beautiful place. . . . 本文を読む
I am interested in China.
I have an old Chinese friend in Shanghai.
I went to Shanghai last year.
China is still developing country, but interesting.
China is very large country.
There are many beaut . . . 本文を読む
Thanks for your many comment.
I live in Utsunomiya of Tochigi.
I have ever been to New Zealand in my honeymoon trip 11 years ago.
I am sorry that there are no photographs of New Zealand in Panoramio, . . . 本文を読む