

Explanation of "Swaying by the brilliance" (光に靡く[鷲岳-五色が原を渡る風])の説明

2023-01-16 05:30:58 | 資料



(日々、小説「蜘蛛ですが、何か?」に心を癒されている、揣覧 柁郎です。)
 On a daily basis, reading the novel "So I'm a spider, So what?" makes me heal mind, hi, I'm Kajiro Shiran.

 I think "I'm a spider, So what?" is a really fantastic novel.

(故有って、若葉 姫色の身代わりとして地下迷宮内の最弱の蜘蛛の魔物に転生した女子高生(?)が、日常的に訪れる死の危機を乗り越えて、最強の魔物(には成らなかったけど… 魔王が居たので! ただし、神になってからは逆転したけど)を経て神に成り、遂には破滅の危機にあった、その転生した星を救う様は、何とも爽快です。)
 For some reason, a Japanese high school girl(?) who was reincarnated as the weakest hexenbiest of spider in the underground labyrinth of another planet as a substitute for Hiiro Wakaba, overcame the crisis of death that she encounters on a daily basis and became a god through the strongest monster ( But the fact is that she didn't reach the range of that. As a monster, the Demon King was stronger than her. However, after becoming a god, she became overwhelmingly stronger than the Demon King.), and finally it's so exhilarating that she saved the planet that was in danger of destruction.

 Ah, I'm getting off topic again…

 Back to the topic that should be!

 As I have written before, my English skill is awfully low, hopelessly!

 I've no confident if the Japanese title of this music is consistent with English title which was translated by me.

 First of all, "Goshiki-ga-hara" is the name of the grassland in the Northern Alps.

 "Gshiki" have a meaning like "colored with various colors".

 Literally translated, "Goshiki" means "five colors", but in this case the number of colors has no particular meaning, and it means "prosperously colorful" or "various colors".

 "-ga-" is a postpositional particle meaning "state" or "accompanied by", and "hara" means grassland in this case.

 Therefore, the meaning of "Goshiki-ga-hara" is "a grassland colored in various colors", but this is a name of this grassland and a proper noun.

(「Swaying by the brilliance」ですが、これは、「朝露を含んだ草原の草が風に靡いて、飛び散った朝露が光に輝き、まるでその輝きによって草が靡いている様に見える」と言う事を言いたかったのです。)
 What I want to say with this title "Swaying by the brilliance" is that grass in the grassland containing the morning dew blows in the wind, and the scattered morning dew diffusely reflect light, making the grass look as if it is swaying by that brilliance.

(他にも「swirling by the light」とか「swirling through the brilliance」とか「fluttering in the brightness」と言った表現も考えましたが、何れがより良いか私の英語力では、判断が付きませんでした。)
 Also I thought of other expressions such as "swirling by the light", "swirling through the brilliance", and "fluttering in the brightness", but with my English ability, I couldn't decide which one was better.

 In order to express this, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to describe the title…

 Well, I would appreciate it if "native speaker of English" could have a feeling like that you can relate to what I wanted to express from this title.

 However, too high hopes are too bad.

 Me! Don't underestimate my lack of English skills!

(nativeの方に、「何が言いたいのか不明だが、まあいいか…」と思って頂ければ、御の字でしょう。(「何言ってんだ、てめえ! ふざけるな!」と思われなければ良しとしましょう - 可能性はありそうだけど…))
 I think it's upper limit about all for my English skill level that "native English speakers" think "I don't know what you're trying to say, but… it's all right…".(I think it's good if they don't think "What are you writing about! Don't be silly!" - But I think it's likely they think so.)

 This is also what I wanted to just express in this music.

(「Mt. Washi」の「Washi」は「鷲」の意味です。」
 "Washi" in "Mt. Washi" means "eagle".

(「Mt. Washi」は北アルプスにある、可成りマイナーな山です…)
 "Mt. Washi" is a hardly-recognized mountain in the Northern Alps…

(日本の通常の山屋でも、「Mt. Washi」と言われて、ここを思い浮かべる事が出来る人は、少ないと思います。)
 I don't think there are many Japanese mountain trekkers who can think of this place when they hear "Mt. Washi".


 "Goshiki-ga-hara" where spreads out from "Mt. Washidake" is a grassy plain with a slight slope as far as the eye can see.

 "Mt. Washi" is a gentle mountain with only a low peaks, and it have no special feature to mention.

 Hence it's a place where "Goshiki-ga-hara" is the main focus.

 The previous song was an image of spring in the Northern Alps, but this song is an image of summer in there.

 In the summer, "Goshiki-ga-hara" is a calm place during the day on sunny days, and if you don't mind the sun light, it's a great place to take a nap.

 However, on summer mornings, when the sun rises and the temperature rises, somedays the wind blows violently.

 At times like this, the ground cools down by radiative cooling at night, and a large amount of morning dew falls on the grass.

 When a strong wind blows there, the tall grass swells violently and dances wildly.

 Then, the morning dew is violently rolled up, and each drop catches the morning light and scatters its brilliance to the surroundings.

 I tried to compose music that co-star "the violently turbulent wind", "the wildly dancing grass", and "the scattering sparkle with morning dew".

 I would appreciate it if someone(It's not "no one", that's so important) who listened to this music felt that I achieved to express that.


(※ ところで、普段、作曲は「domino」を使ってやっていますが、投稿するためのMP3への変換は、「studio one 5」で実施します。)
 ※ By the way, I usually use "domino" to compose music, and in order to upload, it's converted to MP3 by "studio one 5".

(しかし、「dimino」と「studio one 5」のinstrumentの相性は悪い様で、曲のイメージは大きく変わってしまいます。)
 However, the compatibility between the instruments of "dimino" and "studio one 5" seems to be not good, so the image of the song changes not a little.

(前回アップロードした「Spring In Kamikouchi」も「studio one 5」上で色々と調整しましたが、余り巧く行ってないのです。)
 I made various adjustments to the "Spring In Kamikouchi" using  "studio one 5" that I uploaded last time, but it didn't go well.

(今回の「Swaying by the brilliance」は「studio one 5」上ではあまりにも変わりすぎていたため、「domino」での演奏を直接録音し、それを「wav」に変換したので、音が良くないかもしれませんが、ご容赦ください)
 "Swaying by the brilliance" this time was too different on "studio one 5", so I recorded the performance on "domino" directly, converted it to "wav". So the sound may not be good, but please forgive me.

 (Furthermore, I converted it to "MP3", but I gave up uploading because the sound was so bad.)