Explanation of "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset[Brocade Autumn On Ayamedaira From Mt. Nagatsuga]" (残照の照葉ノ池[錦秋の長栂山~アヤメ平])の説明
(現在、日本の北アルプスをイメージした一連の曲を作っています。) Recently, I am working on composing a series of music inspired by the Northern Alps of Japan.
(「日本アルプス」と聞いて、「何だ、それ?」と思われる方もおられるかもしれません。) If you hear the "Japanese Alps", some of you may think "Wait…, What's that?"
(「アルプス」は、本来ヨーロッパのものですから。) By ordinary, everyone think "Alps" is in Europe.
(日本人が、勝手に変な事を言ってる様に感じられる方もおられると思います。) Someone may feel that some Japanese say strange things as their likes.
(この件に関しては、一昨年アップロードした"An Image of Inner Sight(Early Spring in Azumino)"と言う曲の説明の所で説明しましたが、以下に再掲いたします。) As for this matter, I explained it in the explanation of music "An Image of Inner Sight (Early Spring in Azumino)" that I uploaded two years ago, and now I will repeat it below.
(「日本アルプス」の名称は、約125年前にイギリスの鉱山技師のウィリアム ゴーランドさんによって生み出され、イギリス人宣教師のウォルター ウェストンさんによって、ヨーロッパやアメリカ等に紹介されました。特に、ウォルター ウェストンさんは、日本の登山の父として、登山者から尊敬されています。毎年、6月に、北アルプスの上高地で、彼を偲んでウェストン祭が行われています。上高地にはウェストンさんを偲ぶ碑もあります。) (The "Japanese Alps" was named by British mining engineer William Gowland about 125 years ago and was introduced to Europe, the United States and others by British missionary Walter Weston. In particular, Walter Weston is still respected by Japanese mountaineers as the father of mountaineering in Japan. Every June, the Weston Festival is held in memory of him in Kamikouchi in the Northern Alps in Japan. There is also a monument in memory of Mr. Weston in Kamikouchi.)
(この様に、日本アルプス(北アルプスの呼び名を含む)は、若干ながら歴史を持った呼び名でもあるのです。) Like that, the Japanese Alps (including the name of the Northern Alps) is a historical name but that history may be relatively short.
(話を戻しますが、前々回アップロードした、「Spring in Kamikouchi」と言う曲は、北アルプスの春を題材にした曲でした。) Moving on the topic, the music "Spring in Kamikouchi" that I uploaded two times ago was about spring in the Northern Alps.
(前回の「Swaying by the brilliance」は、北アルプスの夏を題材とした曲です。) The previous music "Swaying by the brilliance" is based on summer in the Northern Alps.
(そして、今回の「残照の照葉ノ池」は、北アルプスの秋が題材となっております。) And the music which title is "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset", that I uploaded this time, was composed with the concept on autumn in the Northern Alps.
(「長栂山」は北アルプスの北部にある、あまり知られてないかもしれない山です。) "Mt. Nagatsuga" is a mountain in the northern part of the Northern Alps that may be known by few people.
(有名な(?)「白馬岳」から北は、あまり知られてないかもしれません。) In the Northern Alps, the area where is further to north than the Mt. Hakuba that is very famous(?) mountain in japan may not be well known.
(それでも、日本の二百名山の一つである「雪倉岳」や三百名山の一つである「朝日岳」は、まだ知られている方です。) Even so, Mt. Yukikura which is one of the 200 famous mountains in Japan, and Mt. Asahi which is one of the 300 famous mountains in Japan, are not too bad known.
(でも、蓮華温泉から「朝日岳」に行く途中の山である「長栂山」(五輪尾根を登りきった所にある)は、通過点の山で、着いても気が付かない人が殆どでしょう。) However, Mt. Nagatsuga (which located at the top of Gorin ridge), that is on the way from Renge Spa to Mt. Asahi is a passing mountain, rarely people will notice that here is the Top of Mt. Nagatsuga.
(実はここは、隠れた紅葉の名所です。) In fact, this is a not-well-known amazing autumn foliage spot.
(山頂から北にやや下った所に、アヤメ平や黒岩平を広く見渡せる場所があるのですが、そこから見る紅葉は、将に息を呑む美しさです。) There is a place where you can look out over Ayame-daira and Kuroiwa-daira a little further north from the summit, and then the autumn leaves seen from there are breathtakingly beautiful.
(何処までも続く様な錦絵を上から見下ろす快感は、筆舌に尽くし難い。) A pleasant feeling of like a looking down on a multi-colored brocade picture that seems to go on forever is beyond description.
(思わずそこにダイブしたい衝動に駆られます(死ぬのでやめて下さい)。) I'm sure that anyone will be driven by the urge to dive there unintentionally.(Please stop as you should die if you should do.)
(「照葉の池」は、長栂山に有ります。) "Shouyou Pond" is on Mt. Nagatsuga.
(殆どの人にとっては、何の変哲もない、小さな池です。) For almost people, it's a nondescript little pond.
(でも、何とも言えない寂しさ、侘しさ、枯れた美しさがあります。) But it has a beauty that is indescribable sadness and forlornness, and that coexist colorlessness, pale life and depth.
(そこに一人で佇んでいると、生きると言う事が、とても愛しいものの様に感じられました。) Lingering there alone made me feel that life was something so adorable.
(私がここに残照の中で佇んだのは、秋ではなく夏でした。) It was not autumn, but summer when I lingered alone here in the afterglow of the setting sun.
(日本海の海辺にある「親不知」と言う場所から、「栂海新道」を通って、朝日岳に行った時です。) It was when I went to Mt. Asahi through a trail named "Tsugami-Shindou" from a place called "Oyashirazu" on the coast of the Sea of Japan.
(前日、「白鳥小屋」に泊まり、この日は朝日岳を越えて、「朝日小屋」まで行く予定でした。) The day prior, I stayed at mountain hut named "Shiratori-Goya" on the route, and on this day I was planning to go over Mt. Asahidake to "Asahi-Goya".
(しかし、40kgの荷物(朝日岳を越えて、延々と北アルプスを縦走する予定でしたので)が祟り、この照葉の池で夕暮れを迎える事となったのです。) However, due to my 40kg luggage (because I was planning to keep on traversing the Northern Alps over Mt. Asahidake), when I reached at Shouyou Pond, dusk was coming.
(この時の感覚は、今でも鮮明です。) Still now the sense at that time is vivid.
(死んだあと、魂がここに戻って佇んでいる様な感覚…) After death, the feeling that the soul comes back here and keep on standing silently there….
(暮れ残りの、地平の微かな赤味に体が溶かされて、魂だけがそこにある様な感覚…) Feeling like my body is dissolved by the faint redness that the dusk left is of the horizon, and only my soul is there….
(悲しくも美しい感覚…) A sense… that feel sorrowful but beautiful.
(ここに留まってはいけないと思いつつも、永遠にここに留まりたいと思ってしまう感じ…) A sensation that while thinking I suppose I shouldn't stay here, I wish to keep on remaining here eternally….
(長栂山からアヤメ平の紅葉を眺める度に、何故か、あの時の事を思い出すのです…) Every time I look at the autumn leaves of Ayame-daira from Mt. Nagatsuga, for some reason I remember how I feel of that time….
(この曲で、紅葉の長栂山からアヤメ平を見渡した時の雄大な感じと、その紅葉の繊細な美しさを表現したつもりです。) This music is that I was meant to expresses the magnificent feeling of looking over Ayame-daira from Mt. Nagatsuga and the exquisite beauty of that autumn leaves of there.
(そして、その中に、残照の中で佇んだ照葉の池で感じた侘しさや美しさを織り込んだつもりです。) And in that, I intend to have captured the desolation and beauty that I felt when I was standing still by Shouyou Pond in the afterglow of sunset.
(それに共感してくれる人が居ればうれしいのだけど…(残照の照葉の池に佇んだ奴は他にいないだろうから… 共感する人はいないよね!) I'd be happy if someone could empathize to that… (Maybe persons who had been standing still in the afterglow of Shouyou Pond are not anywhere, except me…. So, I know that no one will be able to empathize that!)