

思い出色のグラス (Glass of the color to evoke my memory)の歌詞と説明文

2021-03-28 11:15:48 | 資料

 思い出色のグラス  (Glass of the color to evoke my memory)

(lyrics translated in English)
A reflecting color in a glass 
tells me dusk.
This cafe's vibe brings a nostalgic girl's presence to my mind.

A photo of you, 
leaning against the window and smiling softly, 
brings only sorrowful memories to my heart.

When you broke up with me, 
the flow of time, which took away a little jewel of love 
that has been shining in your eyes, 
has continued even now… .

Whispers of the glass 
echoes gently in my soul.
As if it's… solacing my heart.

When I first met you,
a hope that occurred in my mind vanished without trace.
Other new hope… , 
but now I can't feel like looking for that at all.

Every time I remember 
your light maroon hair, 
I always stray into the dreamworld.
Always, and forever, 
I keep wandering in the far dreamworld… .

The color reflected in the glass 
finally turned dark indigo,
tells me that it's about time to leave here,
and urges me to make for home.

At times like this, 
even the place of memories with her in the past 
makes me feel like that I'm lost in another world which I visit for the first time.

It seems that only the whispers of the stars 
connect the present and the past, 
bring me tears,

and show me to have a dream for tomorrow.





今は 探せない

夢の世界へ入る いつも
いつまでも いつまでも






Explanation of "思い出色のグラス(Glass of the color to evoke my memory)"
(「思い出色のグラス(Glass of the color to evoke my memory)」の説明)

I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

This song was made in 1977 when I was in high school. This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、私が高校時代の、1977年頃に作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 Recently, traditional style's cafes are rarely found in Japan. The town I spent until high school was a commuter town in a small local city, but at that time there were many cafes in the town. Among them, there were some cafes with a nice ambiance for me. (最近、日本では、喫茶店を見かける事は、殆どなくなりました。私が高校時代まで過ごした町は、小さな地方都市のベッドタウンですが、その頃は喫茶店が町内に何軒もありました。そんな中には、私にとって良い雰囲気の喫茶店もありました。)
 At that time, I had no lover. Originally, it was not my favourite songs that expressed the subtleties of the hearts of men and women… . It may be because of the phrase that came to mind. Or it may be the influence of "Yosui Inoue" or "Kaguyahime". I made a song like this even if it was different from my musical directions. (当時の私に、恋人がいた訳ではありません。元々、男女の心の機微を歌った歌は、あまり好きではなかったのですが…。浮かんだフレーズの所為かもしれません。或いは、「井上陽水」や「かぐや姫」の影響かもしれません。柄にもなく、このような歌を作ってしまいました。)
 This song is a song that he remember parted lover at the cafe where he used to spend time with her in the past and he felt sad.(この歌は、別れた恋人との思い出の喫茶店で、彼女の事を思い出して、切ない思いをするという歌です。)
 When I was in high school, I liked to drink cold melon soda at a cafe. I didn't have much money so I couldn't go to the cafe so many times a month… . I used to drink slowly while listening to the whispering sound of the ice melting. Then, by the time the rest was about 1/4, the taste was so light that it was painful. (私は、高校時代、喫茶店で冷たいメロンソーダを飲むのが好きでした。お金は余り持ってなかったので、月に、そう何度も行けませんでしたが…。氷が解ける時の囁きの様な音を聞きながら、ゆっくりと飲むのが常でした。すると、残りが1/4ぐらいになる頃には、切ないほどの薄味になっていました。)
 At the window seats, when dusk came, there was a sadly but beautiful ambiance, and I really liked that. I wrote this song which assume how did I feel if I would have a lover who was separated from me and if I spend time at the window seat of this dusk cafe where was a memorable cafe. (窓辺の席で、夕暮れを迎えると、切なくも美しい雰囲気が有り、それがとても好きでした。)自分に分かれた恋人がいたとして、この夕暮れの喫茶店の窓辺の席で過ごしたら、それが思い出の喫茶店であったとしたら、どんな気分になるだろうと思いながら、この歌を作りました。)
 Unless you say, "I don't like this kind of song", I'd be happy if you could listen to it.(「こんな歌は嫌いだ」と言うのでなければ、聞いて頂けると嬉しく思います。)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)


