The three City directors convicted of conspiracy to commit fraud with a biofuel scam last week have been sentenced to a total of 28 years in jail
主犯であるサステナブル・アグロエネジー社の役員には13年、共犯のサステナブル・グロース社のCEO兼会長には9年、SJ Stone社の役員には6年の禁固刑が言い渡されました。
Gary West, the former director and chief commercial officer of Sustainable AgroEnergy Plc (SAE), was yesterday sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment, while associates James Whale, the CEO and chairman of Sustainable Growth Group, and Stuart Stone, director of SJ Stone, received nine and six years respectively.
The trio had been found guilty last Friday (5 December) of fraud, furnishing false information, trading fraudulently, and committing other offences under the 2010 Bribery Act, after the Serious Fraud Office had investigated an SAE scheme involving the selling and promotion of “green biofuel” jatropha tree plantations, based in Cambodia.
The green biofuel products were sold to investors, who invested primarily through self-invested pension plans (SIPPs). They were deliberately misled into believing SAE owned land in Cambodia, that the land was planted with jatropha tree plantations, and that there was an insurance policy in place to protect investors if the crops failed.
元裁判官と東証元社員 金融商品取引法違反の罪で在宅起訴(NHKより)
府営住宅の一室にペーパー会社、「マネロン」に悪用か 中国籍と日本人の会社役員を容疑で再逮捕(京都新聞より)
風俗店を許可なく内偵調査、虚偽の報告書作成 名古屋国税局の幹部を訓告処分(中日新聞より)
地区連銀元幹部がインサイダー取引 監督情報で金融株取引―米司法省(時事より)