例文 本物のジェットコースタに乗る体験に比べると、スクリーンで動画を見ても、顧客はそれほど興奮を覚えない。
私案 本物のジェットコースタに乗る体験は、ジェットコースタに乗る動画をスクリーンで見ることより、顧客を興奮させる。
Experiencing the ridng of a real jet coaster excites the cutomer than seeing the moving video of the riding.
A customer experience an less excitement by seeing the movie image of riding the real jet coaster than by experiencing of riding it.
参考訳 As compared with their experience of the ride in real time, customers would not feel much excitement by seeing a moving image on the screen.
原文 Seeing a moving image on a computer screen is simply not as exciting as feeling the ride in real time.