Malandro’s website


9・11, the terror attacks in 2,001AD (H.13、BE2,544、AH1,421、JE2,661、ROC90年)

2011-09-11 01:23:01 | 記録
Photos:from Newsweek & MSN

件名:Message for Mr. M.S.
受信日時:2002/1/8 03:11

Dear Mr. S. ;

I just wanted to let you know that I just received your message to me, Richard A. and Peter S. , which you tried to send to us on 12 Sept 01!

Mr. T. Tsunoda of Class NK, London, forwarded your message to ABS Europe by mail on 26 October 01--and I just received it on return to office following the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

Thank you very much for your message. Peter S. moved to ABS Hamburg, Germany well before 11 Sept 01, but Richard A. , I and 9 other ABS staff were there, on the north face of the 91st floor of Tower One when the first plane came in right above us. We all managed to get out--without serious injuries--though several were knocked down and injured when Tower Two collapsed. As far as we know, no one got out of Tower One from above the 91st floor. We count our blessings everyday!

Again, thank you for your kind message--which has finally found its way to us in our new office in Paramus, New Jersey. I hope you have had good holidays and that all is well with you.

Please let me know if you get this message.


Steve McIn.
45 Eisenhower Drive
Paramus, New Jersey 07652
tele: 201-226-5***
fax: 201-226-5***

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