The Great Animal Food Hunt
In a small restaurant in the hot spring town, the animals gathered. Bunny Woo, Bear Koo, and Squirrel Ricky were talking happily.
Woo hopped around the field and found a bright red tomato that tasted sour and delicious. "This tomato is really tasty!" Woo said proudly.
Koo shook the trees and collected almonds with a nice roasted flavor and a bit of sweetness. "No, no, almonds are the best!" Koo said confidently.
Ricky climbed the trees and found fresh apples with a strong sweet and sour taste. "I love these apples!" Ricky said proudly.
While they were competing to see which food was the tastiest, the restaurant owner came over and said, "They all look delicious, let's cook with them." After a while, the owner brought out three special curry dishes with tomato, almond, and apple as secret ingredients. It was January 22nd, Curry Rice Day. The animals happily tasted the curry and said, "They are all delicious!" They spent a fun day together, smiling and talking.
Today's Key Word: Tomato
Tomato (トマト / Tomato): A bright red fruit that is often used in cooking. It has a sour and delicious taste.
Example: "Woo found a bright red tomato in the field."
例文: 「ウーちゃんは野原で真っ赤なトマトを見つけました。」