1.Charles Dickensの小説は大抵が扉のつぎに‘Characters’(登場人物表)を載せているが、このリスト(1980年代現在)には誤謬が含まれていた。Hard Timesでは"THOMAS GRADGRIND, his youngest son; a selfish ..."とあり、The Chimes in Christmas Booksでは"TUGBY, porter to Sir James Bowley"とある。これらは誤謬で、それぞれ、"THOMAS GRADGRIND, his eldest son; a selfish ..."、"TUGBY, porter to Sir Joseph Bowley"が正しい。この資料をOxford University Press に送り、同社から2通の書簡で謝辞と共に、上記の指摘が正しい旨、回答を得た。約100年間、誤記が見過ごされていたことになる。
2.Murray, James A. H., et al., eds. The Oxford English Dictionary. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1933, 1989)に対し、"material" "quotations" "additions and corrections" など4、50の資料を提供した。この業績により、Oxford 社から5通の謝状を得た。
3.Norton Critical Editions, Charles Dickens, Hard Times: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Sources, and Contemporary Reactions, Criticism. Edited by George Ford and Sylvère Monod. (New York: Norton, 1966) はタイトルにあるようにHard Times.の権威テクストである。しかし本書には幾らかの不備が含まれ、拙稿For a Better Norton Critical Edition of Hard Times (Studia Anglistica No. 2 [1982] 所収)で指摘した。この業績により、① Monod教授(b. 1921-d. 2006)から’your eagle eyes’の評価を得た ② Charles Dickens. Hard Times(New York & London: Norton& Company, 2nd. ed., 1990, p. xii. / 3rd ed., 2001, pp. x, 239. / 4th ed., 2017, p. 253)に私の氏名が出た ③ 本論を含むHart Times関係5点の論文でPhilip Collins教授(b. 1923- d. 2007)から次の評価を得た:‛You must be not only the champion Japanese scholar on these topics, but also in many areas of verbal and textual detail the world champion!’
4.The Letters of Charles Dickens. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 12 vols.)のSupplements の作成に貢献した。この業績により、Andrews, Malcolm, ed. The Dickensian に私の氏名が10回出た。なお同書簡の更なる不備を指摘し、Andrews教授から2019年8月28日付で”Thank you for your sharp-eyed alert to the Pilgrim inconsistency”の謝辞を得た。
5.インターネット上の討論の場The Dickens Forumに19回登場した。その中に、Forumの編集者Patrick McCarthy教授(b. 1922 - d. 2019)の次の記事(dated 11 November 2011)が含まれる。
Friends of the Forum,
Being under the scrutiny of your fellow subscriber, Takashi Terauchi (Mr.) occasionally makes your editor nervous about his own fastidiousness. Writing from Nomura, Kusatsu City, Shiga, Japan, Mr. Takashi Terauchi has been scrutinizing the text of the 12-volume Pilgrim Edition of _The Letters of Charles Dickens_ with the eye of a hawk.
6.The Mystery of Edwin Drood is Finished, not “Unfinished”を執筆しホームページに掲載。これがネット上のフォーラムVICTORIA (the online discussion forum for Victorian Studies)の目に留まり、2020年7月4日付で世界に配信され次の反応を得た。
① I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get round to reading your essay on Drood with its highly ingenious argument identifying Grewgious’s clerk Bazzard as the mysterious Datchery who suddenly appears in Cloisterham and its discovery of such great significance in the title of his play The Thorn of Anxiety. The essay does contain rather a lot of unproven, and often rather startling, assertions, such as that Dickens underwent a ‘spiritual conversion’ after Katey left Gad’s Hill, that he showed Ellen his will, and that his death resulted from an overdose of opium, but it certainly makes for lively reading and is calculated to send one back to the text with fresh interest. I am sure it must have occasioned some lively discussion when you read it to the Japan Dickens Fellowship. Thank you again for sharing it with me. (By Professor Michael Slater、dated 9 July 2020)
② Thank you for the two links leading to your articles which I found very interesting. I apologise for not writing sooner but it took me time to read the two articles and I am going to publish the first one about Charles Dickens (with the link naturally) life and excellent piece about his work. Not the second one as I don't quite understand it and the mind you wrote it; besisdes I'd rather avoid talking of a private aspect as faith and moral behaviour, as it can be so differently interpreted. I hope you don't mind though and I 'll make the most of the first one. (By Professor Annpôl KASSIS, dated 7 October 2020) 文中のthe first oneはThe Mystery of Edwin Droodを指す。the second oneは下記著書Charles Dickens: his last 13 years.の前半部分を指し、その後、後半部分を提示し、現在反応待ち。
4.Revivalism and Conversion Literature: From Wesley to Dickens. Hon’s ペンギン、2005.
6.Charles Dickens: his last 13 years. ブックコム、2011.
7.「ユダヤは『律法』で滅びキリスト者は『律法』破棄で勝利した―閉塞の支配知識階級と無学者の突破」、鶴見良次・編『成城イングリッシュ モノグラフ』第43号、青木健教授退職記念号(東京:成城大学大学院文学研究科、2012年3月、224-25頁).
Stonehouse, J. H., ed. Catalogue of the Library of Charles Dickens from Gadshill … Catalogue of the Library of W. M. Thackeray…(London: Piccadilly Fountain Press, 1935), with “FOREWORD” by Takashi Terauchi, a member of the Japan Branch of the Dickens Fellowship.(自費出版、2003年) 本復刻本はThe Dickensian (Spring 2004) の“Brief Notices” (pp. 62-63)とDickens Quarterly (June 2004)で紹介された。
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