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What is noble?

2012-03-19 10:12:27 | 地球環境・基地問題・政治関連

Let me introduce my dear friend, Yuki. She is very sweet and active and has given much good influence on me.


To make a long story short, she is the person who brought me to YCU.


She is a graduate of YCU (Yokohama City University)


She is proficient in English and learning other languages.


Here is her blog. 


She wrote about 3・11(3月11日を迎えて), and I found some same feeling with her as always. 





I  enjoyed and learned a lot from three courses I took at the university last semester, one was discussion class called "世界で報道される日本”. 


I found this article, and wrote a paper, requirement was limited, so it's not enough to explain all I think. I have changed some.  


NY Times  Sympathy for Japan, and Admiration by Nicholas Kristof

↓ こちらは昨日見付けました。共感が持てます。


↓ 提出したものから一部変更しています。


What is noble?                

My 93-year-old quiet, humble, patient, and dutiful father in law said that it was the first experience for him to have such a big earthquake.

All my friends I met after the disaster asked each other where we were how we did on 3.11. And some of my American friends sent me emails or phone calls and asked me how we were doing. They concerned about us much more than I expected. The way they act moved me in a sense, did I ever concern about them before, that’s I thought. 

I’ve read "Sympathy for Japan, and Admiration" By Nicholas Kristof, on New York Times the Opinion Pages, March 11, 2011. 

His observation toward Japanese is relevant.

Especially, what he said on article, “Japan’s civility masks problems with bullying from schools to the work place, gangs like the yakuza rake in profits from illegal activity, and politicians and construction tycoons exchanging favors so as to loot the taxpayer” 


 I really appreciate that he and my friends gave us sympathy and admiration with sincere words. However, I’ m afraid it is true that Japan’s civility masks problem cause bullying. 

I’m not sure I could say this bullying, but I would say it is a kind of bullying, another word, or I would say it's "Osekkai" means none of your business. 

I saw some other article complaining about Japanese education and people’s conversations.

In the article, “Our language became poor according to the development of economy or the situation of peace”.

Well I might sometime feel that people talk more frankly than the time I was raised, but

I can’t understand what she said that why the situation of peace made our language poor.

We should think that it is good chance if different generations can talk as friends; people will express their feeling honestly. 


