Taken by NK
The 2013 Harvest Moon for the Northern Hemisphere came on September 19th, a few days before autumnal equinox on September 23rd.
I saw it, it was so beautiful, and I've never seen such a shining, brightening big full moon before. I could even see without my glasses, actually looked bigger than with glasses.
It was so touching, and I called my husband, and asked him to take pictures. I told my son about it, and he ran to see it too. Good!
先日ご紹介させていただいた Ritsuko Kagawa Nakata ∇ IIEEC MAT EVENT(Facebook)のページに興味深いことが書かれています。参考になさってください。
Have you ever seen the "Man in the Moon"? In Japan we can see a "rabbit".(quote)