Tomorrow is another day #Peace on Earth #Save Okinawa


Inspiration & techniques

2011-07-17 17:08:53 | 日々雑感

This is the time to find a lifelong study(生涯学習)for me. Since April, I have started walking, stretching with Yoga-like, taking flower arrangement lessons, and taking enough time to talk over with my close friends which I have missed for a long time.

私にとって、生涯学習を考える時なのでありましょうか。 4月以来、新たにウォーキング、ヨガを取り入れたストレッチ、フラワーアレンジメントのレッスン、それから心置きなく話せる親しい友人との語らい、こちらが一番普段の生活に欠けていたものかもしれません。

And finally, I took a painting lesson at Yokohama Civic Art Gallery thanks to my friend who taught me about these painting classes. I couldn't finish painting during the class, but it was fantastic to see beautiful techniques of the teacher who has a wonderful inspiration and techniques with delightful companies who love painting. 


I got some of painting materials when I took colored pencil painting classes a few years ago, because I wanted to draw or paint pictures like children do who usually don't hesitate to do it.  I was going to use pastel to paint, but I thought it's better to take water colors too to learn the new techniques, so I ran to the super market to buy one, but I couldn't manage it, I don't know what to do with it even the teacher explained it clearly, this is the way we learn something for the first time.   

お絵かきは子どもたちと同じように伸び伸びと絵が描けるようにと、数年前に色鉛筆教室に通って以来、その時に、ある程度の絵画セットを揃えてありました。 今回、パステルでいいかな~と思いつつ、やはり水彩もと、前日にスーパーに駆け込み、スクール水彩セットを購入しましたが、そのセット内の筆では、その技法は無理でした。

  &  ひよっこ の私、先生の技法の説明を聞いても、材質とかその他の基本的なことが分かってないので、中々取り掛かれない。まあ、何か初めてやることは誰でも大体そうでしょう。

But it was so much fun to paint something and see the different colors.


Thank you so much for the program! What a nice place I live in!

楽しい企画をありがとうございました。 私ってなんて素敵なところに住んでいるのでしょう!

