From 12:00 on 3/8 (Wednesday), "Hoca Higuchi SUMIBISHIN®︎ Exhibition" will be held.
SUMIBISHIN®︎ is a beautiful being like a goddess drawn with Sumi-ink by Hoca Higuchi.
(SUMIBISHIN®︎ is a registered trademark of Hoca Higuchi.)

In this solo exhibition,
I will also exhibit the work finished as "SUMIBISHIN®︎ Kimono Kakejiku(hanging scroll)".
"SUMIBISHIN®︎ kimono Kakejiku(hanging scroll)" is a creative hanging scroll that uses kimono,
which is a traditional Japanese costume, as a material, and is made by layering kimono on Hoca Higuchi's work "SUMIBISHIN®︎".
This is a new and unique form of hanging scroll like no other.
which Hoca Higuchi personally handles from the selection of the fabric to the mounting.
It is traditional culture to display the hanging scroll in the alcove in Japan,
SUMIBISHIN®︎ Kimono hanging scrolls are designed to be displayed in Western-style houses,
Finished so that it can be hung in a small space such as an entrance or hallway.
I would appreciate it if many people could see it.

Waters of March ~水ぬくみ花ほどく~
12:00 ~ 18:30(最終日は16:00迄)
会場:銀座画廊 美の起原(中央区銀座8-4-2)
Solo exhibition [Hoca Higuchi SUMIBISHIN®︎]
3/8 (Wed.) - 3/14 (Tue.) Closed on Sundays
12:00 - 18:30 (until 16:00 on the last day)
Venue: Ginza Gallery The Origin of Art (8-4-2 Ginza, Chuo-ku)
#樋口鳳香 #墨美神 #すみびしん #墨美神きもの掛軸 #水墨美人画 #アートフェア #hocahiguchi #sumibishin #sumie #ART #Hangingscroll #suibokuga #kimono #水墨画 #SDGs #着物 #きもの色紙 #墨美神きものドレス #美の起原 #アート投資
From 12:00 on 3/8 (Wednesday), "Hoca Higuchi SUMIBISHIN®︎ Exhibition" will be held.
SUMIBISHIN®︎ is a beautiful being like a goddess drawn with Sumi-ink by Hoca Higuchi.
(SUMIBISHIN®︎ is a registered trademark of Hoca Higuchi.)

In this solo exhibition,
I will also exhibit the work finished as "SUMIBISHIN®︎ Kimono Kakejiku(hanging scroll)".
"SUMIBISHIN®︎ kimono Kakejiku(hanging scroll)" is a creative hanging scroll that uses kimono,
which is a traditional Japanese costume, as a material, and is made by layering kimono on Hoca Higuchi's work "SUMIBISHIN®︎".
This is a new and unique form of hanging scroll like no other.
which Hoca Higuchi personally handles from the selection of the fabric to the mounting.
It is traditional culture to display the hanging scroll in the alcove in Japan,
SUMIBISHIN®︎ Kimono hanging scrolls are designed to be displayed in Western-style houses,
Finished so that it can be hung in a small space such as an entrance or hallway.
I would appreciate it if many people could see it.

Waters of March ~水ぬくみ花ほどく~
12:00 ~ 18:30(最終日は16:00迄)
会場:銀座画廊 美の起原(中央区銀座8-4-2)
Solo exhibition [Hoca Higuchi SUMIBISHIN®︎]
3/8 (Wed.) - 3/14 (Tue.) Closed on Sundays
12:00 - 18:30 (until 16:00 on the last day)
Venue: Ginza Gallery The Origin of Art (8-4-2 Ginza, Chuo-ku)
#樋口鳳香 #墨美神 #すみびしん #墨美神きもの掛軸 #水墨美人画 #アートフェア #hocahiguchi #sumibishin #sumie #ART #Hangingscroll #suibokuga #kimono #水墨画 #SDGs #着物 #きもの色紙 #墨美神きものドレス #美の起原 #アート投資