回胴式遊技機技術研究 J-Slot Amusement Specification


Easy way to take it off and insert it again of Nichiatu made XH contact pin

2023-03-10 10:48:59 | 日記
Easy way to take it off and insert it again of Nichiatu made XH contact pin

This is the contact pin made by Nichiatu.
No matter how you pull strongly the contact pin which is inserted once never pull off.
However, there is an easy way to take it off. You should prepare something sharp top.
Please push the stopper flap using it.
The flap becomes horizontal and then you will be able to pull off it easily.
When you insert it again that flap should need to be up.
A thin board like a cutter knife will be useful.
Let me show you to take it off and insert it again.

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