回胴式遊技機技術研究 J-Slot Amusement Specification


Exciting Juggler the rate changeable version

2021-04-22 16:22:25 | 日記

This is the Japanese famous slot machine named Juggler made by Kitac Co.Ltd.We remodeled it to the rate changeable version. In ordinally players challenge in three-bet. This machine will be able to challenge the X2 rate or X3 rate. When the player sets the rate in X2, it will be able to six-bet play. In the samely, when the player sets in X3, it will be able to nine-bet play. Of course, the return will be X2or X3. This is the trial-developed product. If you have something different idea please show it to us. We will be able to reflect it in the product. We are recruiting supporters who are able to invest develop budgets.

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