

suny sunday

2005-08-21 00:54:30 | オーストラリア
I cannot find the way to type in Japanese!! plz tell me....

today was a really sunny day. but i had to study... havent finished yet. what am i supposed to do...?

i went to Coles with Jap friends today(supermarket). Actually i did not intend to go to Coles, i was supporsed to go to the cleaner's in front of Coles to take the dress there. But the cleaner's was closed. I have to go there tomorrow...
btw everytime i go there i buy something not so important...
today i bought two sweets and a cake of soap.again.....

After that, i tried to study but couldnt concentrate at all. My ability to concentrate is missing these days. I dont wanna study!!

and today's meal time was terrible..because i chose unusual seat and could not speak with ppl. miss choice...i was lonely... i usually dont work out my strategy to get closer with someone.i mean i am bad at making friends. i think i should have thought about it when i first came here. its a bit late..

then i go back to my room and get to the work in earnest. but it is so difficult to write english analysis..i dont think i can finish this assignment..want to cry...

i went to the Shop(which is inside the dorm and open from9:30-10:00)for a change. we can buy some snacks in that shop.the room where the shop locates is called Game room. we can play pool and ping-pong there. i played ping-pong today. it was really fun! At first it was normal ping-pon but after all it changed to cooking ping-pong.we used SHAMOJI and flying pan instead of paddles!
it was short time but a great breather for me.