


2006-02-27 09:36:03 | オーストラリア
Finally, loooong holiday is over. Im going to the classes this afternoon.
O-week(orientation week) was fun. IH had a lot of events like City Rally, Pub crawl, Wet n Wild, Overnight Stay.... I enjoyed all of them(Overnight stay was so-so though), but at the same time, I felt that I'm no longer young..... Everybody is too young!( I mean, not only their actual age, but their mind)

Because of this long holiday, I haven't got ready for school yet. I'm a little bit nervous because I haven't study for more than 3 months!! I hope I can make it through this semester.

Some changes happened in 2006 IH
animal1 Kitchen and Cleaner's company (Worse than before!?)
animal1 Raise of washing machine and dryer price (40cents each)
animal1 mini bar counter in Ivor Cribb.
animal1 TV in B tower common(Just after i left B tower)
What else...?